We hear that you want even more roleplay! So let's see if these old friends will actually see reason and switch sides or fail miserably!
Game and Adventure Path by Paizo Publishing- www.paizo.com
Background music provided by Syrinscape - https://syrinscape.com/
Music and background effects are licensed courtesy of Epidemic Sound - www.epidemicsound.com
Theme music by Angelo Di Loreto - https://angelodiloreto.com/
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The exhausted adventurers still fight for their lives in this episode, Ooh shows off her incredible prowess, and we find out what happens when...
With either a magma dragon or an apocalypse engine looming around in the dark, the party finds an unexpected ally among the rubble that...
Game and Adventure Path by Paizo Publishing- www.paizo.com Background music provided by Tabletop Audio - http://tabletopaudio.com Theme music by Angelo Di Loreto - https://angelodiloreto.com/...