The Cracked Die Podcast - Episode 12 - Building Tension in Two Dimensions

Episode 12 November 21, 2019 01:08:28
The Cracked Die Podcast - Episode 12 - Building Tension in Two Dimensions
The Cracked Die Podcast
The Cracked Die Podcast - Episode 12 - Building Tension in Two Dimensions

Nov 21 2019 | 01:08:28


Show Notes

Find out the fate of everyone's favorite/least favorite Hellknight! Also, the king who was promised finds all the writing utensils he never wanted. 

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:45] Speaker A: My name is Matt. I play Twin Talon in the show. I know a lot of people were kind of upset with the way last episode ended, but I wanted to assuage your fears. There will definitely be Lore architecture checks, at least one in this episode, so no worries there. Anything else important? I think that was it. Oh, right. [00:01:07] Speaker B: Alec. [00:01:08] Speaker A: So it seems from what little we have seen of this adventure path, that Hell Knights are going to play a large role. Or they might. We've seen Alec, who was a Order of the Nail armager. We're in an old Hell Knight citadel. So those of you out there may or may not be familiar with what Hell Knights are. [00:01:29] Speaker C: So I thought I would take a. [00:01:30] Speaker A: Moment, just very briefly, go over who they are, what they represent, so you can maybe understand better their motivations or how people perceive them in Galerian, the world in which pathfinder takes place. So the Hell Knights are a collection of Knightly orders with a unique focus on the promugation of law. They are interested less in the social goodness and charity typical of paladins or champions like Brianna, but rather in the foundation and stringent maintenance of Order at all costs. In their iron handed x action of law, specifically the laws of their various Orders and their home country of Cheliacs, hell Knights emulate the organized, ineffective armies of Hell. They are not concerned with morality or methods, only results if people cannot be trusted to obey the law out of their own sense of civility and social righteousness. Hell Knights provide the need to obey out of a fear of a master's stern hand. So how do you become a Hell Knight? Well, the entrance exam, if you will. The test to get in is to defeat a devil, which is different than a demon, a devil of greater than your level. So if Alec was level two, he would need to fight a devil with three hit dice or greater to get in to be a Hell Knight officially. As for the Order of the Nail, the Order that Alec was trying to become a part of, they idealize civilized societies and seek to unite all people in advancing that cultural baseline. And again, civilized societies being Chelliacs. In fact, the Order of the Nails members preach that anyone who doesn't embrace their own culture is a criminal and a heathen who must be destroyed. The Order's members idealize the lifestyles and challenges of the frontier settlers, no matter the displacement, indignation or cruelty they may visit upon those who were there before. So that's the order of the nail. Those are the Hell Knights. That's the guy who's currently coughing up blood. I'm guessing you actually want to hear what happened with that. So let's get back to the table for episode twelve, building Tension in Two Dimensions. [00:03:42] Speaker B: Welcome to the 12th episode of the Crackdype podcast, getting Up There. [00:03:48] Speaker D: Getting There. Yeah. [00:03:49] Speaker E: This is a dozen. [00:03:50] Speaker F: If we were a baby, that's what twelve means. [00:03:53] Speaker B: Yeah, we'd be twelve years old. [00:03:56] Speaker F: We would be twelve days old. [00:03:58] Speaker A: Previously on The Cracked Die Podcast our. [00:04:03] Speaker B: Heroes fight and defeat the graveshells. After taking a moment to heal after the combat, our heroes decide to continue adventuring through the citadel. They discover the warg puppy's father. After dealing with the adult warg, alec seems to fall ill. What's wrong with Alec? What did twin talon lean in to say to him? Find out now on the Cracked Die podcast. All right, so I know I was really cruel at the end of last episode, and I'm not sure what you're talking about. Twin talon leading down to a dying alec about to whisper something. So let's get back into the story. Pond, Watcher and Silver, you guys are in the other room. Such a dick. [00:04:54] Speaker G: Yes, we're going to the so pleased with going to explore into the immediate next room. [00:05:01] Speaker E: I like walking around in rooms. [00:05:05] Speaker B: This room. You guys looked around? There's a bunch of bookshelves. It looks like a law library. [00:05:11] Speaker G: Yes, we have no interest in the. [00:05:12] Speaker B: Law or the library, apparently. [00:05:15] Speaker G: Okay, well, it's a law library, right? [00:05:18] Speaker E: Let's look for books about swords or dragons. [00:05:22] Speaker G: I want to go into the other room. [00:05:24] Speaker B: All right. [00:05:24] Speaker E: You sure you don't want to look. [00:05:25] Speaker B: At these books to the west? Well, or to the north? [00:05:29] Speaker G: I do, but I also want gold. [00:05:33] Speaker E: Last time you went for gold, a giant dog jumped at you and bit my best friend Alex's shoulder. [00:05:39] Speaker G: Do you want me to look through these books? I can look through these books. [00:05:41] Speaker E: I really don't care, to be honest with you. [00:05:44] Speaker G: All right, let's go in the other room. Okay, I'll go back and look at these. [00:05:46] Speaker B: There's a room to your north, there's a door to your north and then door to your west. [00:05:51] Speaker G: Let's go west. [00:05:52] Speaker B: Go west. [00:05:53] Speaker E: I open the door. [00:05:54] Speaker B: All right. Rows of desks here have been bolted to the floor. [00:05:58] Speaker E: Desks and books and shelves and desks. [00:06:00] Speaker B: Though many of the cramped workspaces have been smashed to pieces or otherwise defaced. Wooden chairs have been thrown aside like discarded playthings. [00:06:13] Speaker E: Seems like my house at home. [00:06:15] Speaker G: Yes, well, my house at home. [00:06:17] Speaker E: That doesn't make any sense. [00:06:19] Speaker G: Let's go to the door to the north. [00:06:23] Speaker B: Okay, you're not going in that room. You're just going to look in there and see that. [00:06:25] Speaker G: No, we'll go into that. [00:06:26] Speaker B: Okay. You're going to go in that room. [00:06:27] Speaker E: Let's just look around the desks and. [00:06:28] Speaker G: See if there's any yeah, well, I'll do a quick little glance around first. [00:06:32] Speaker B: What is your perception? Bonuses plus six. [00:06:34] Speaker E: Plus five. [00:06:37] Speaker B: Matt. What did I roll? [00:06:38] Speaker C: That's two natural 20s. [00:06:42] Speaker H: Boom. [00:06:43] Speaker F: One in 400 shot. [00:06:45] Speaker E: Okay, so we find pens, quills you do, damn it. [00:06:50] Speaker B: But you also find dear Diary, you actually find enough pens, quills, and ink and paper to come up with six writing sets, which you can sell for one gold each. [00:07:05] Speaker F: OOH, nice. [00:07:06] Speaker G: Okay. [00:07:06] Speaker B: Also, you find an owl bear claw. [00:07:11] Speaker G: Oh, this is right up your alley. Wait a minute. [00:07:13] Speaker C: Is it like a bear claw? Like the pastry? [00:07:15] Speaker B: No, owl bear claw. Right? [00:07:16] Speaker C: I mean, like, it's like a bigger bear claw. [00:07:18] Speaker B: No, this is a magical item that you can find on the Core Book and Rule of Pathfinder and page 570. Oh, shit. [00:07:24] Speaker G: Should I do an arcana on that? [00:07:27] Speaker B: Yes, please. [00:07:28] Speaker G: All right. Arcana check. [00:07:30] Speaker C: I think it takes ten minutes. [00:07:32] Speaker B: It does. [00:07:34] Speaker E: We're going to catch up. [00:07:35] Speaker G: Oh, do we want me to do it now or keep exploring before I do the arcana check. I'm happy to pocket this owl bear claw. [00:07:42] Speaker C: How long does research in this room take? [00:07:44] Speaker B: Yeah, it's taken about ten minutes to find everything. [00:07:48] Speaker G: Okay, well, I think we're a couple of rooms away, so I might as well figure out what this Albert thing is. [00:07:54] Speaker B: So while you're doing that yeah, I crushed it. [00:07:56] Speaker G: It was 16 on the die. [00:07:58] Speaker B: Okay. So that's for you. [00:08:00] Speaker E: Oh, cool. [00:08:01] Speaker B: Let's cut back. Is there anyone else I can now you're all in the same room. [00:08:08] Speaker C: Well, seria and yeah. [00:08:09] Speaker B: What are soraya Brianna and Brianna doing? [00:08:11] Speaker H: Making out. Clearly. [00:08:13] Speaker C: Clearly. [00:08:14] Speaker H: Hello. [00:08:15] Speaker D: What? [00:08:15] Speaker H: No, I mean, having girl talk. Having girl talk? Yeah. Brianna is helping Surea move around since she cannot really can't do all right on her own. [00:08:24] Speaker B: What's your perception? Bonus. Rihanna Three. Great. While you're looking around or while you're helping her around, you trip over a book. A small, black book. All right, I guess this is enough of avoidance. [00:08:42] Speaker C: You don't want to do, like, a commercial break or anything? [00:08:44] Speaker B: No, I don't want to actually tell. [00:08:46] Speaker D: Her about the book. [00:08:47] Speaker B: No. I will make a fortitude saving throw, because whenever you advance your stage of poison, you get a chance to reduce it. And if it's a critical success, it reduces it by two. He made a first fortitude saving throw, so now this is his second one to see if he takes a D six of damage or just a D four. That is a ten on the die with his minus one. So that's nine, plus his bonus of seven. [00:09:16] Speaker G: Eight. [00:09:18] Speaker B: So that's 17 DC's 18. DC's 18. So he takes the D six of damage like we did last. So now Twin Talon has leaned down close to Alex face as he is now at dying one. [00:09:32] Speaker C: So the thing about Hell Knights is they come in the guise of assistance to bring law and order. But really what they are is a poison, and they destroy cities and families and cultures from the inside out. You only have to suffer through this for a few moments while the Hell Knights have done this for decades, maybe centuries, and until someone stops them, they will continue to do it. You get off easy. [00:10:12] Speaker B: All right, so after another minute, he gets to to make another saving throw, and he is now at sicken two. [00:10:20] Speaker C: Well, my question is yes. He's at dying one. [00:10:23] Speaker B: Correct. [00:10:24] Speaker C: Doesn't he? Every round. [00:10:26] Speaker B: Oh, every round he has to make. [00:10:27] Speaker C: A fortitude save to come out of that. [00:10:32] Speaker B: That is a nine. [00:10:33] Speaker G: Is it just a flat roll or is it a fortitude roll? [00:10:35] Speaker E: It's a flat roll, isn't it? [00:10:37] Speaker D: Yes. [00:10:37] Speaker B: The DC is ten plus his dying value. So it's eleven. He rolls a nine. So that is not enough. [00:10:44] Speaker C: So he goes to dying two. [00:10:45] Speaker B: That goes to dying like a con check. It's just a no. Ouch. So now it's a twelve. [00:10:50] Speaker D: Oh, good grief. [00:10:51] Speaker B: He rolls a two. He's at dying three. That is a 14. [00:10:59] Speaker H: I'm sorry, we don't see this happening. [00:11:01] Speaker B: Well, you see him dying. [00:11:05] Speaker F: Okay, it's obvious to Temit that he's dying right now. [00:11:10] Speaker B: Yes. He's now at dying two. [00:11:12] Speaker G: Well, when you dying three, he came. [00:11:14] Speaker D: Out of dying three. [00:11:16] Speaker B: He made the save on dying three, so it reduces it by one. [00:11:19] Speaker C: Oh, okay, so he's back to dying dying two. [00:11:21] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:11:21] Speaker F: So at what point do you think Temid would be able to get to him? [00:11:26] Speaker B: Now. [00:11:27] Speaker F: Now? [00:11:28] Speaker B: Yes, you can approach him now. [00:11:30] Speaker F: Okay. [00:11:30] Speaker B: By the way, you did not hear what? [00:11:32] Speaker F: Twin talent no, of course he doesn't know what's I mean, as far as from Temid's perspective. Twin talon is just hovering over him, maybe checking to see what's wrong with him. [00:11:40] Speaker B: Yeah, he doesn't happen so fast. [00:11:43] Speaker F: What's going on here? He doesn't really have a clue, but he's going to try to at least figure out. Let's see, he's going to maybe try to give him a stabilize because he doesn't know what's wrong with him. [00:11:52] Speaker B: Sure. [00:11:53] Speaker F: So he's going to immediately try to stabilize him. He doesn't really have much healing at his disposal right now. [00:11:57] Speaker B: Okay, he rolled a four. Wow. [00:11:59] Speaker F: I'm not coming up clutches. All right, so he can't stabilize can't stabilize him. [00:12:04] Speaker H: So I'm guessing we hear you start to be like, what's going on? [00:12:09] Speaker F: Yeah, right. So he's making it clear that there's something's up. Those turtles must have had some type of poison or something. I don't know. He's not feeling well. He took a pretty bad hit from them. [00:12:21] Speaker H: I was kind of showing you the book. I'll pass this along if you want to read it. That's what we were distracted with. [00:12:26] Speaker B: That's what I'm assuming. Yeah. [00:12:28] Speaker D: You can just leave me wherever I. [00:12:29] Speaker B: Am and I'll just drop her. [00:12:31] Speaker H: Or I'll just bring you with me. I'm happy to carry around. [00:12:34] Speaker F: As you're approaching one D six damage. [00:12:36] Speaker B: He has to make another death saving throw. He's at dying two. So it's a twelve. I roll the ten. He's at dying three. You make it over. [00:12:47] Speaker E: Is Twin just standing next to him, like, looking nonchalant? [00:12:51] Speaker C: He's just watching him. [00:12:52] Speaker B: There's some intense eye contact going around this table. [00:12:56] Speaker C: He's not kneeling, but he's like, crouched down. [00:12:59] Speaker F: Do you have a focus point or something to give him, like, help? [00:13:02] Speaker H: I think so. I think I have the one I have. [00:13:06] Speaker B: You just got one back. [00:13:07] Speaker H: Exactly. Do I have to stabilize him first or just lay on hands? [00:13:15] Speaker B: Well, if you heal him, he will come up from zero, so he will no longer be dying. Magical healing should stabilize him and then heal him. [00:13:26] Speaker G: So whatever. [00:13:27] Speaker D: You heal him. [00:13:28] Speaker B: But he's still poisoned, so that will still run its course for another. [00:13:32] Speaker G: But whatever you heal him, it starts when you get healed. You have the hit points from zero on. [00:13:37] Speaker B: Zero on. But you're no longer dying. Your wounded wounded. And then if you've dropped back into dying, your wounded value becomes your dying value plus one. So do you want to just heal him? If you want to, you can just lay on hands, and it will heal him to up. [00:13:54] Speaker H: So Brianna gently puts Sareya down. She kind of, like, looks at him as trying to piece together what exactly has happened. You say it was possibly the turtles? [00:14:06] Speaker F: It's got to be something. I'm not sure. He just fell over. [00:14:09] Speaker B: He's bleeding profusely from the turtle wounds. [00:14:13] Speaker H: I see. [00:14:14] Speaker C: I think it was the warg. [00:14:16] Speaker B: Sorry. [00:14:17] Speaker E: That's right. [00:14:17] Speaker H: Well, I wouldn't know if they have poisonous bites, but here. And she'll press her hands into his wounds. How much do you heal, and I heal 1 minute. Please. I need to let it load. [00:14:32] Speaker B: Let what load? [00:14:34] Speaker H: Hero lab, of course. [00:14:35] Speaker B: Hero lab online. What's? Hero lab online? [00:14:38] Speaker F: It's a lab for heroes online. [00:14:40] Speaker G: It's an app developed by Lone wolf entertainment. [00:14:43] Speaker B: Oh, that sounds really useful. [00:14:44] Speaker C: WW hero lab. [00:14:49] Speaker F: It's also heroab online. [00:14:51] Speaker G: Yes. [00:14:52] Speaker B: Yes. How you play? Sorry, go ahead. [00:14:54] Speaker H: So I restore six hit points. [00:14:56] Speaker B: Oh, you just restore straight up restore six. Yes. [00:14:58] Speaker H: If the target is one of my allies, they also gain plus two status bonus. Two AC for around. [00:15:05] Speaker F: So now when Twin Talon tries to stab him, he'll get a plus two AC. [00:15:09] Speaker H: Well, he is prone, right? [00:15:10] Speaker C: Is it a flat six, or did you have to roll? [00:15:13] Speaker H: It just says flat six. [00:15:14] Speaker C: Okay. I just don't know how it works in this edition, so I'm just curious. [00:15:18] Speaker H: I'll read it to you if you use lay on hands on a willing living target. [00:15:21] Speaker B: Crap. [00:15:22] Speaker H: Does he have to be willing? [00:15:23] Speaker B: He's willing right now. [00:15:25] Speaker D: Cool. [00:15:25] Speaker H: You restore six hit points. [00:15:27] Speaker B: Okay, nice. Cool. All right, so he is now very reliable. So he is no longer dying. He is up six hit points. He is at wounded two three because he failed again. And we'll say that he now needs to make the fortitude save for the poison. And he is sickened too. [00:15:48] Speaker F: How many minutes has he been? [00:15:50] Speaker B: This will be four. [00:15:51] Speaker F: And it's how many minutes total for the poison? Ten minutes total for the poison? [00:15:55] Speaker B: Yes. [00:15:56] Speaker C: Five, I think. [00:15:57] Speaker D: Five. [00:15:57] Speaker B: Five minutes. Okay, so he's got that's a ten plus his seven is 17, minus two is 15, which is not enough. [00:16:07] Speaker G: It's already minus because of the second. [00:16:09] Speaker C: You don't have to right. Seven is with the minus two. Oh, okay, cool. [00:16:13] Speaker B: 17 is not enough. [00:16:15] Speaker C: So he takes two D, six points of damage. [00:16:19] Speaker E: Oh, boy. [00:16:20] Speaker B: So he has six health points, he takes five. [00:16:26] Speaker F: So he's dying four now. [00:16:28] Speaker B: No, he's at one hit point. [00:16:31] Speaker G: One hit point. And that's his fourth time doing this. [00:16:34] Speaker B: Yes. [00:16:35] Speaker C: We have to do it one more time. [00:16:36] Speaker G: All right. [00:16:37] Speaker B: Oh, boy. [00:16:40] Speaker H: I don't understand. And then I'm assuming that she'll make eye contact with a certain old friend of hers. [00:16:48] Speaker C: He is not making eye contact. [00:16:50] Speaker D: That's a 16 staring. Right. [00:16:51] Speaker B: 16 on the die. He's at sickened three. So plus six is 22. 22. And that saves yes. [00:17:03] Speaker D: And if that's number five, that is. [00:17:05] Speaker B: Five, the poison is done. [00:17:06] Speaker C: Does that mean he goes up one step? [00:17:08] Speaker B: Yes. [00:17:09] Speaker C: That means he takes one D. Six points of damage. [00:17:11] Speaker B: Yes. [00:17:11] Speaker D: Well, no, it says after the duration, the effects of the poison are done. [00:17:15] Speaker C: Right, but this is the last round. [00:17:16] Speaker B: This is the last round of it. He takes one. [00:17:22] Speaker C: No, he takes zero, which means he goes to dying one, plus his wounded level, which is wounded three, which is dying four, which means he is dead. [00:17:35] Speaker D: No. [00:17:40] Speaker G: Back to matter. [00:17:43] Speaker B: So we're going to kick over to the other group that's in the other room. All right. [00:17:49] Speaker G: I give in. Blue balls to the audience. You all have to role play that. [00:17:58] Speaker E: Meanwhile, in the desk room look at these drawers. Nice wood finishing. [00:18:07] Speaker G: You're right. You can really see some quality grain work. [00:18:10] Speaker E: Hail knights are great carpenters, apparently. [00:18:12] Speaker B: All right, there is a door to the north. [00:18:15] Speaker G: Let's go through that door. [00:18:18] Speaker B: All right, so now in the room above you, this long row of mostly empty bookshelves is remarkably untouched. Though a thick layer of dust and the smell of mildew permeates the air, a door deeper in the citadel to the east hangs conspicuously opened. [00:18:35] Speaker G: Well, that's a little bit suspicious there. Should we check that out or do you want to give me some time to look through these books? [00:18:41] Speaker E: If you'd like to read books, I can watch the door. [00:18:45] Speaker G: All right, I'm going to search for these. [00:18:47] Speaker E: Looking at these books cook up a gumbo. [00:18:51] Speaker B: How long are you going to spend? [00:18:52] Speaker E: We're ignoring the screams coming from our several rooms away. [00:18:57] Speaker B: Yeah, well, no, actually, there's a doorway to the east that leads directly into the room where they are. So if there is screaming, well, it. [00:19:08] Speaker E: Would have just started right, with the ten minutes, so no. [00:19:12] Speaker B: Well, the conversation they're about to have is going to happen while you guys are researching this room. [00:19:17] Speaker G: So we can research it or we can go to the other room. What do you think? [00:19:19] Speaker E: Well, I mean, I feel like we'd probably stop if we heard screaming. [00:19:22] Speaker D: I'm going to let you guys look. [00:19:23] Speaker B: Around that room a little bit because that's what you said. [00:19:25] Speaker E: Look for like a minute and be like, what is that? [00:19:27] Speaker B: Yeah. So then we're going to cut over to the other room where Alec has just died. I'm going to remove him from the Initiative tracker. Okay. [00:19:36] Speaker E: Oh, man. [00:19:39] Speaker G: We just killed a major NPC. [00:19:42] Speaker F: There's no wi here. [00:19:43] Speaker E: Yeah, no, there's no yeah, thanks. [00:19:45] Speaker B: I'll take his. [00:19:45] Speaker D: Jasper's gonna start yelling and flapping. [00:19:49] Speaker H: I don't understand. That never failed before. [00:19:54] Speaker D: What could? What? [00:19:56] Speaker F: It must have been a really powerful attack by that warg. [00:20:00] Speaker C: Twin Talon will stand up. [00:20:02] Speaker H: Is he still avoiding eye contact with Brianna? [00:20:04] Speaker C: Kind of brushes his pants off and starts looking around. He'll make eye contact. He did not look away from Alex's face until he breathed his last breath. [00:20:15] Speaker H: I'm guessing I know you well enough to read your expression. I don't know what you might have done or not done, but you definitely sought enjoyment in that moment. Based on your expression, I'm guessing. [00:20:26] Speaker C: No, it wasn't enjoyment. If anything, it's a satisfaction of a duty performed. So it's not that he enjoyed doing it. It was a thing that had to be done. And he has now breathed the sigh of relief that it is finished. But he's not like giggling or dancing. [00:20:46] Speaker D: Or anything like that kind of grim satisfaction. [00:20:49] Speaker E: It's not even that. [00:20:49] Speaker C: It's just he did the thing. He completed the task. I think we've all been there where we had to do a thing we didn't want to do or that was not pleasant, but we finished it. And there is some satisfaction in completing. [00:20:59] Speaker H: A task, I think. At the audible sigh of relief, maybe Brianna's face darkens and she kind of shakes her head and her fists kind of clench and goes, perhaps we shall keep moving then. [00:21:12] Speaker D: Is recalling knowledge an exploration action? [00:21:16] Speaker C: Not necessarily. You can do it in combat. [00:21:20] Speaker D: Yeah. So would my practice of alchemy allow me to maybe not know that you did it, but like, oh, this is the effect of a poison. [00:21:26] Speaker C: It is. And it takes ten minutes to do that. [00:21:28] Speaker D: Okay. So that would be an exploration then, I assume. And I can't do that because I'm fatigued. [00:21:32] Speaker C: I don't know that it is. I'd have to look at the bone. [00:21:36] Speaker F: But that is something that TEM is going to do. He is going to kind of while they're they're chatting, he's going to inspect the body now and see if he can figure out exactly what happened because he feels like he failed. [00:21:48] Speaker D: Stumble over and help you. [00:21:50] Speaker F: Yeah, he feels he failed. One of his duties was to protect the person that he now very recently decided he was going to try to help. That's a 20 total. [00:22:00] Speaker B: All right, let's see if Sereay can help figure out what's going on. [00:22:03] Speaker D: If I'm assisting or can I use like, crafting alchemy? [00:22:06] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:22:07] Speaker D: Okay. Well, if I do it as flat crafting alchemy. [00:22:10] Speaker B: It's 13 no assist. So you guys are looking at the body. You see that there is something definitely in his system. Some sort of poison or something. You don't know where it came from. You can't tell what it is because the alchemy didn't assist. But something was definitely affecting him and then he's gone. [00:22:34] Speaker C: Twin talent will pat temit on the shoulder as he's kind of scrounging over him and there's nothing either of you and he'll look up at you could have done to save him that you did not do. [00:22:46] Speaker F: You could have done more. He put his life on the line for us. And though I to be fair, he. [00:22:51] Speaker C: Put his life on his line for a ring. [00:22:54] Speaker F: Well, either way, he took a lot of damage from those creatures. [00:22:57] Speaker D: He didn't have to adventure with us, he could have done his own. [00:23:01] Speaker C: We were convenient either way. [00:23:04] Speaker H: A young man who was still finding his way in this world has lost his life. [00:23:11] Speaker B: He has a set of full plate armor, a great sword. I'm sorry, is that not what you. [00:23:19] Speaker D: Guys were looking for? [00:23:20] Speaker B: Sorry, I didn't mean to break the tension there. [00:23:22] Speaker D: Way to ruin the moment. [00:23:24] Speaker G: So what did we find out in the ten minutes it takes them to investigate? [00:23:27] Speaker B: So as you guys are looking back. [00:23:30] Speaker E: To the desks, we found the writing set. [00:23:36] Speaker B: You guys find the history of the Hell Knights that if you don't know, I can give you. [00:23:43] Speaker D: I'm just imagining like the darkest timeline scene comes back with a pizza and everything's on fire. [00:23:50] Speaker B: You basically find the basic information of what the Hell Knights are and what the order of the nail does. [00:23:56] Speaker E: Boring library. [00:23:58] Speaker G: This is so no magical tomes of. [00:24:02] Speaker D: No gigaws or doodads. [00:24:04] Speaker G: All right, well Hell Knights seem to be pretty fastidious and boring, so let's just go. [00:24:09] Speaker E: They like to write books about themselves and leave them all over the place. [00:24:13] Speaker C: There is one more door down here. [00:24:15] Speaker B: You do? Yeah, there's one door to the north. [00:24:16] Speaker G: Let's go through that door. [00:24:18] Speaker E: Maybe we should get the others. We haven't seen them in 30 minutes. [00:24:22] Speaker B: Yeah, that's actually exactly that may be true, but there's something terrible in there. [00:24:27] Speaker G: How funny would it be if we just ran madness? [00:24:30] Speaker E: Pretty funny. My voice changed ears. I don't know why I expected them to catch up with us and they didn't, so maybe we should go look. [00:24:38] Speaker G: Yeah, that's true. [00:24:39] Speaker E: I heard them fussing about for a second there. I'm not sure what they're doing. Probably comparing books know, looking at swords on the know. [00:24:49] Speaker G: I think Alex would be pretty interested in reading the history of the oh yeah. [00:24:53] Speaker E: Alec is going to love this. [00:24:55] Speaker B: He gave you his last. [00:24:59] Speaker C: He his harving. [00:25:02] Speaker G: He's a Harringer. [00:25:04] Speaker B: No, that was his position. [00:25:06] Speaker C: That was Armager. [00:25:08] Speaker B: He was an armager. Let's speak about him as he is now. [00:25:11] Speaker E: I think it was like Alec swolbro or something. [00:25:15] Speaker B: Alex stagram alex. Yeah. [00:25:17] Speaker G: So I think he might know something he might be pleased to hear about. Order of the nail. He might got something coming out. Let's see. [00:25:25] Speaker E: He's going to love this. [00:25:27] Speaker B: All right, so you guys wander back into the room, and there is a dead body. And everyone is very somber in that room. Or very somber might not be the proper word, but very serious. [00:25:39] Speaker H: It's tense in here. [00:25:40] Speaker B: There is definitely a palpable tense feeling. [00:25:43] Speaker E: Hey, everyone. Oh, no. All right, Alec, we found books for you. [00:25:52] Speaker F: So Temid kind of meets temid knows that Pond Watcher and Alex have a bromance going on to some degree, so. [00:25:59] Speaker E: He kind of name was Alec. [00:26:01] Speaker F: Yeah, whatever. But he walks up to him, he meets Pond Watcher, and he know. My friend, I have some bad news for you. Alec. [00:26:12] Speaker E: Is it that he's dead? [00:26:13] Speaker G: I guess Silver would say. [00:26:15] Speaker B: Actually, before we get to say anything to the fact that there's a dead body on the ground, I have to give Matt a hero point for amazing roleplay. Anwar also gets a hero point for amazing roleplay. Haya. Everyone who is in this room who pretended that they didn't know or couldn't do anything to fix it, you all get hero points. [00:26:37] Speaker D: Does that count me? [00:26:38] Speaker B: Yes. I didn't count you. [00:26:39] Speaker G: But we narrated the thank you wonderful. [00:26:42] Speaker B: Grain of the I understand that. I'll be fair. [00:26:46] Speaker F: I didn't realize that it was a lost cause. I thought I could have saved. [00:26:50] Speaker B: Yeah. All right, so now you're all back in the same room. There is literally one room left in this place to explore. However, there is now the body that is a part of this. [00:27:04] Speaker G: Well, what happened to him? He took some damage in that last against that warg daddy, but he was walking after that. [00:27:17] Speaker F: Yeah, it may have been some type of delayed affecting poison or something. I'm not really sure. [00:27:24] Speaker G: Can I do a recall knowledge to know if wargs got poison in them? [00:27:27] Speaker B: Generally, war, that would be nature or arcana. [00:27:31] Speaker G: Okay. It's Bardic Lore. [00:27:33] Speaker B: Okay. [00:27:34] Speaker G: 19 on the die for 25. [00:27:37] Speaker B: Okay, they're animals. They could be. [00:27:43] Speaker G: Is it common for them? [00:27:44] Speaker B: I mean, they could have filth fever. They could have mange their dog. I mean, there's a whole bunch of diseases that they could have had. However, when you look at the body of the warg that is in here, it looks perfectly like healthy. Except that it's dead. [00:28:01] Speaker G: Other than it's dead. [00:28:02] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:28:02] Speaker F: Besides that small detail. [00:28:04] Speaker G: Besides that small missing. Well, I don't know what happened. [00:28:10] Speaker B: So I don't know if you guys know this, but under this map, I have another board, and we're just going to play the game of Clue to figure out who killed Alex. Well, I'm going to guess it was Twin Talon with the potion in the. [00:28:29] Speaker G: Room that everyone was in? [00:28:30] Speaker B: Yes, in this room. [00:28:31] Speaker F: I thought it was Carla Mustard. [00:28:33] Speaker G: All right, well, Timid, I know you're probably going to want to give last rice to this man. You didn't know him long. None of us knew him very long. [00:28:44] Speaker F: What I will say is, just before he passed, I had a small chat, small interaction with him, and I believed that he wasn't a worshipper of Asmodeus. And in that I feel terrible for the way I treated him. I should have given him an opportunity to prove himself the way he ended, approving himself to us at least. And so the way I'm playing this is also like Temit is very being very he's looking at this guy through rose tinted glasses now because he was trying to help him live. And now he's looking back like, I should have done this to help him. I should have done that to help him. I should have been nicer to him, and in a way that many people do. So this is affecting him quite a bit is the way I'm kind of playing this now. [00:29:33] Speaker D: Brianna, actually, is there I know you're a champion, maybe not akin to a priestess, but given that Saren Ray's Tenets include redemption, is there any way you could actually do last rites? He was reluctant, it seemed, to follow everything his parents were. [00:29:51] Speaker C: I mean, he was not reluctant to join the Hell Knights. He tried, what, ten times? [00:29:56] Speaker G: Ten times at least. [00:29:57] Speaker D: Well, ten times and you fail ten times. Something tells me you're trying to he was born into something and brainwashed into it. We saw that he's a skilled fighter. I don't think we saw him dispatch imps, which, according to a book I have, is exactly how you become whatever the next official level was. I don't think he wanted to join the Hell Knights. [00:30:14] Speaker C: He literally said he did. [00:30:18] Speaker H: What more would you tell strangers after saying, oh, yes, my family are all Hell Knights, and I was raised into this. [00:30:26] Speaker D: I was raised in the Hell Knights, and I was brainwashed by their order, and I did everything they told me to, except I never managed to succeed at by the age of 30, which by mortal standards, by human standards is very old. [00:30:35] Speaker C: Okay, so one Matt is offended by that. [00:30:39] Speaker D: It's an elf saying that she doesn't care. [00:30:42] Speaker C: But he was 28. [00:30:44] Speaker E: But I still peed my pants until I was 41. [00:30:48] Speaker B: That's when we start doing it again. [00:30:52] Speaker D: No, you only got, what, like, nine years of that? [00:30:54] Speaker B: I'm not putting up with that. [00:30:54] Speaker F: It depends on how much I drink. [00:30:56] Speaker C: Fair enough. But to that point, we did ask him about Asmodeus, and he was very quick to dismiss that. So I feel like if he didn't want to be a Hell Knight, he just would have been like, my parents are into it. I don't really care. [00:31:12] Speaker D: I'm here for whatever the only thing you've ever known, if it's the only community you've ever known. Have you ever met a religious zealot. They don't know how to leave their communities, I think. [00:31:22] Speaker C: But he wasn't a religious zealot. He specifically said he wasn't into Asmodeus. [00:31:26] Speaker D: The Hell Knights, for all of their whoever that they follow as the Deus, their doctrine is a religion is akin to a religion their own. We must spread this order, et cetera, et cetera. It's a form of brainwashing, a cultish. [00:31:38] Speaker C: Religion, I'm quite well aware. [00:31:40] Speaker H: I would say he has been absolutely. [00:31:41] Speaker D: Brainwashed by this and was reluctant to join by the fact that it took him ten goddamned years to fail to do it, despite dispatching a number of things that would have easily allowed him to. [00:31:50] Speaker H: Either way, we need to be able to send his remains to his family, as well as whatever else familial thing he was truly looking for here. [00:31:59] Speaker F: I say when we get a chance to head back to town, maybe we let the goblins kind of watch over his remains, and then we'll send someone. [00:32:09] Speaker D: Back if we want them respected. I don't know about leaving them with goblins. [00:32:13] Speaker F: If we tell them that's what we want, we wish for him to be left alone. I trust that they will. [00:32:18] Speaker G: I hate to be the practical one in this situation, but we found one more room back there that we hadn't gone in. [00:32:26] Speaker F: You mean the lawyer room? [00:32:27] Speaker G: No, not the room full of books and things. It was a very creepy, ominous door that was left open. We should go take care of anything in there before we give this man his last riots, because we don't want to get attacked while we're trying to give this man the respect that any person, living or dead, deserves. [00:32:47] Speaker B: So where's this great sword that Alec had? [00:32:52] Speaker C: Yeah, sheath on his back, probably. [00:32:54] Speaker F: All right, I just want to know if it's immediately invisible to Pond Watcher and if he's going to try to. [00:32:59] Speaker E: Pond Watcher will approach Alec and kneel down next to him and say, my friend, I did not know you long, but you are strong and brave, and I'm sorry that you're dead. It reminds me of my friend Arrowcatcher, who was bitten by an ice snake and rolled around in Froth until he died. So anyway, I'm taking the sword now. Good luck next time. I'm sorry you were a Hell Knight, whatever that is. And yeah, all right. See you. He pats him. [00:33:38] Speaker F: I don't think Ponwatcher understands death. [00:33:40] Speaker G: No, he does. [00:33:41] Speaker B: He's seen a lot of it, but. [00:33:43] Speaker D: I don't think he's just disaffected by it by now. [00:33:47] Speaker B: Good game, bro. Is essentially what you just said to him. All right, GG easy. [00:33:53] Speaker D: GG rest easy. [00:33:54] Speaker E: Rest easy, my friend. [00:33:55] Speaker B: Yes. So you guys head to this last room, is that correct? Yes. All right. A prisoner intake area with long benches, rings on the walls for shackles, and an administrative area occupies the room's western end. To the east, behind a raised iron gate, several prisoner holding cells stand with their doors hanging open. Storage lockers line the walls to the south. [00:34:28] Speaker D: Is there a chair? [00:34:30] Speaker B: I think the rest behind are behind everyone too, right? Yeah, everyone headed there. [00:34:35] Speaker G: All right. [00:34:36] Speaker B: There is a chair behind the desk. Like the intake area collapses onto it. All right. [00:34:42] Speaker F: I don't have my measuring tape today. [00:34:44] Speaker G: I want to explore. You said lockers. [00:34:48] Speaker B: All right, so we're going to start going around. Yeah. So Serea falls into the chair behind the desk because she is exhausted. [00:34:57] Speaker D: Fatigued. [00:34:57] Speaker B: I'm sorry, fatigued. Silver, you said you wanted to start exploring the lockers. Yes, they are locked. [00:35:07] Speaker G: I have these tools. [00:35:08] Speaker B: Okay, give me a second. Pond Watcher. What are you doing? [00:35:14] Speaker E: Those are cells of some sort. I'll go look in the cells. [00:35:17] Speaker B: All right. [00:35:20] Speaker H: Brianna, she is still with Alec. [00:35:25] Speaker B: Oh, you're not going to come with the group? [00:35:27] Speaker H: I'll catch up to them. [00:35:28] Speaker B: Okay. You're over with Alec. [00:35:32] Speaker H: I'll be preparing last. [00:35:34] Speaker B: Right. [00:35:37] Speaker D: What? [00:35:38] Speaker B: Smoochinim, don't make it weird. Maybe she made it weird. Temid, what are you doing? [00:35:46] Speaker F: Is anybody else injured to any degree? Unfortunately, the two of you I can't heal, but is anybody else here injured? [00:35:55] Speaker B: I think they're looking in the room. [00:35:57] Speaker F: Okay, so Temid will go up to the room with them, but stay at the door just outside of the doorway. He's taken a decent amount of hit. [00:36:04] Speaker B: Points and twin talon. What are you doing? [00:36:07] Speaker C: Twin talon's. Going to stay back with Brianna. He'll kind of goodness. Sit on the judge's desk and just keep an eye out, make sure nothing sneaks up on her while she's doing less rights for him. [00:36:20] Speaker B: Awesome. Go ahead. And what is your thievery skill? [00:36:27] Speaker G: I think it's a plus four. [00:36:29] Speaker B: Okay, so after working on those for some time, you manage to pick the lock. All right, there are four silver item weapons in there. [00:36:48] Speaker G: All right. [00:36:49] Speaker B: There is a flail, a light hammer, a mace, and a morning star, as well as an elixir, a jade cat, another elixir and another scroll. All right. [00:37:11] Speaker E: Damn. [00:37:12] Speaker G: Should I knowledge arcana on those things? [00:37:16] Speaker B: Please. [00:37:17] Speaker C: That's another ten minutes. Yeah. For each one or just Fiat? [00:37:24] Speaker G: All of them together. [00:37:24] Speaker B: I'm going to let you do all of them together. [00:37:26] Speaker G: Okay. I rolled a 24 total. [00:37:29] Speaker B: Okay, cool. So here, I'll just hand you the papers. Jeez, I'm bad at combat. [00:37:35] Speaker G: Well, I'm really good as a bar. [00:37:38] Speaker B: To finding out what well, so here's what's fun. While you're doing that Pond Watcher, you start investigating the cells. You see, in the cells there are some rag covered bodies that are decomposing. You can tell that these were prisoners that were left here to die when the last group of bandits that probably lived here just left. [00:38:09] Speaker C: Are we sure it's bandits? [00:38:13] Speaker B: Or the Hell Knights? Whoever left here. [00:38:15] Speaker E: So all the cells are closed? [00:38:17] Speaker B: No, the doors are open, but there are people hanging chained up by an arm or two and they're badly decomposed. [00:38:27] Speaker E: That's fucked up. [00:38:28] Speaker B: It smells terrible. They've kind of become skeletal. [00:38:32] Speaker E: Oh, boy. This is a bad place. [00:38:35] Speaker B: As you kind of look around, four of these bodies start to kind of start to move and come alive. [00:38:44] Speaker E: Oh, boy. [00:38:45] Speaker B: Give me a perception check for initiative. [00:38:48] Speaker H: Sorry, I'm not there. [00:38:50] Speaker C: You too. [00:38:52] Speaker B: Potency crystal here as well it might be. [00:38:55] Speaker G: So there's a potency crystal just to be if there is dope, yes. Okay. [00:39:02] Speaker B: That's why it was copied and pasted instead of typed out by mistake. Okay, well, hang on. You're picking the locks while these things are coming alive, so give me an initiative. [00:39:11] Speaker E: Roll 25 natural 20 Serea. [00:39:14] Speaker B: You may roll as well. [00:39:17] Speaker D: 17. [00:39:19] Speaker G: You're sitting in a chair. [00:39:21] Speaker D: I got nothing else to do. [00:39:23] Speaker B: So helpful. During this temid. [00:39:25] Speaker D: I can still fight. [00:39:26] Speaker B: You can hear the clinking scraping, so I'll let you roll. Initiative. [00:39:31] Speaker F: 15. [00:39:33] Speaker B: All right, so four skeletons stand up and start coming out of the cells. [00:39:42] Speaker G: It's been a long day, the worst. [00:39:46] Speaker D: Day of my life, telling me. [00:39:50] Speaker B: Oh, God. Pond Watcher, since you rolled so well, you get to go first. [00:39:56] Speaker E: I don't feel quite so bad for these people anymore. Are they adjacent to me? I can't tell. [00:40:06] Speaker B: They are, right? [00:40:07] Speaker E: Where like all of them are. [00:40:08] Speaker C: Three of them are. [00:40:09] Speaker B: Three of them are. [00:40:09] Speaker E: Oh, no, I rage. [00:40:12] Speaker B: Okay. [00:40:14] Speaker E: I'm holding the great sword that I got from my best friend who just died. [00:40:18] Speaker C: Okay, that's hurtful. [00:40:20] Speaker E: So this is a silver great sword, is that right? [00:40:22] Speaker B: It is. [00:40:23] Speaker E: Okay, I don't think it matters, but I will swing at the nearest one. [00:40:27] Speaker B: All right, go ahead and make an attack roll. [00:40:29] Speaker E: Go back to sleep, skeleton man. [00:40:36] Speaker B: Ah, ten miss. [00:40:40] Speaker E: Now do that again. [00:40:42] Speaker B: All right. [00:40:44] Speaker E: Natural one failure. Wait, natural one for a one. [00:40:53] Speaker B: Okay, would you like to reroll that with a hero point? [00:40:55] Speaker E: Oh, yes, actually. [00:40:56] Speaker B: Okay, go ahead. All right. [00:40:57] Speaker E: Please, God. All right, I rolled the natural point for initiative, but yeah, of course. [00:41:03] Speaker F: Wasted. [00:41:07] Speaker E: Five. [00:41:08] Speaker B: That is a miss regular. Okay, that's the one. [00:41:14] Speaker E: He just zero point. [00:41:15] Speaker B: And you have one more action. [00:41:16] Speaker E: No, I ran. [00:41:16] Speaker F: Your accuracy is way better than Pawn Watchers accuracy. [00:41:20] Speaker E: All right, that was the twelveTH and 13th miss in a row. The new weapon, too. [00:41:29] Speaker B: One of the skeletons, the one that is not adjacent to you. First action is to move adjacent to you, and then with its second action, draw a scimitar. [00:41:46] Speaker E: Oh, boy. [00:41:47] Speaker B: Third action, swing. [00:41:49] Speaker E: Why did a prisoner have a sword? Why are you looking like that at your die? Is it because it's a natural one? [00:41:57] Speaker C: No. [00:41:59] Speaker B: Does it 25 hit you? [00:42:01] Speaker E: Yes. [00:42:02] Speaker B: Doesn't exceed by ten, right? [00:42:04] Speaker E: Correct. [00:42:04] Speaker B: Okay, so it's just a regular hit. So it does. [00:42:10] Speaker E: My own fault. [00:42:11] Speaker B: Six points of damage. Shit. Soraya you see these skeletons animate and start swinging. One of them just swung in. Chopped poor pond watcher in the back. [00:42:26] Speaker E: I've got this, don't worry. [00:42:28] Speaker D: No, she sits up she doesn't get up, she just sits up. Jasper is actually helping her. He's handing her the ammo for her slings. I'm just going to say that for flavor. [00:42:39] Speaker B: 16 to hit, that will hit it's. [00:42:43] Speaker D: Bashing damage. [00:42:44] Speaker B: Good to know. [00:42:46] Speaker D: Got three damage. This one die is just like threes. [00:42:49] Speaker C: That'S on the nearest one, the one. [00:42:51] Speaker D: That hit Pond Watcher. [00:42:53] Speaker B: Do the one closest because Pond Watcher will give you the other one. AC. Okay. Yeah. So that kills it. [00:42:59] Speaker C: Three damage kills it. [00:43:00] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:43:00] Speaker C: Sweet. [00:43:01] Speaker D: It's bashing too, so that's generally good against them. She's going to try that again. Weirdly. Bludgeoning swirling her armor. Bludgeoning, bludgeoning. Sorry, not bashing. [00:43:10] Speaker B: 15. [00:43:11] Speaker D: I think it's a minus one, so 14. [00:43:13] Speaker B: Okay, that's a hit. No, that's a miss, I'm sorry. [00:43:15] Speaker D: Oh, is it? [00:43:17] Speaker B: Yes. [00:43:18] Speaker D: Darn. My next attack is like a minus. [00:43:25] Speaker B: You could always roll a 20 or a one or a one more likely to crit fail. [00:43:31] Speaker D: I have crit failed so many times. [00:43:33] Speaker B: Okay, fine, stand up. [00:43:36] Speaker D: Why would I. [00:43:39] Speaker B: Whistle a happy tune? [00:43:42] Speaker E: Do a knowledge check. [00:43:44] Speaker B: Yeah, you could do it. [00:43:44] Speaker D: Yeah, I'll do a knowledge arcana. [00:43:46] Speaker C: Religion, probably. [00:43:47] Speaker B: Religion? Yes. I love how they give you like twelve things now. [00:43:53] Speaker D: Okay. 22 religion. [00:43:56] Speaker B: Okay. Yes. These are indeed undead skeletons. What would you like to know? Four questions. [00:44:02] Speaker D: Four questions? [00:44:03] Speaker B: Okay, yeah. [00:44:04] Speaker D: Weaknesses? [00:44:06] Speaker B: Bludgeoning. [00:44:07] Speaker G: Two. [00:44:08] Speaker C: Okay, so it takes two extra damage every time I get bludgeoning. [00:44:13] Speaker D: Okay. Special attacks? [00:44:14] Speaker B: No special attacks. It does have two types of mealy attacks and a ranged attack. [00:44:19] Speaker D: Okay. Are they capable of grappling? [00:44:25] Speaker B: No, special abilities come with if they can grapple because anyone can grapple, but it's not like no, special creatures are. [00:44:32] Speaker D: Very good at grappling, so I don't have to, you know, yell like, don't let them talk to you. [00:44:35] Speaker B: Right. [00:44:35] Speaker D: Do they have any immunities? [00:44:37] Speaker B: Immunities are as follows, yeah? Death effects, disease, mental, paralyzed, poison and unconscious. [00:44:44] Speaker D: All right, so yeah, things a skeleton would not be able to withstand. [00:44:47] Speaker B: Cool. All right. Okay, so Temit, it is your turn. You hear the grinding of bones. [00:44:52] Speaker F: All right. [00:44:53] Speaker B: And you see four, three of them now surrounding your friends. [00:44:58] Speaker F: Okay. So Temit moves into the room. [00:45:00] Speaker B: Okay. [00:45:01] Speaker F: Kind of gets over against the wall here so that he's not in anyone's way or tries as much as he can not to be in anyone's way. [00:45:07] Speaker B: Now if you shoot yeah, you're good. You'll have to aim bars, but the bars are big enough. Yeah, it's fine. [00:45:13] Speaker F: Okay. [00:45:13] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:45:14] Speaker F: So with his remaining two actions, he casts divine lands. [00:45:18] Speaker B: Oh, jeez. [00:45:19] Speaker F: It's a cantrip. Okay. [00:45:21] Speaker B: It's not holy or anything. [00:45:22] Speaker F: It is holy. [00:45:23] Speaker B: Oh, okay. [00:45:23] Speaker F: And it's a 22 to hit. 22 to hit, yeah. [00:45:29] Speaker B: All right. [00:45:30] Speaker F: And that is seven no, six points of damage. Six points of holy damage. [00:45:35] Speaker D: Nice. [00:45:36] Speaker B: You kill one, the other skeleton, because the other two died before they got to go, will make a claw attack at Pond Watcher. That is a 19 that hits. [00:45:53] Speaker C: Is that giving him any kind of COVID for the bars that the skeleton is trying to get through? [00:45:57] Speaker B: No. So go ahead and give yourself plus two to your AC. What was it again? 19. Okay, take five. Slashing. It's going to try again. Does a 16 hit miss. Okay. And it's going to try one more time. That's going to miss. Mind, watcher. You're up. [00:46:21] Speaker E: Oh, boy. So you yelled out that skeleton. So bludgeoning. [00:46:26] Speaker D: Bludgeoning. [00:46:28] Speaker E: I drop. Alex, great sword. [00:46:29] Speaker B: All right, free action. Yep, yep. Drop free. [00:46:33] Speaker E: Draw my flail. [00:46:34] Speaker B: Not a free action. Correct. [00:46:36] Speaker E: I will attack with my flail. [00:46:37] Speaker B: Okay, get it. [00:46:40] Speaker F: Kill him. [00:46:41] Speaker B: Okay. [00:46:41] Speaker G: Get it. [00:46:42] Speaker C: Get it's. [00:46:42] Speaker B: Happening. [00:46:42] Speaker E: I change. Die again. [00:46:46] Speaker F: Here it is. [00:46:47] Speaker B: 15 hit. [00:46:50] Speaker D: Yeah, it's been, like broke the streak. [00:46:54] Speaker E: 14Th time is the charm, baby. [00:46:57] Speaker B: They say one damage, right? [00:47:00] Speaker C: No, he's strong. [00:47:02] Speaker G: Strong. [00:47:03] Speaker E: Silver. Wait. Five bludgeoning damage. Four cold damage. [00:47:08] Speaker B: Dead. Yeah. Crumpled to the ground. [00:47:12] Speaker E: Don't you come at me, bad man. [00:47:14] Speaker B: One more. You have one more action. [00:47:16] Speaker E: Attacking. Flail. [00:47:18] Speaker B: Flailing. Five miss. You hit one, you hit the bar. [00:47:24] Speaker E: Smack. [00:47:26] Speaker D: They rhyme with frost. [00:47:27] Speaker B: Soraya it is your turn. [00:47:30] Speaker D: One more time. She just looks so bone weary and tired. [00:47:35] Speaker C: Once more with feelings. [00:47:36] Speaker B: These also look bone weary. [00:47:38] Speaker D: Her eyes are ridiculous. You've never really seen an elf ears group before. [00:47:45] Speaker B: Dobby's frio. Six is a miss. [00:47:53] Speaker E: Watch it. [00:47:54] Speaker D: Try one more time. [00:47:55] Speaker E: This is rocks and lasers flying all over. [00:47:58] Speaker B: That's a natural one. You have chips. [00:48:02] Speaker E: Why are elves so bad in this game is what I want to know. [00:48:07] Speaker B: It looks like a great, excited face. [00:48:10] Speaker D: Just because I have to. With the card that I drew, you hit yourself instead of the target. I hurt myself in my confusion. [00:48:17] Speaker C: Whip it around and just flip. [00:48:18] Speaker D: I only take one point of damage. Yeah. As I'm swirling it to try and get ready, it just clocks me in the forehead, and I'm just like, I'm done. Sorry. It's just like, I can't anymore. [00:48:28] Speaker B: Temid sits back in the chair. [00:48:30] Speaker C: It's okay. [00:48:31] Speaker F: They'll do it themselves. So Temid kind of go back to the same well. Oh, yeah. 24. And it hit. Okay, so just like the last time, he kind of touches his holy symbol and he reaches out with his rapier and out of the rapier shoots this blue, blue kind of like laser. But as it goes forward, three spikes come out of it because it's a lance. And it just enters into this creature and it just goes all the way through. And it looks like it's going to impale itself into the wall, but it just kind of disappears into the wall behind it. And then I imagine how much damage did you do? I did four. [00:49:11] Speaker B: Okay, you're good. [00:49:12] Speaker F: All right. So, yeah, it crumples to the ground. Its bones clatter as. It like a Xylophone, right? [00:49:17] Speaker D: Like, with the first one, I'm like, its head pops up, and the rest. [00:49:19] Speaker B: Of it just goes so you have killed everything in here. [00:49:23] Speaker C: So I just want to bring up something very quickly. Anwar, do you know the difference between a trident and a lance? [00:49:29] Speaker B: I was going to mention that, too. [00:49:30] Speaker F: I didn't know that there was a difference. [00:49:33] Speaker B: He was watching a lot of Power Rangers. Don't give him any. [00:49:37] Speaker C: Just asking. [00:49:38] Speaker B: You also find now Pond Watcher, you find four bows and 80 arrows because each skeleton had 20 arrows. [00:49:50] Speaker G: All right? Silver is going to walk over to Pond Watcher and be like, yeah, I don't know why I was so distracted unlocking this box during that, but it took 6 seconds. [00:50:00] Speaker B: That literally was 6 seconds? [00:50:01] Speaker D: Yeah, that was a round of comments. So it's like it's like a round and a half. It took like 10 seconds. [00:50:05] Speaker E: These dead men came alive and stabbed me a bunch of times. All right, well, this is a terrible day. I want to go home now. [00:50:11] Speaker D: It just like, puts her arms on the desk, puts her head down, and it's just like weeping softly. [00:50:15] Speaker B: She's just so tired. [00:50:20] Speaker G: I found a couple of things that might help you out here. You can have one of these jade cats and this crystal right here. [00:50:28] Speaker E: Okay. [00:50:28] Speaker G: I think you'll like it. [00:50:29] Speaker F: Can one of us have one of. [00:50:31] Speaker B: Those nice little no. [00:50:32] Speaker E: All magic items are for us. [00:50:34] Speaker F: Also, I'd like to take this moment to acknowledge the fact that I have no idea what a lance is because I just Googled lance, and besides Lance Armstrong and Lance Bass, it's nothing like what I imagined it to be. [00:50:45] Speaker B: So I take back quite obviously, it. [00:50:48] Speaker C: Was still very cool. [00:50:50] Speaker D: It was. [00:50:51] Speaker C: That's why I didn't stop you in the middle of your speech. I waited till it was done, but I was just curious. [00:50:56] Speaker B: I thought he was watching a lot of, like, Power Rangers, so that's what he was for. [00:51:00] Speaker D: Flavor. His holy lance is a trident. [00:51:02] Speaker F: That's fine. Holy trident, actually. [00:51:04] Speaker B: All right, so now let's cut over to. [00:51:09] Speaker D: Brianna. [00:51:10] Speaker B: Brianna and twin talon, because I want to see this can only go well. [00:51:17] Speaker H: I'm guessing this is happening at the same time as that skeleton in combat. I feel Brianna will pause a moment, listen to see if she's needed, see that she's not needed, and then continue on her work. She'll say something along the lines of, by the light of the dawn flower, from fire we are born, and to light we return. My order burns the dead to release their souls to the beyond. But I do not feel this is right in your case, Alec, especially here. I put upon you the mark of my lady to ease you to rest. And she'll draw the symbol of the dawn flower on his forehead, on his chest, whatever. And I hope your soul finds peace and guides you to the afterlife. And with that, she will stand and turn to her friend. Is there something you wish to tell me, Twin? Talon. [00:52:20] Speaker C: I hope that his soul finds better circumstance and makes better decisions in the next world. [00:52:28] Speaker H: She'll narrow her eyes at him. I did find one of his books that he was looking for. [00:52:37] Speaker C: One of his family's books or his books? [00:52:39] Speaker H: It looks like a book given to a Lichtor ackelman. She'll show you the book. [00:52:46] Speaker C: Probably one of his parents, correct? [00:52:47] Speaker H: I would assume it would interest you. I will ask again. Twintalon, is there anything you want to tell me? [00:52:57] Speaker C: He'll sigh and he'll put his bow down on the judge's desk and take his backpack off. And he'll open the top and he'll pull the two pups from the backpack and kind of hold them in his arms. He'll say these two are animals. They are but babes, they have not been tortured. They have not been put down a path. And they can be as good or as bad as they want to be. Their morality will be whatever is taught to them. That young man spent 28 years indoctrinated into a group. And when you asked if he would be willing to turn his talents to something else, that he was capable in combat, he said no. He said that he was set on the path with the Order of the Nail. [00:53:43] Speaker H: And like I told you before, does he know any better when that's all he's ever known? Are you saying you did a mercy with whatever indeed you did? The fact that you made me. [00:53:57] Speaker B: I. [00:53:58] Speaker H: Don'T know who you are anymore. I don't know who that young boy I left in Corvosa all those years ago is. First with the Bugbear and now this. [00:54:06] Speaker C: Well, the Bugbear attacked our friend and I restrained her. You were battling with her. And I also was afraid for your life. But once Yoletcha calmed down and everything was peaceful, I held no ill will against her. She showed no malice toward us. And as far as I know, she just lives around here. [00:54:30] Speaker H: Yet you wiped your blade of her blood on her tent. How is that not showing ill will? Utsi? [00:54:39] Speaker C: Do not call me that. [00:54:40] Speaker H: And don't call me Breeze. Especially in front of people we do not know. [00:54:44] Speaker C: I didn't have anything else to wipe my blade on at the time. You can't put a dirty blade away. It's disrespectful for the weapon. [00:54:51] Speaker H: It is also disrespectful to the person you have clearly attacked. Regardless, I'm sure the others are looking for us, and we shall continue this conversation at a different time. I cannot speak to you right now. [00:55:02] Speaker C: You of all people excuse me? Know how hell knights are. [00:55:07] Speaker H: Insidious they are still people. Wouldn't at least one who isn't fully a Hell Knight have some semblance of redemption for him? [00:55:16] Speaker C: Well, on the bright side, if you're right, if he wasn't fully on that side, then maybe, just maybe, his soul will find peace for no Hell Knight, no true hell knight will ever find peace in the next world. [00:55:30] Speaker B: All right, so I'm being attacked by skeletons. [00:55:36] Speaker F: That was really good, guys. [00:55:38] Speaker B: 3 seconds, and he's like, never mind. I'm fine. [00:55:42] Speaker E: They shot it with a laser or something. [00:55:45] Speaker H: What is a laser trident? [00:55:49] Speaker B: So you all let's get together again. [00:55:53] Speaker F: Let's just take a second and really oh, yeah. That was acknowledge. [00:55:55] Speaker B: How awesome. [00:55:57] Speaker F: For a second there, honestly, at the very beginning, it almost felt like the two of you were actually at ODS with each other, and I was like, oh, no. [00:56:07] Speaker B: Marital trouble. [00:56:08] Speaker D: You're sitting between us. [00:56:09] Speaker H: Mom and dad are fighting again. [00:56:12] Speaker D: No. [00:56:12] Speaker B: It was so uncomfortable. And then I was like, wow, this. [00:56:14] Speaker F: Is actually really freaking cool. [00:56:15] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:56:16] Speaker F: Awesome job, guys. That was great. [00:56:18] Speaker C: Twin talent will put his puppies away after feeding them. [00:56:20] Speaker B: Okay, give me an animal handling check. [00:56:25] Speaker C: It's just diplomacy. [00:56:26] Speaker B: Yeah, give me a diplomacy check, if you don't mind. Yeah, fine, because this actually tells me how you can sustain them. [00:56:35] Speaker D: Train up the puppies. [00:56:36] Speaker B: Yes. [00:56:38] Speaker H: Can I assist? [00:56:42] Speaker C: Not good. [00:56:43] Speaker B: Okay. [00:56:44] Speaker G: Do you have hero points? [00:56:46] Speaker C: Actually, yeah, I just got a hero point, and that's what I'm going to use. I'm going to use it on this. [00:56:50] Speaker H: I assist with the 21. [00:56:51] Speaker B: Okay. So you get a plus one to this. [00:56:55] Speaker C: That's better. Significantly better. So with the plus one, that makes it a 14. [00:57:00] Speaker B: Perfect. Okay, so they seem to be warming up to you a bit more. [00:57:05] Speaker E: So you're arguing, and then you both turn to puppies, and it's like I. [00:57:08] Speaker H: Think we cut the tension with adorable puppies. [00:57:12] Speaker B: Okay, so you all get back together. What's your architecture lore? Architecture knowledge. [00:57:19] Speaker C: Architecture lore is plus four. [00:57:21] Speaker B: Great. You know that you have explored this entire floor. This entire floor has been searched. [00:57:32] Speaker C: So we're all back together at this point. Yeah, you've all regrouped, so I'm curious to see what you all found in there, especially since it sounded like there was some commotion. Something fell down. [00:57:42] Speaker E: Oh, yeah, something fell down. Undead warriors stabbed me in my chest. Both your guys were doing something with puppies? Probably. I'm being a hero on the front lines. [00:57:55] Speaker D: I took one of those out. Thank you. [00:57:58] Speaker F: And I took two of them out. [00:57:59] Speaker E: I didn't do much except get stabbed. [00:58:01] Speaker B: But you killed one of them. [00:58:04] Speaker G: It's all right. You're Gracie. [00:58:05] Speaker C: It's a blur, but hopefully you get. [00:58:08] Speaker G: Some new stuff to help you out. [00:58:09] Speaker E: Yeah, we found a bunch of crap, so let's maybe use all these magic items and then go to sleep. [00:58:16] Speaker B: Okay. [00:58:16] Speaker C: Well, what I will say is that I'm pretty sure that we've explored this whole level, and I don't see other than the one floor up, I don't see anything else. So if there was a crypt, I think he was talking about a crypt where his ancestors he was hoping to grave rob them. I don't know where it is. [00:58:34] Speaker D: Grave robbing? It's their family heirlooms. [00:58:37] Speaker C: I'm pretty sure if you bust open someone's grave and take their stuff, it doesn't matter what their relationship. [00:58:42] Speaker D: Catacombs, it's not really busting open the graves. [00:58:44] Speaker C: Depends on how it's sealed. [00:58:47] Speaker D: Even that, I'm pretty sure it's where the Goblins were living. [00:58:49] Speaker E: Guys, I'm getting the impression he doesn't like Alec. But how could you not? Is anyone else getting that impression? [00:58:55] Speaker B: Alec was like the best guy ever. [00:58:57] Speaker E: He was okay. [00:58:59] Speaker H: It's okay, pondwater. Either way, perhaps we should find a safe place to rest. [00:59:07] Speaker F: How about we go see our Goblin friends? [00:59:10] Speaker D: We have to climb again. I might just go stay with I'll carry you. [00:59:15] Speaker C: We don't have to. We can call them down. I'm sure they would come down if we tell them it's safe. But my point was just that if there is a catacomb or a crypt of some kind, either the collapse has cut off, like the pieces of the walls that have fallen down have somehow cut off access to it. Or for whatever reason, the only way to get into it is down the hill where the Goblins said that they're. [00:59:42] Speaker D: Yeah, that's two entrances. The collapse might have blocked off the one that's here. [00:59:45] Speaker C: It's possible. So in any case, I think that this floor, assuming no one else shows up, is fairly secure at this point. [00:59:52] Speaker E: Okay, maybe a room not filled with corpses would be a good place to sleep. [00:59:57] Speaker C: It would. Anyone with minimal doors would be best. [01:00:00] Speaker B: So you guys know there's a couple of rooms that kind of meet your criteria. Most of them are on the side that you're on. The library rooms are pretty good. [01:00:12] Speaker F: You also burn the law books for warmth. [01:00:15] Speaker E: Yes. [01:00:16] Speaker G: All right. We can go to the library. That's probably a good idea. [01:00:19] Speaker B: All right, so you all head to the library and kind of settle in and make a very you make a camp. Who is going to be doing is anyone going to be doing watches? [01:00:34] Speaker F: Yeah, I think we're going to set watches. [01:00:36] Speaker B: Okay. How many people are doing watches? [01:00:38] Speaker H: Brianna will take one. [01:00:39] Speaker F: Okay, so what is it? Two hour watches? [01:00:42] Speaker B: Well, it depends on the number of people. [01:00:43] Speaker F: Yeah, so I guess four is fine. Doing two hour watches. [01:00:46] Speaker B: Okay. [01:00:50] Speaker C: Those four people only get 6 hours of sleep. [01:00:52] Speaker B: No, then you add an extra hour. [01:00:54] Speaker F: Extra 2 hours, you sleep for 10 hours total. [01:00:57] Speaker B: Yeah, right. [01:00:58] Speaker C: So we'd have to have five two hour watches. [01:00:59] Speaker B: Yeah. [01:01:00] Speaker F: Okay, I'll do one. Either way it works. [01:01:02] Speaker G: I'm a 75 year old man. I'm sleeping the whole time. [01:01:05] Speaker H: Yeah, you need your rest. And I believe our dear Alchemist Seria should rest as well. [01:01:12] Speaker D: Thank you. [01:01:13] Speaker H: Forgive me, blood mage. [01:01:15] Speaker B: So blood mage. [01:01:17] Speaker G: Well, if she needs her rest more, I guess I can pry my eyes. [01:01:20] Speaker D: Open for so used to the old elder rules. I'm like, oh, wait, I actually have to sleep. Sleep now? [01:01:26] Speaker B: Yes, unless you take so now everyone takes their watch and goes to bed and gets some rest. Everyone's sleep is really like you're worn down. This rest is despite being in a library, like you're using books as pillows and whatnot. [01:01:50] Speaker D: Bedrolls? [01:01:51] Speaker B: Well, even with the bedrolls, it's still like you're on a tile floor, but it's still a really restful sleep for everyone except the alchemist. [01:02:03] Speaker H: Blood mage. [01:02:04] Speaker D: Blood mage. [01:02:05] Speaker B: So as you're asleep, you start to dream. Your dreams are plagued with fire and brimstone, and you see elves being poisoned. All of these elves are very dark skinned elves. You see them running from this fire, and the fire starts to coalesce into a shape. And you don't quite see what this shape is, but you do see a fiery red wing cut across your vision as you wake up in the middle of the night in a cold sweat. [01:02:58] Speaker D: Jasper flaps over. He's used to this. Just kind of like, perches on her wrist and just looks up. Like if she's awake and she's probably awake, how long would you say she's been asleep for? Like enough to be rested, I'd say. [01:03:10] Speaker B: Yeah. This was in the middle of your sleep, so you could probably do your two hour shift and then go back to bed and finish and be completely rested. [01:03:17] Speaker D: Well, she's not getting back to sleep anytime soon, so with the equipment that she said, she's going to start setting up a little makeshift lab and see what she can start distilling to use alchemy later because crafting is like a downtime action. [01:03:28] Speaker B: Sure thing. But yeah. [01:03:29] Speaker D: In the meantime, she's just kind of going to rub her face. Whose shift is it? Who's up right now? [01:03:36] Speaker B: All right, five people. I'm going to roll the D six. If it's six, I will roll again. Brianna is up. [01:03:46] Speaker C: Oh, my. [01:03:47] Speaker B: Hello? [01:03:48] Speaker H: No, just kidding. [01:03:50] Speaker D: Hello? [01:03:51] Speaker H: Are you all right? [01:03:55] Speaker D: Nightmares, visions, I've had them all my life. [01:04:01] Speaker H: Would you like to talk about it? [01:04:03] Speaker D: It's what brought me down to the coffee heroes. Actually, one of the more recent ones was Breech Hill burning. That's usually what it is. Something burning. Some massive figure torching a landscape. It's hellish, I suppose. [01:04:21] Speaker H: Okay. As in that this figure is hellish? [01:04:26] Speaker D: It's hard to say. I think most recently there's been wings. Other times it's just been limbs and snarling faces, but always flame and misery. [01:04:38] Speaker H: I'm so sorry to hear it. This happens every night as long as I can remember. [01:04:43] Speaker D: Most of the time I can sleep through it and I wake up. But I think after everything today, I'm surprised I didn't stay asleep. [01:04:53] Speaker H: Certainly. And your watch is after mine, is it? [01:04:57] Speaker D: I think so. [01:04:59] Speaker H: If you wish, I wouldn't mind taking your watch. More sleep. [01:05:03] Speaker D: I was actually going to start. I can work on some formulas and hopefully get a few more things prepared so I have more to do in the future. [01:05:16] Speaker H: As you wish. Should you wish to speak more about your visions and. What to do about them, other than traipsing around with she'll, look around to the sleeping forms of their boys friends. [01:05:35] Speaker D: Well, now that we've seen what we have about this citadel, I'm wondering if it doesn't have something to do with imps and demons and Asmodeus, but we'll see. I'll probably go back to sleep or maybe split a shift again later. But for now, I'll set myself up here. Like jasper's hopping around. He's like getting stuff together the way she likes it because he's her lavish sister. [01:05:59] Speaker B: So you proceed through the evening, the rest of the evening. Everyone else wakes up at their designated times. Nothing attacks you in the evening and you all wake up feeling a little bit better, a little bit stronger, and a little bit more like level two. And we'll find out what you guys have done after you make your decisions to be level two. In our next game. [01:06:27] Speaker H: We know we're stopping here why we're stopping. [01:06:32] Speaker B: With our heroes finally taking a rest, what will happen next? Where will they adventure to now? And what will they do with their elusive level up? Find out the answers to these questions and more on the next episode of The Cracked Die Podcast. And now a word from our sponsor. [01:07:03] Speaker I: You know, winter is right around the corner. It's going to turn cold eventually. And when it does, where are you gonna turn? Look no further than the crimson wood furs. We've been established here in Breech Hill for just about as long as the Hell Knights were, and we've managed to stick around. Crimson wood furs located a few feet away from the Breech Hill creek. Come on in. Nowhere on Garoon can you find warmer, more luxurious clothing than here. You're going to like the way you look. I guarantee it's. [01:07:51] Speaker C: Thank you for listening to the Crackdy Podcast. Background Audio provided by Tabletop Audio Original ten minute ambiances and music for your games and stories. Pathfinder second edition and the Age of Ash's Adventure Path are both copyright. Piso Publishing. As are any visuals from that Adventure Path. You can find them and find out [email protected].

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