The Cracked Die Podcast - Episode 93 - War Pigs

Episode 16 August 19, 2021 00:56:52
The Cracked Die Podcast - Episode 93 - War Pigs
The Cracked Die Podcast
The Cracked Die Podcast - Episode 93 - War Pigs

Aug 19 2021 | 00:56:52


Show Notes

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:38] Speaker A: Hello, hello, hello and welcome to another episode of the Cracked Die podcast. I'm your host and GM, Sean, and welcome back episode 93, seven away from the big 100, the big Centennial, if you will. I'm so excited about where the show is going and how we're getting there, and I really am enjoying playing and running in this game. I hope it's transferring through the microphones and I'm hoping everyone listening is having just as much fun as I am. It's another Thursday. It's a Sean intro that means plug a palooza time. All right, if you're listening to this on the day that it comes out, then this Saturday, August 21, 2021 at Twitch TV, cracked die. Come join us and watch a struggle. It's a real struggle. Struggle through the agents of Edgewatch adventure path, as we like to call it, Absalom. In order once again, that's August 21 at 01:00 Eastern Standard Time. So come on and join us as we are struggling through this. Next, I want to give a little plug to our Patreon, cracked Die podcast. And I'm only going to plug this real quick. If you have a dollar, if you have $5, head on over there, join us on our discord at the five dollar level and submit a wonderful crit hit or critmist card. When you join at that five dollar level now at every level of the Patreon, you will get a shout out. And I just wanted to take a moment and do a list of shoutouts again, just because I'm really thankful. The whole cast is super thankful for those of you who have taken the time to donate your hard earned dollars, no matter what country they're from, to help us keep with this little podcast that we're doing. So Jason Leache, thank you very much. Chris Simmons. Thank you very, very much. Thomas Beard. Thank you very much. Duke. Thank you very much. Celine. Thank you very much. Anwar, gone but not forgotten. Thank you very much. Shaka. Thank you very much. David R. Thank you very much. Doombeard. Thank you very much. Mike. Thank you very much. Cassandra. Thank you very much. Jeremy. Thank you very much. And Jacob, thank you very much. Those are our wonderful patrons that are donating to help us out here and help us cover the cost bringing this show to you. So I once again wanted just to shout out all of those wonderful patrons that we have. I just want to give a quick shout out to the order of the Amber die. They were nice enough to have Christine and myself over while they're playing through the slithering and they have an amazing setup. If you don't know who the Order of the Amber die is, head over to the Paizo blogs and take a look at what they're doing. Their setup is amazing and just beautiful to look at and see. And they welcomed us with very opened arms to hang out with them for one day and just talk paizo, talk Pathfinder. It was amazing. It was awesome. So thank you, order of the Amber die. And, you know, you guys are awesome, and thank you for letting us hang out and see what you're doing and the magic you're creating. So this has gone on for way, way too long, even for one of my openings, so let me shut up and throw it to the table where we continue in this chaos. Welcome to the 93rd episode of the Cracked Die podcast. [00:05:17] Speaker B: Hooray. [00:05:18] Speaker C: Continues to 100. [00:05:21] Speaker B: Yeah. Getting closer. [00:05:23] Speaker D: Every episode, we have done goat, number of these. [00:05:26] Speaker C: What? [00:05:27] Speaker D: This is the goat episode. We've done goat number of these. [00:05:30] Speaker C: Oh, yes, yes, yes, of course. [00:05:33] Speaker A: All right, I have a very serious question to ask everyone. [00:05:35] Speaker B: Is it about August 19 and the thing that happened this week? Are we gonna talk about it? We're not gonna talk about it. Okay. [00:05:42] Speaker A: We're not gonna talk about that. [00:05:42] Speaker B: All right. [00:05:43] Speaker C: It's fine. [00:05:43] Speaker A: Well, you know, I mean, what's your favorite dinosaur? [00:05:47] Speaker B: I think I'm obligated to say pterodactyl, Christine. [00:05:52] Speaker E: I mean, I feel like I know enough people who are pedantic enough to tell you that a pterodactyl is not technically a dinosaur. But that aside, the entirely made up dinosaur, entirely fictional, sad faced dilophosaurus from harassing park. [00:06:04] Speaker A: Okay, haya, what is your favorite dinosaur? Real or imaginary? [00:06:11] Speaker C: Oh, then me. [00:06:17] Speaker A: Well, we found out last week Matt's 55 or something like that. [00:06:21] Speaker B: I'm 22. Still. Leave me alone. [00:06:23] Speaker E: So Haya is just clearly his anime waifu. It's actually imaginary. [00:06:30] Speaker A: Apparently, Haya's into fossils. Hey. [00:06:35] Speaker C: How about the Diplocosaurus? Did I say that right, diploma? Diplocas. B b. I'm looking up old pictures that Matt and I went and to the Philly National Museum a thousand years ago. Before the virus. [00:06:53] Speaker E: Yep. [00:06:54] Speaker C: And you know what? How about Spinosaurus? Let's go with Spinosaurus. [00:07:00] Speaker A: I'm down with some spinosaurus. Spinosaurusi rob. I can't wait to hear your answer. [00:07:06] Speaker D: Dinobots. [00:07:08] Speaker A: Dinobots. [00:07:09] Speaker B: Okay, you know what? I didn't think about that. But looking back, that's clearly obviously what you would have said. Knowing you, that's what I should have expected. [00:07:18] Speaker A: I did say real or imaginary. [00:07:20] Speaker B: Yep. And if I'm not allowed to say pterodactyl, I would say ankylosaurus. That's my other favorite. [00:07:26] Speaker A: So for me, it's definitely the made up version of the Velociraptor a la Jurassic park. Otherwise, I'm gonna have to go with a T Rex. [00:07:39] Speaker B: Good old T Rex. Can't go wrong with the T Rex. [00:07:42] Speaker E: Classics. Classics. [00:07:45] Speaker A: Yeah. The reason I asked this is because I had a thing pop up on my Facebook feed. And it's like, when you're an adult, no one ever asks what your favorite dinosaur is. [00:07:58] Speaker E: Meanwhile, Sean, every time is the new scientific discovery. He has to re rack his favorites to fit it in. [00:08:04] Speaker C: Right? [00:08:05] Speaker A: Yeah. Right. I'm really stoked about that. It's an old story, but that they found a dinosaur that was like a mummy. So we actually now have, like, impressions of, like, their skin better than we've ever had before. [00:08:18] Speaker E: Well, that's also, like, that was a huge thing for the feather thing because they can actually see, like, the pores where the feathers grow out of on the skin and the whole thing. [00:08:26] Speaker A: Yeah. Well, speaking of pores and feathers, it's Saraya's turn still. [00:08:34] Speaker E: Yes. [00:08:35] Speaker A: It works. Don't ask how. [00:08:37] Speaker C: Okay. [00:08:38] Speaker E: What? [00:08:38] Speaker C: I know nothing. [00:08:41] Speaker A: Saraya, it is your third action. You are humming and hawing. [00:08:46] Speaker E: I am, indeed. I'm gonna use my third action to give Jasper two, because he has a fun new trick he can do with how I can arrange his familiar abilities. So he can now take on. It's called master's form. So he can just kind of, like, poof into an elf. [00:09:07] Speaker A: What? [00:09:07] Speaker E: What? Yep. He gets, like, no, like, statistical bonuses or whatever. He just looks like an elf now. And he definitely still looks a little wrong. It's, like, specifically notes. And they're like, the traits that, like, there's something that, like, gives you away. So he probably still has, like, mixating membranes or something, or, like, his skin is actually still kind of sweaty. He's very clearly still a homunculoid form. [00:09:28] Speaker C: Nice. [00:09:29] Speaker E: But the other thing he's going to do is he's going to use an intimidate action to attempt to demoralize, because he has a better intimidate than I do, and he just suddenly turned from a raven or weird fleshy crow thing into a person. [00:09:44] Speaker A: Your familiar can change shape as a single action, transforming into a humanoid of your ancestry with the same age, gender, and build of its true form. It always maintains a clearly unnatural remnant of its nature. This form is always the same time it uses this ability. Wow. That is. [00:10:04] Speaker B: I'm surprised it doesn't call out size because he went from being tiny to being medium, so he jumped two sizes. [00:10:11] Speaker E: It does. It does say that, like, because it functions as the spell with. Without some of the spell benefits, so he can do his little thing. [00:10:20] Speaker B: What spell? [00:10:21] Speaker A: Wow, that's crazy. Oh, sorry. Otherwise, it uses the effects of a humanoid form spell, except the change is purely cosmetic, so it's basically an illusion. [00:10:32] Speaker E: It's. Yeah, he's still functionally tiny Jasper, but he just looks like an old mouth. [00:10:38] Speaker A: Wow. Okay, so make that intimidation roll. [00:10:42] Speaker E: Yeah. So he's. He's like, literally just right behind the sneak that was attacking me, and he's just gonna scream. Basically, the requirements to have this, by the way, for the master of familiar abilities is that they need to have manual dexterity and speech in order to take the master's form. So, yeah, he can talk now. He can use interact actions, and he just basically. [00:11:04] Speaker A: I don't like this. [00:11:05] Speaker B: So, knife, sword, how do you feel about it? [00:11:07] Speaker E: I am enjoying. [00:11:08] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:11:09] Speaker E: He looks like an elf now, not a bird. [00:11:11] Speaker B: He still got them bird eyes, probably. [00:11:14] Speaker E: He got the bird eyes. He's like. His whole skin is a little peach fuzzy, but so weird. I love it. I love it. Anyway, so it's a 15 against their will. DC, I believe. [00:11:31] Speaker A: Wait, don't you use Jasper's abilities? [00:11:34] Speaker E: Yes. Jasper has a plus nine to intimidate. I have, like, a plus two, so. [00:11:38] Speaker A: Okay. 15 versus their will. DC is not up is not enough. I'm sorry. [00:11:47] Speaker E: So I was hoping it would be, but it was not. It was also a really poor rule. Not worth hero pointing. Now there's a human Jasper. [00:11:57] Speaker B: Yay. [00:11:58] Speaker A: I don't. [00:11:59] Speaker E: Yeah, I was hoping exploding from a burn to a humanoid would maybe give a little bonus there, but. [00:12:07] Speaker C: So good. [00:12:10] Speaker B: You've doubled Saraya. [00:12:13] Speaker A: Yeah, it looks exactly like her, I think. [00:12:16] Speaker E: I think technically it looks like a male elf because Jasper is boy. [00:12:19] Speaker B: Right. It maintains its gender. Gender and size. Gender. And, like, look, I think. But it's just. [00:12:28] Speaker E: Yeah, that was my point in attempting to intimidate with it. Love. [00:12:35] Speaker B: It. [00:12:38] Speaker E: Didn'T work. [00:12:38] Speaker A: Okay. [00:12:39] Speaker E: But it was a thing. Yeah, I like how it is. I love how it is so very clearly, like, weird and shone out, but, like, this woman attacking me is like, oh, it's a Tuesday. Hi. [00:12:52] Speaker B: Ugh, another giant creepy elf. [00:12:56] Speaker E: I'm so tired of up. [00:12:59] Speaker A: Well, it's now the blood bore's turn, and it is going to take a step down to flank Rihanna. Okay, and then it's going to bite you with its jaws. Oh, wait a minute. Hang on. It's stunned. What does stunned. [00:13:19] Speaker B: Actually, it removes. It's. It's like slowed, except that it can't take reactions either. So. [00:13:23] Speaker A: Okay. [00:13:24] Speaker B: It loses its first two actions. That's what stun does in this case. [00:13:27] Speaker A: Oh, so all it does is take a step then. [00:13:30] Speaker B: Correct. [00:13:31] Speaker A: Oh, okay. [00:13:32] Speaker B: But it's no longer stunned. [00:13:34] Speaker A: It's no longer stunned. And you just see vomit coming out of its boar mouth snout. Ugh. All right, next up is one of the sneaky snips. It's actually the sneaky snick on the other side of Brianna. And it drew out its manacles. Last turn. Right. Now it's going to use a three action ability on Brianna. [00:14:02] Speaker B: Oh boy. [00:14:03] Speaker C: I have feelings. This is coming. [00:14:05] Speaker A: It's called efficient capture. [00:14:09] Speaker C: Okay. [00:14:10] Speaker A: The sneak attempts to bind the crystal creatures wrists or ankles with the manacles. I need to make an attack with a plus 16 modifier against your ac. Okay. So you have your shield raise. So your ac is plus two. [00:14:27] Speaker C: But I'm also stunned. Does that do anything? [00:14:29] Speaker A: Yes. [00:14:30] Speaker B: No. [00:14:30] Speaker A: No. It takes away an action from you. [00:14:32] Speaker B: Yeah. You can't make reactions and you lose one action. [00:14:37] Speaker A: Yeah. All right, here we go. [00:14:43] Speaker B: Oh, what the shit? [00:14:45] Speaker A: No, that's a natural 20. So that means you are manacled. [00:14:55] Speaker C: Okay. [00:14:56] Speaker A: At the wrists. [00:14:58] Speaker C: You know, it'd be fun if somebody liberating step. Oh, wait. [00:15:11] Speaker B: So let's talk about what manacles do. [00:15:13] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:15:13] Speaker A: Yes. [00:15:13] Speaker E: Yeah. [00:15:14] Speaker B: Okay. So a two handed creature with its wrist bound has to succeed at a DC five flat. Check anytime. Use a manipulate action or else the action fails. The DC may be higher depending on how tightly the manacles constrain the hands. The creature bound to a stationary object to apply creatures for more fewer limbs doesn't apply. And then it talks about how to get out of them. So what they do essentially is give you a chance to fail if you use manipulate actions, swinging your scimitar or smashing people in the face with a shield. Not manipulate actions. So you have to keep in mind what actions you might take or manipulate. Otherwise it does not hinder you. [00:15:51] Speaker A: Correct. [00:15:52] Speaker C: All right, so what now? [00:15:55] Speaker A: So that was. That was all three of its actions. You're just manacled. [00:15:58] Speaker C: Cool. [00:15:59] Speaker A: Next is twin Talon. [00:16:01] Speaker B: Okay, so the one to the directly north of me is the one that is manacled. Brienne. [00:16:05] Speaker A: Correct. [00:16:06] Speaker B: The one to the south of me, does it have manacles out as well? [00:16:09] Speaker A: It does. [00:16:10] Speaker B: I just want to attack the one above me, but I'm a lot like Brenna being manacled. I think that they have over estimated the effectiveness of what that's going to do. She's just going to strangle them with the chain in between them, I think is what's gonna happen. Whereas Saraya, I'm worried that, like, mixing chemicals and stuff is probably manipulating action. So I'm gonna try to stab the sneak to the south. [00:16:32] Speaker A: Okay. [00:16:33] Speaker C: Sneak a snake. [00:16:35] Speaker B: Sneak a snake. [00:16:36] Speaker A: How well you roll. [00:16:37] Speaker B: Oh, do I have to roll to stab? [00:16:41] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:16:41] Speaker B: Fuck. Never mind. This is not gonna work at all. [00:16:46] Speaker A: Everyone has a single hero point again. [00:16:48] Speaker B: Great. Okay, here we go. 24 20. It's flat footed. [00:16:56] Speaker A: It is flat footage. So that is a hit. [00:16:58] Speaker B: Okay, so that's this damage plus two. D six sneaky snake damage. Okay, so that's 28 damage. Plus it is now enfeebled one. Yeah. And then I'm gonna take my second attack. Okay, that is 23. [00:17:25] Speaker A: That will hit the AC. Exactly. [00:17:29] Speaker B: Okay, so I am now going to apply a negative ten foot speed penalty to it. [00:17:35] Speaker A: Okay, I remember these. [00:17:37] Speaker B: These sneaks not going down as fast as I thought they would. Cause it looks like there's a bunch of mooks, but I feel like they do have a decent amount of hit points. [00:17:44] Speaker A: They're okay hit point wise. [00:17:46] Speaker B: So the second attack does 22 damage. [00:17:51] Speaker A: Again, not liking that. Thank you. You have one more action. [00:17:56] Speaker B: Two. Man, I want to attack, but no, I've barely gotten their ac both times. My rolling has not been good. I got a six and a nine on my rolls, by the way. [00:18:06] Speaker A: Nice. [00:18:07] Speaker B: And twin Talon with his third action, will draw out his shield. And Taysani is going to attack the same sneak that he's been attacking. [00:18:18] Speaker A: Okay. [00:18:18] Speaker B: With her one action. That is a natural 20 for Taysani. [00:18:22] Speaker A: Oh, my God. That is a critical hit. [00:18:25] Speaker B: The Taysani, the named pterodactyl. [00:18:30] Speaker A: Oh, boy. [00:18:32] Speaker B: Okay. And this is her beak. So it's piercing calf jab, crit until healed. The target is clumsy one. And takes a negative ten status penalty to its land speed. So the speed penalty doesn't stack, but it lasts longer than mine does, and it makes it clumsy one. Which does, I think, Dex based attacks, which is what I believe the sneaks do. I think they use Dex because they're rogues like me. [00:18:54] Speaker A: Well, that's not good. How much damage did you do? [00:18:58] Speaker B: So it's double damage. So it does 24 damage with the beak to the calf. [00:19:02] Speaker A: Okay. The sneak is still standing. [00:19:06] Speaker B: It's gonna wish it never will. It's gonna wish it fell down. [00:19:10] Speaker A: Yeah. There's blood gushing out of her calf. [00:19:13] Speaker B: Yeah, she's got like a torn Achilles tendon. She got, she got stabbed twice. [00:19:17] Speaker A: Not good. So the sneak to the north of Brianna is going to try and manacle her feet. [00:19:27] Speaker C: Oh for fuck's sake. [00:19:28] Speaker A: Yeah. This is what happens when you become like when you are clearly one of the most dangerous people on the field. They're trying to incapacitate you. All right, 28 versus your ac, I guess. [00:19:42] Speaker C: No, because I'm dazed. No. [00:19:44] Speaker A: No. [00:19:45] Speaker C: Then no. [00:19:45] Speaker B: It's still a 32. The manacles didn't affect it. Stun doesn't affect it. You're just a big tin can. [00:19:52] Speaker C: No, 32 would be with my shield up. [00:19:55] Speaker B: I think. You still have your shield up. [00:19:56] Speaker A: You still have your shield up even though you're manacled. It's still in front of you. But that still, still is a miss. And that's all three of their actions. Haha. It is now your turn. Oh, hang on. This sneak is still on fire and takes two more damage. Now it is your turn. [00:20:15] Speaker B: Wait just one question. Wasn't that sneak stunned? [00:20:20] Speaker A: Oh my goodness. You are absolutely correct. You are absolutely correct. It doesn't let me move the stun and I will just have the sneak drop prone and try and put them or well, try and put themselves out. So if I stop dropping and rolling. So I'm gonna put them prone. [00:20:39] Speaker B: Okay. [00:20:40] Speaker E: Can I roll that fort of shoes save? [00:20:42] Speaker A: Yeah, fort save is 23. [00:20:48] Speaker E: That beats a 15, dude. [00:20:50] Speaker A: So. Okay, so that is no longer burning but she is prone on the ground. Brianna, it is now your turn. [00:20:58] Speaker C: So my hands are manacled. [00:21:01] Speaker A: Right. But it doesn't really make a difference because you can still make an attack action without manipulating it. [00:21:08] Speaker C: All right. But I'm day so I can only do two actions. Correct. [00:21:12] Speaker A: Correct. [00:21:13] Speaker B: This turn. [00:21:14] Speaker C: And then it goes this turn, this turn. Um, I am being a little langued but I rather keep trying to focus fire of at least these three. So I'm gonna keep working on the triad member to my left. All right, how's 23? [00:21:39] Speaker A: 23 will miss. [00:21:44] Speaker B: Do we hear a point? [00:21:46] Speaker C: Should I? So early on. All right, take my hearpoint. [00:21:51] Speaker A: Okay. [00:21:52] Speaker C: How's a 30? [00:21:54] Speaker A: That will hit for sure. [00:21:55] Speaker C: All right, take 16 points of damage. [00:21:59] Speaker B: And I'd like to use my reaction. [00:22:01] Speaker A: I guess I'll allow it because the rules say I have to. [00:22:04] Speaker B: Okay. I would like to attack the same person that she attacked using. [00:22:08] Speaker A: Okay. [00:22:10] Speaker B: Whatever my fucking feels. Reactive murder or something. [00:22:14] Speaker A: Reactive murder? Yes. That's it. I think that's right. Sounds right. [00:22:18] Speaker B: To me, opportune backstab. That's what it's called. Opportune backstab. [00:22:21] Speaker E: I mean, I prefer reactive murder. They say about the same thing. [00:22:27] Speaker B: 35 to hit, and it's flat footed. [00:22:29] Speaker C: Nice. [00:22:30] Speaker A: That is a crit. Critical hit. [00:22:33] Speaker B: Nice. So piercing, skewered, triple damage. Also, the target is slowed, one for one round. [00:22:41] Speaker A: We'll see if that even matters. [00:22:43] Speaker B: Plus, okay, so it's 15 times three is 545. A nice, even triple. [00:22:50] Speaker A: 45. [00:22:51] Speaker B: 45 damage. And the target is slowed. One. [00:22:53] Speaker A: They're slowed a lot more than one, because when you die, I believe you're slowed for life. [00:23:00] Speaker D: Beautiful. [00:23:01] Speaker B: Yes. So I feel like Brianna does with her hands manacled together. She does, like, an overhand chop. And as the sneak throws its rapier up to block it, twintallon just slips his short sword in between her ribs, pierces her heart, and she crumples the ground. [00:23:19] Speaker A: Yep. [00:23:20] Speaker C: House natural. 19 on the dive, for a total of 23 for my last attack on, let's say, the sneak behind me. [00:23:29] Speaker A: Ah, the sneak that's on the ground trying to put themselves out now. Let's go. [00:23:34] Speaker C: The boar. It kind of. [00:23:36] Speaker A: The boar. [00:23:37] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:23:39] Speaker A: That is a critical success. [00:23:42] Speaker C: Beautiful. [00:23:43] Speaker B: Wow. Good job. [00:23:45] Speaker C: Thanks. All right. Sapping slash. [00:23:49] Speaker A: The target is fatigued and double damage. I mean, I'm pretty fatigued after puking. [00:23:57] Speaker C: A lot as well, so take 32 points of damage. [00:24:01] Speaker A: Ow. Okay, nice. Knife. Sword. The bird directly behind you. You just became an elf. [00:24:09] Speaker B: That means any of the elves could be birds in disguise. [00:24:16] Speaker E: You hurt Jasper, you're in for a world of pain. [00:24:22] Speaker D: I have a quick question on my vomit swarm. It says this area, but doesn't give me an area. But it says everything in the area is affected. I'm assuming it's a cone. [00:24:31] Speaker A: Vomit swarm is a 30 foot cone. [00:24:34] Speaker D: So could I angle it to hit the two sneaks and the dwarf? [00:24:39] Speaker A: Yes. You would only hit one sneak, I believe. [00:24:43] Speaker B: Yeah. You could either hit Briena and the northern sneak and dwarf, or you could not hit Briena. See, the one to the west, the western sneak, even though it looks like it's on the map, is not there. [00:24:55] Speaker A: Oh, yeah. Sorry. [00:24:57] Speaker D: Well, I'm technically in the same space as grandma, so. [00:25:01] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:25:01] Speaker B: Oh, well, in that case, then, yes, you could hit both of the two people to the north. [00:25:05] Speaker D: I'll do that. So that'll be two actions. 25. [00:25:12] Speaker B: That's nice for. [00:25:13] Speaker A: And they. They take a basic reflex. So 31. [00:25:23] Speaker D: 31 passes. Success. They get the damage, but not the sicken. [00:25:29] Speaker B: They get half damage and not sicken. [00:25:32] Speaker A: And 22 fails. Fails. So full damage and sickened. Well, they're still. They're already sickened. So from the first time. So the full damage is 25. Five points of damage then. [00:25:53] Speaker B: Well. [00:25:54] Speaker D: And then for my last action, I'm gonna send a level four magic missile at the dwarf. [00:26:00] Speaker A: All right. [00:26:01] Speaker B: Single action. [00:26:01] Speaker D: Yep. [00:26:02] Speaker B: So I think level three and level four are the same. [00:26:05] Speaker D: Oh yeah. Level three. Okay. [00:26:08] Speaker A: Yeah. All right. So he takes nine points of damage and flavor stumbles back a little bit. [00:26:14] Speaker C: The flavor stumbles. [00:26:16] Speaker B: Mmm. Delicious. [00:26:18] Speaker A: It is now his turn. He's going to step forward and swing his flail at twin Talon. Now you are being flanked. Does that actually matter or no? [00:26:31] Speaker B: Are they higher level than me? [00:26:34] Speaker A: Oh no, they are not. [00:26:35] Speaker B: Then no. [00:26:36] Speaker C: Do they leave a threat square? [00:26:38] Speaker A: They stepped. So they do not provoke. [00:26:41] Speaker D: They'll provoke. [00:26:42] Speaker A: 25 misses. Misses. Okay. And then he swings at knife sword for his second attack. [00:26:53] Speaker D: Oh, now I'm really provoked. 24 does not hit. [00:27:03] Speaker A: Terrible. Absolute garbage turn. [00:27:06] Speaker B: I don't know. That was great. [00:27:08] Speaker A: The scarlet, the sneak. That is Rai Saraya and twin Talon. Their first action is to hobble away 1015. And then they're gonna move 15 more feet. 510. 15. Five. So they're leaving the area. Surreya, is it is your turn. [00:27:34] Speaker E: Okay. Well, fun thing about ranged weapons. Okay. I'm gonna move about 25ft here and catch up with her. [00:27:47] Speaker A: Yeah, that's a pain when you only move 15ft in a turn, trying to. [00:27:53] Speaker B: Escape with a negative ten penalty of speed when the thing chasing you has faster speed than you do normally. Like. Good luck. [00:28:01] Speaker E: Yeah. [00:28:02] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:28:03] Speaker E: I'm gonna throw. How long is that her speed pound for? [00:28:07] Speaker B: Until she's healed. [00:28:08] Speaker E: Oh, perfect. Cool. Then. Yeah. I'm not wasting the cross file. Let's see. More fire. [00:28:15] Speaker A: So I just want to point out that this member, this sneak, Suraya, punched her square in the face. And then she's been stabbed a couple of. Couple times followed by a pterodactyl lancing her like achilles heel. [00:28:30] Speaker E: I'm just gonna get lit on fire. So does the 29 hit her? [00:28:34] Speaker A: It does. [00:28:36] Speaker E: I was thinking so. Okay. And that is the plus two. Plus two splash. So that's another seven damage. Plus two more. So nine. Um. Then. [00:28:54] Speaker A: And they just immolate on the ground. [00:28:57] Speaker E: Oh, they're. They're. They're gone. [00:29:00] Speaker A: They're gone. [00:29:01] Speaker C: Okay. [00:29:02] Speaker E: Uh, well then Jasper's gonna do the thing I wanted her to do to that one. To a different one. [00:29:10] Speaker C: What was that? I missed half of that. I heard Brianna and feet. [00:29:14] Speaker E: Oh. So Jasper is gonna come around. Brianna sells feet fix what don't worry about it. Well, he's gonna move. Yeah. So he's gonna move to this square here. So he's got a little bit of space between him and the boar. And he is going to try and trip. Cause that is an untrained stealth action. I'm trying to knock her down. [00:29:46] Speaker A: I mean, I get it. [00:29:47] Speaker E: Who the sneak or stealth or thievery? One of those. It's an uncharted. [00:29:54] Speaker B: The sneak is currently on the ground. She's just. She dropped down to roll on the ground. [00:29:58] Speaker E: Oh, that's right. She did drop down already. Then he'll come around the other way and try and knock the dwarf down and stuff. [00:30:08] Speaker A: Okay. [00:30:09] Speaker B: On trip is athletics, Jeff. [00:30:11] Speaker E: Yeah. Yeah. Tripp is athletics. I don't know why I was looking at if there was anything he could do with the other ones, just for. Just for giggles, since he looks like an elephant. Okay, so his athletics is plus nine. That's a 21 to try and grip. [00:30:28] Speaker A: The dwarf versus their reflex DC, correct? [00:30:33] Speaker E: Yes. [00:30:33] Speaker A: That is a fail. That is a success for you. A fail for me. [00:30:37] Speaker E: Zazi falls and lands prone. I told you this wasn't going the way you wanted it to. [00:30:44] Speaker B: Also, we don't have a Jasper token on the field. Is that correct? [00:30:48] Speaker A: Correct. I need fixing that. [00:30:50] Speaker B: Just making sure I wasn't missing something. [00:30:53] Speaker A: Okay, next up is the four, who. [00:31:00] Speaker B: Looks like it's sickened and also has a heart attack. What is the heart? [00:31:06] Speaker A: The heart is fatigued. [00:31:11] Speaker E: Also jester. When Jasper shoves the guy down, he just, like, croaks out, like, stay down. [00:31:18] Speaker A: I don't like this. [00:31:19] Speaker E: I love this. I'm having so much fun with this. [00:31:23] Speaker C: Good. That's the important part. [00:31:27] Speaker A: Just walk away. Okay, so the four is going to attempt to bite knife, sword. [00:31:43] Speaker D: Oh, up here. [00:31:45] Speaker A: Oh, that's right. You're in the backpack. Well, then gonna attempt to bite. It's. [00:31:51] Speaker D: He wants to attempt to charge Brianna. It's okay with me. [00:31:55] Speaker C: Brianna's gonna deflect and make sure that the backpack is what's being bitten and not her. [00:32:00] Speaker B: Mm hmm. [00:32:02] Speaker A: So first attack against. Against Brianna. [00:32:06] Speaker C: All right, what's up? [00:32:07] Speaker A: That's a miss a roo. So as you spin in a circle to avoid being bittende, the backpack is directly at bore mouth height, so bites at the backpack, aka knife, sword. [00:32:25] Speaker D: That misses. [00:32:26] Speaker B: That critically misses. [00:32:28] Speaker A: It critically misses. However, this boar does not have a name. [00:32:31] Speaker B: You said that everyone who critically missed drew a card. [00:32:34] Speaker A: Oh, that's right. I did. [00:32:39] Speaker D: I dubbed this bortholog. [00:32:43] Speaker A: So the boar tries to bite knife, sword. But. And catches knife sword, but really actually catches knife swords, overgrown toenails. So now takes one d six. Persistent bleed. [00:33:01] Speaker D: Oh man, I've been meaning to do this. [00:33:04] Speaker B: The blood boar is taking bleed damage. [00:33:07] Speaker A: You know, that was its second attack. And its third attack is going to be against Briena again. [00:33:15] Speaker B: All right, so it's second crit fail. Is that what you're saying? [00:33:18] Speaker A: Maybe not. [00:33:19] Speaker B: Okay, I'm interested to see I can. [00:33:21] Speaker A: Roll a natural 20. [00:33:22] Speaker B: You can, we've seen it. [00:33:24] Speaker A: But not when I roll a six critically miss by 18 points. Haha. [00:33:33] Speaker C: Draw them. [00:33:34] Speaker B: That's almost a double critical fail, right? [00:33:37] Speaker A: That's almost. Right. Uh, I can't use this attack until the end of my next turn. Oh, yay. This was going so well. I got some manacles on a character. I was super excited. Twin Talon, it is your turn. [00:34:01] Speaker B: All right, so I'm going to stab at the heart of the dwarf, who is on the ground, flat footed, prone, and all of the things. 31 dead to a hit crit. Okay. Mm hmm. Oh, this is from someone. It's very small. Oh, it's one of our, our Patreon patrons. So piercing, it's called through and through. Double damage and single damage to a target adjacent to the first. Okay, great. So he stabs through the dwarf into the sneak behind him. [00:34:42] Speaker A: It's from Duke. [00:34:43] Speaker B: Alright. [00:34:43] Speaker A: It's from Duke. [00:34:45] Speaker B: Thank you, Duke. That worked out great. [00:34:47] Speaker A: Yes. [00:34:50] Speaker B: So let's roll some damage. [00:34:52] Speaker A: You don't have to. [00:34:53] Speaker B: No, no damage. Here it is. Donut. [00:34:56] Speaker A: All right. [00:34:57] Speaker B: All right. So the dwarf takes 36 damage and the sneak behind him takes 18. [00:35:12] Speaker C: Nice. [00:35:15] Speaker A: Wow, that's, uh, that's a spicy damage. All right, they're both still standing. [00:35:24] Speaker B: No, they're not. They're laying down. [00:35:26] Speaker A: Well, they're both lying on the ground. They've come undone. [00:35:31] Speaker E: Okay, we were talking about goats earlier, so I think they're lying on the coast by brown. Screaming goats on. [00:35:42] Speaker B: All right, Taysani is gonna interject and she is going to attack the prone dwarf. That was almost an afterlife team. A total of 18. That probably misses him. [00:35:54] Speaker A: That does miss. [00:35:57] Speaker B: And then with my. With twin talons, second action. So if you've been listening to the podcast for a while and you paid attention to the, you know, 100 skill feats that I've taken, you know, that one of them good on you, because. [00:36:17] Speaker A: You'Ve done more than I have. [00:36:18] Speaker B: Absolutely. One of them was quick unlock, which means I can use unlock as a single action. So as Brianna is swinging around, twin talons is gonna reach out and try to undo manacles. I I think looking at the description of manacles, basically I have to unlock each hand separately, but I'm gonna try. [00:36:41] Speaker A: That a question about this skill. So I'll just tell you. These are average manacles. Okay, so. [00:36:51] Speaker B: So average manacles require four successes at DC 27, right? [00:36:57] Speaker A: So. Oh, so you have to do it four times a. Got it, got it, got it. Okay, nevermind. I'm good. [00:37:03] Speaker B: So I can amass some successes. [00:37:06] Speaker A: Correct. [00:37:07] Speaker B: As we go. All right. Are you fucking kidding me with this bullshit? Natural one. Oh, boy, do I have a hero point. Did I use it already? All right, I'm gonna use it. I'm gonna use it for this stuff. Okay, there we go. 25 does not make it. So I will use my third action to try again. 26. All right, it's someone else's turn now. [00:37:37] Speaker C: Cool. [00:37:39] Speaker A: It is the sneak's turn. First action is she is going to stand up. [00:37:45] Speaker B: Would that provoke attack of opportunity? [00:37:48] Speaker C: I was gonna ask the same thing. [00:37:50] Speaker A: I believe it does situ aspect. [00:37:53] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:37:54] Speaker A: Oh, jeez. [00:37:55] Speaker C: The 32. [00:37:57] Speaker A: It is a move action. So I'm assuming move actions. Provoke. 32 is a critical hit. [00:38:04] Speaker C: Beautiful. As I said, sit your ass back down. [00:38:10] Speaker A: Oh, boy. [00:38:13] Speaker B: Crit hit trigger. A creature within your reach. Uses, manipulate or move action. [00:38:18] Speaker A: There you go. [00:38:19] Speaker C: Nerve slice. The target is slow. Two for one round. And I'm guessing still double damage. Double damage. [00:38:28] Speaker A: Oh, boy. [00:38:31] Speaker C: 24 points of damage. [00:38:33] Speaker A: Would you like to describe your way you dispatch this scarlet triad snake? [00:38:39] Speaker C: Well, I think in true both scimitar like fashion and very Brianna esque, the minute she starts rising, she see Briana, sees an opportunity and pulls back on her scimitar and decapitates her. [00:38:59] Speaker A: Cool. [00:39:00] Speaker C: You're welcome. [00:39:01] Speaker A: The head rolls by the bloodbore. All right, well, that interrupted their turn, so let's just move on to Brianna's turn. [00:39:16] Speaker C: Okay, cool. So that's done. [00:39:19] Speaker B: Make sure to pick up your reaction. You just dropped it. [00:39:22] Speaker C: Oh, thanks. I'm gonna pick it right back up. Thank you. Hmm. Bloodbore or this dude? What do you guys think? [00:39:32] Speaker B: The dwarf is prone, but the blood boar can't attack this turn. [00:39:36] Speaker E: True. [00:39:37] Speaker C: Let's. Let's give some love to the dwarf. I've yet to. To bestow my. My affection upon them, so I'ma attempt to strike, please. How's a 23? I wrote a four. Boo. [00:39:53] Speaker A: That is a hit. [00:39:55] Speaker C: Oh, cool. [00:39:56] Speaker B: Resolves this. I'd like to take a reaction. [00:39:58] Speaker C: Take 13 points of damage. [00:40:00] Speaker A: All right. [00:40:02] Speaker B: Okay. I'd like to use reactive murder. [00:40:07] Speaker C: Yay. Reactive murder. [00:40:12] Speaker B: 24 to hit. [00:40:14] Speaker A: That will hit man. Guys, don't become prone. [00:40:19] Speaker B: So that's 20 damage from twin Talon. [00:40:23] Speaker A: All right, Brianna, you have two more actions. [00:40:25] Speaker C: Beautiful. I'm just gonna keep wailing on him because why not? [00:40:29] Speaker A: All right. [00:40:30] Speaker C: Like. Like I do. How's a 31? [00:40:36] Speaker A: Oh, no, that's. Oh, wait, that's a regular hit. I thought it was a critical for a second. No, it's a regular hit man. [00:40:45] Speaker C: All right, take 21 points of damage. [00:40:50] Speaker A: Okay, he is still bleeding on the ground. [00:40:55] Speaker C: And for my last action, I guess I'll raise my shield since I am between these two beautiful things. [00:41:00] Speaker A: Okay, knife, sword. [00:41:06] Speaker D: I'm gonna scurry headfirst down Briana's arm and try to unlock the shackles. [00:41:11] Speaker A: Okay, give me a thievery check, please. [00:41:15] Speaker D: Natural 20. [00:41:17] Speaker C: Nice. [00:41:18] Speaker A: All right, that is a critical success. So I'm gonna give you two successes for that. [00:41:26] Speaker D: So I guess that's two actions. I moved and I. [00:41:29] Speaker B: Well, doing the. That's three. Doing unlocking things in combat is two actions. [00:41:36] Speaker D: Ah. Okay. All right, then I'm done. [00:41:38] Speaker A: Brianna, you have one hand free. [00:41:44] Speaker C: Okay. [00:41:44] Speaker D: You also have a goblin on your. [00:41:45] Speaker A: Just letting you know you also have a goblin on your arm. [00:41:49] Speaker C: Cool. I'm gonna use it as a weapon or shield. [00:41:53] Speaker B: It's got more hit points than your regular shield. [00:41:56] Speaker D: Wait a minute. [00:41:57] Speaker A: The dwarf will stand up from prone. [00:42:04] Speaker B: That's a move action, right? [00:42:05] Speaker A: That is a move action. Oh, God. Would anyone like to take a. An attack of opportunity? [00:42:13] Speaker C: Sure. [00:42:14] Speaker A: Okay. [00:42:16] Speaker C: Why not? [00:42:17] Speaker E: I mean, if we could just keep this lovely little thing going, I swear. [00:42:22] Speaker C: Goblin, sit the fuck back down. Yeah, I use the goblin as a bludgeoning. That's a hit. [00:42:32] Speaker B: It's flat footed. [00:42:33] Speaker A: No, he's not flat footed. [00:42:35] Speaker B: He is when he's standing up. [00:42:36] Speaker A: Oh, okay. So then, yes. That is a crit. [00:42:39] Speaker C: Beautiful. All right, I'm draw this here card. Bludgeoning. Soul crushing blow. [00:42:51] Speaker A: Oh, my God. [00:42:53] Speaker C: The target is doomed. One and stupefied one for as long as it is doomed. [00:42:58] Speaker A: And knife sword does. How much does a club do? [00:43:04] Speaker B: I think he's bigger than a club. [00:43:07] Speaker C: I'm gonna use my unarmed attack, I guess. [00:43:10] Speaker A: So. A club, one, d, six, bludgeoning. I'm gonna say knife, sword does. Two, d, six, bludgeoning. [00:43:16] Speaker C: Okay. Two, D, six. [00:43:19] Speaker A: He said yes, please. [00:43:21] Speaker C: Flat. So ten points a day. [00:43:25] Speaker B: Gonna get your strength, boss. [00:43:28] Speaker C: That's why Asa was flat or not. [00:43:29] Speaker A: Oh, I'm sorry. Yeah. Two, d, six plus your. Your strength. So your strength is what? Plus four? [00:43:34] Speaker B: Yep. [00:43:35] Speaker D: 18. [00:43:36] Speaker A: So that's 18 points of damage. To both knife, sword and the dwarf. But the. The thickening crack of a skull exploding. You don't know if it's knife, sword or the dwarf. And then you look down and you see the dwarf. His head is just cracked open, bleeding on the ground, dead. Well, that interrupts my turn. So uh, sureya, it is your turn now. [00:44:16] Speaker E: I mean, I guess it's time to grill up some words work. I gotta move. So I'm within range and I'm gonna. I'm actually gonna throw an acid flask at it. [00:44:32] Speaker A: Okay. Start melting that tough exterior to get to the good meaty parts of this on the inside. [00:44:38] Speaker E: Got a tender. You really do. 31 to hit the bore. [00:44:43] Speaker A: A 31 will hit critical hit. Critically hit because of all the statuses shree. [00:44:51] Speaker E: Let me draw my car. I've never crit hit so much. I'm enjoying it. [00:44:56] Speaker A: I figured you guys needed something after. [00:44:58] Speaker E: We needed to win after our last, you know, after almost dying. Let's see. Bomb or spell. The target glows for 1 minute with the effect of a fairy fire spell. [00:45:09] Speaker A: Uh, okay, so double damage. [00:45:13] Speaker E: Does it just glow? [00:45:15] Speaker A: So do double damage first off. [00:45:17] Speaker E: Okay, so it's two d six persistent acid show. Is that just two d six times two for this around or should I roll 46? [00:45:29] Speaker B: I think it's always two d, six times two. I think crits are always supposed to. [00:45:32] Speaker A: Yeah, perfect. [00:45:35] Speaker E: So that's 220 acid damage. [00:45:37] Speaker A: Poor boy. Woo hoo. [00:45:40] Speaker E: Teehee. Plus the two acid splash. [00:45:43] Speaker B: Who needs a slow cooker? [00:45:45] Speaker A: Okay. [00:45:46] Speaker B: Meat's gonna fall right off the bone. [00:45:49] Speaker E: You know it. [00:45:51] Speaker A: You hear oinking in distress. [00:45:54] Speaker C: Yum yum yum yum. [00:45:55] Speaker E: For real. And I guess I will throw some fire at it. Cause fire fun. And of all the things I would have fun punching, I don't think I. [00:46:06] Speaker B: Need to punch a board. [00:46:06] Speaker E: 27. [00:46:08] Speaker A: That's a regular hit. [00:46:10] Speaker E: Okay, Judy. Eight plus two. Fire. It continues to roast a little for 13 more damage. Plus two more splash. Plus two persistent. A lot of persistent. [00:46:20] Speaker A: It has a bunch of persistent. All right, next is the boar's turn. So it's sickened. One fatigued and has five persistent damage. Three at three from bleed and two from acid. [00:46:39] Speaker E: Two from fire with two d six from acid. [00:46:43] Speaker A: Oh, from acid. Yep. [00:46:46] Speaker B: Yeah. Beginning of his turn. It takes five damage, plus two d six. Or no, I guess this turn, we'd already rolled the d six from the bomb. [00:46:55] Speaker A: Yeah, yeah. So it's going to take the. Yeah, so it's gonna bite at Brianna. [00:47:03] Speaker B: Its mouth is still broken from last round. [00:47:06] Speaker A: Oh, that's right. Oh boy. Oh, that's right. It can't use that attack for this turn. [00:47:15] Speaker B: You could use that, but it cannot use bite. [00:47:18] Speaker A: Well, fun fact, it does not have a different attack. So that's. It's just gonna try and like bite you, but it can't really do it. So that's its turn. Twin talon. Haha. Oh, wait, hang on. Now I have to take. I know I took bleed. Oh, I gotta try and stabilize. [00:47:40] Speaker B: You take, you roll. Three separate flat checks of a DC fish. 15. [00:47:45] Speaker E: Yeah. [00:47:46] Speaker A: All right, so I take the three bleed. So first flat check is a seven. That was for the bleed. [00:47:57] Speaker B: Okay. For the fire. [00:47:58] Speaker A: The second one is for fire is also a seven. And then for the acid, that's two. So now it is. [00:48:13] Speaker B: I was working on something, but it didn't really solidify in my head. It ended up with we must be some mad men, because that's one John ham. But I don't really. It didn't really go anywhere. [00:48:27] Speaker E: I mean, I think that's funny. [00:48:29] Speaker B: I mean, that's a pun, but I don't know that applies or anything. Anyway, so first things first. Twin town is gonna try to finish up what dark hole started and try to get them their manacles off. Maybe. I can not roll like garbage. [00:48:47] Speaker A: Okay, probably not. [00:48:54] Speaker B: Okay, there we go. 33. So that's success. That is the third success. [00:48:58] Speaker A: Yep. [00:48:59] Speaker B: Then he'll roll again. Match 1938. That's technically a crit, but that should be the fourth one. And that's enough to get them off. [00:49:07] Speaker A: Yep. So the manacles fall to the great. [00:49:10] Speaker B: And then for his last action, he's gonna give Taysani two actions. And Taysani is going to circle, swooping around the battlefield. She is going to wink at the captive as she flies by him. And then she is going to end up behind the boar directly opposite Brianna. And for her second action, she's going to peck at him. [00:49:36] Speaker A: Right? So that makes it flat with her. [00:49:39] Speaker B: And Brienne, who should be next 23, to hit the boar. [00:49:46] Speaker A: That is a hit. [00:49:48] Speaker C: Yes. [00:49:50] Speaker B: 13 damage. [00:49:52] Speaker A: Okay, so the blood bore damage, by. [00:49:56] Speaker B: The way, if it makes a difference. [00:49:57] Speaker A: Looks like it's on its last legs and it drops for a second and then you see it kind of shake its head and stand up again. [00:50:10] Speaker B: Wait, two boars have ferocity? [00:50:12] Speaker A: Maybe. [00:50:14] Speaker B: I think I remember that when I was looking at animal companions. The boars do have ferocity. Okay, I don't remember what ferocity does, but I do remember it makes you stand up when you're unconscious. Okay, but that's the end of my turn. [00:50:26] Speaker A: All right, Brianna, it is now your turn. [00:50:32] Speaker C: Brianna starts hearing that song, what was it? By the Chunga wumba. [00:50:37] Speaker E: It's been a while. [00:50:39] Speaker C: Thank you. [00:50:41] Speaker E: Chumba wumba. [00:50:43] Speaker C: Thank you. What did I say to your friend last time? Sit your ass back down. And she's going to do her thing and attack. Oh, for fuck's sake. I'm guessing a 21 does not hit. [00:51:00] Speaker A: So normally, if it weren't flanked and flat footed to you, that would be correct. But since it is, you hit. [00:51:07] Speaker C: Beautiful take. 17 points. Points of damage. [00:51:12] Speaker A: So Brianna crushes the boar and it dies. [00:51:17] Speaker C: All right, everybody hungry? [00:51:19] Speaker B: Fucking weird elf. Get out of its face. Stop eating its eyes. [00:51:23] Speaker E: Well, no, he starts to go do that and then, like, realizes he has hands and just kind of goes, like, aw. But Saraya also just runs over and is like, look at you. You're so handsome. Oh, look at. She's, like, fawning over this thing like it's a baby. And I'm sure everyone else is like, uh, what the f? [00:51:41] Speaker B: I think the other three are just exchanging eyeballs. [00:51:44] Speaker D: I'm not. I'm releasing from the arm and falling to the ground, stunned. [00:51:51] Speaker E: It's all right. It technically lasts ten minutes, but I assume it's one of those things where, like, he can poof back out at will. [00:51:58] Speaker A: Yeah, we'll say that. [00:52:00] Speaker E: Um. Cause. Yeah. [00:52:02] Speaker B: What? [00:52:02] Speaker E: The second he realizes he can't peck this exis out, he's gonna go back to being a raven and do that. [00:52:07] Speaker B: Uh, twin Talon will, uh, pick up dark hole like a toddler and, uh, put him on his feet, kind of dust him off. [00:52:21] Speaker C: You feeling okay there? [00:52:24] Speaker D: What was that? [00:52:26] Speaker C: Well, you decided to climb down my arm. I saw an opportunity. I apologize. [00:52:32] Speaker B: I did. [00:52:33] Speaker D: What? When? [00:52:36] Speaker C: Never mind. [00:52:37] Speaker A: Let's. [00:52:37] Speaker C: Let's get you, uh, situated. I'm guessing he is hurt. [00:52:42] Speaker A: Yes, he is. [00:52:43] Speaker C: I don't know if I can do anything other than lay on hands or battlefield medicine. [00:52:48] Speaker B: You can either. [00:52:49] Speaker A: Well, you can treat wounds. You can't do that because you're out of. Yeah, yeah. [00:52:54] Speaker C: Uh, remind me how treat wounds works then. [00:52:57] Speaker A: Medicine check. You can declare whether you want to use a DC 15 or DC 20. DC 20 will heal more than a DC 15. Make a medicine check. If you succeed, he is immune to treat wounds for an hour, so succeed. [00:53:16] Speaker C: For the higher one. [00:53:17] Speaker A: Okay? Which means you heal two d eight plus ten. [00:53:25] Speaker C: Good lord. Here you go, buddy. You heal back 19 points of damage. [00:53:32] Speaker D: Thanks, man. I don't know what hit me. [00:53:35] Speaker B: I think it was that dwarf. [00:53:37] Speaker C: Oops. [00:53:39] Speaker B: Also, I'm assuming it's a little buddy Sarenrae band aid again just on his noggin. [00:53:48] Speaker A: Oh, absolutely. Yeah, absolutely. [00:53:53] Speaker B: All right, so while uh, brain is doing that, uh, Twintown is gonna go check out the, the captive to the north. [00:53:59] Speaker A: Okay. Uh, he's been cowering the entire time, obviously. Um, but he is manacled as well as has a. It covers his lower jaw almost like one of those hannibal Lecter looking masks. [00:54:17] Speaker B: I'm assuming because this is like a magical world, they want to keep spellcasters from. Spellcasting. Yeah, that was my first thought when I saw that was just like, that's probably an adaptation for that purpose. [00:54:31] Speaker A: So you can either try and pick the lock or try and find keys. [00:54:36] Speaker C: I mean, if anybody could pick a lock, it would be twin Talon. Let's be honest here. [00:54:43] Speaker B: Yeah. Twin Talon has no need for keys or time to find them. I try to pick this guy's lock until I crit fail and then I'll go find the keys. [00:54:55] Speaker A: Okay, so one roll. Got it. Give me a thief. [00:55:00] Speaker B: Recheck 34. [00:55:02] Speaker A: All right. You easily pick the lock and as you take the manacles and the muzzle off. Oh. Oh, thank you. Thank you so much. I can't thank you enough. Then you start shaking your hand. [00:55:21] Speaker B: Not a problem. What's, what's going on here also? Where is here? [00:55:26] Speaker A: Well, I'll tell you all of this information next week. [00:55:33] Speaker B: Oh. [00:55:37] Speaker C: How does he know that? That's so meta. [00:55:39] Speaker A: Oh, I, I forgot to give you guys one other really important piece of information. [00:55:44] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:55:45] Speaker A: Before we sign off for this week. [00:55:47] Speaker E: Yeah. [00:55:48] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:55:49] Speaker A: You all level up? [00:55:50] Speaker B: Yeah. Ability score, bonuses. [00:56:00] Speaker A: Okay. Now, I'll see you next week. [00:56:02] Speaker B: Alright, bye bye. [00:56:10] Speaker A: Thank you for listening to the Crack Die podcast. Background sound effects provided by sirenscape. Because Epic Games deserve Epic music. Please visit [email protected] Pathfinder second edition, Age of Ashes adventure path are all copyright of Paizo Publishing. Please visit [email protected] for more information.

Other Episodes

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