We're sorry to give you another glimpse of what Aurelius' up to instead of a full episode this week!
Illness as spread across the Cracked Die Network and we're slowly recovering and need a little more time to record a bunch of episodes for you.
Thank you for your kindness and patience!
Game and Adventure Path by Paizo Publishing- www.paizo.com
Background music provided by Syrinscape - https://syrinscape.com/
Music and background effects are licensed courtesy of Epidemic Sound - www.epidemicsound.com
Theme music by Angelo Di Loreto - https://angelodiloreto.com/
Visit us at www.thecrackeddie.com or email us at [email protected]
Please consider supporting us on Patreon! https://www.patreon.com/crackeddiepodcast
Grab a shirt to support the cast https://www.redbubble.com/people/CrackedDie/shop
Ask us a question for a future episode: https://forms.gle/83xmbYCnwAjeVA5y9
Thanks to Sean's painstaking amount of work to recover and rerecord the missing audio in post, our gang is back this week with a...
Still in the belly of the beast, (so to speak) the party is pushed beyond their limits while experiencing excruciating burning. Will they pull...
Our favourite adventurers are still plodding around the dark trying to find ruthless enemies. With the lack of light filtering down there, some party...