What is making that terrible howling sound? The group gets a request from the souk master to help find missing people and bring them back, but there is that mysterious howling sound in the desert. What will our heroes decide to do?
Game and Adventure Path by Paizo Publishing- www.paizo.com
Background music provided by Syrinscape - https://syrinscape.com/
Music and background effects are licensed courtesy of Epidemic Sound - www.epidemicsound.com
Theme music by Angelo Di Loreto - https://angelodiloreto.com/
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Game and Adventure Path by Paizo Publishing- www.paizo.com Background music provided by Syrinscape - https://www.syrinscape.com/ Theme music by Angelo Di Loreto - https://angelodiloreto.com/ Visit...
Game and Adventure Path by Paizo Publishing- www.paizo.com Background music provided by Tabletop Audio - http://tabletopaudio.com Theme music by Angelo Di Loreto - https://angelodiloreto.com/...
More friends need rescuing in Finderplane and the gang finally encounters the owner of the howling, as well as meet an old...acquaintance after such...