The Cracked Die Podcast - Episode 65 - Defying Gravity

Episode 40 February 04, 2021 00:45:50
The Cracked Die Podcast - Episode 65 - Defying Gravity
The Cracked Die Podcast
The Cracked Die Podcast - Episode 65 - Defying Gravity

Feb 04 2021 | 00:45:50


Show Notes

Even MOAR fighting, but this time we find our new friend has some interesting abilities! 

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Theme music by Angelo Di Loreto -
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Episode Transcript

[00:00:38] Speaker A: Welcome to the 65th episode of the Cracked Die podcast. [00:00:44] Speaker B: Woohoo. Woo hoo. [00:00:45] Speaker C: Yes. Welcome. [00:00:47] Speaker A: All right, so for those of you who didn't listen to last episode, what are you doing? Go back and listen to the last episode. [00:00:53] Speaker C: 65 is a weird place to start. [00:00:56] Speaker B: Yeah, yeah. Just gonna throw that out there. Weird place to start, guys. [00:00:59] Speaker D: I feel that the last three are the only important ones. I'm sorry, last two. [00:01:03] Speaker C: That's fair. It's a fair point of view. [00:01:07] Speaker A: That's Rob. Welcome. Rob decided to stay and continue playing with us, which is good for now. For now. And let's just jump into this combat where you're about to throw things into a pit. [00:01:23] Speaker B: Hell, yeah. [00:01:24] Speaker C: I was thinking, Rob, that's a dangerous pastime. I know it is. Luckily, it's not my pastime. Rob, your character, knife sword, dark hole, seagull teeth, is a spellcaster of some kind. [00:01:38] Speaker D: I mean, that's what you keep calling it. Yeah, for sure. [00:01:40] Speaker C: So we're all 7th level, which means you should have third level spells, assuming you're a spellcaster. If you are an arcane spellcaster, that means you would have fireball by now. So I'm curious to see how this combat plays out. Yeah, I don't know. Because the thing about spellcasters, now, if you're a wizard, it's arcane. If you're a sorcerer, you might have arcane or divine or occult or primal as your spell list, in which case each one of those would be different. Like, you could have a party of four sorcerers, and then they don't have any of the same spells. So it's. It's interesting. [00:02:14] Speaker A: It's exciting. [00:02:15] Speaker C: Yeah. It's just a new, new era in the crack type podcast with all of our possible offensive magic. [00:02:22] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:02:22] Speaker A: Also, Rob, I don't know if you noticed in the week between recordings, if you've looked at what's in the group loop, but there might be some scrolls in there that you can use. [00:02:33] Speaker C: Probably not. [00:02:34] Speaker B: I mean, I know twin tends to keep a hold of those. [00:02:37] Speaker A: Let's talk about our initiative order, starting with Christine. [00:02:42] Speaker B: So I rolled a natural two for an eleven. [00:02:45] Speaker E: Oh, no. [00:02:46] Speaker A: All right. Hiya. [00:02:47] Speaker E: I kind of went the opposite direction. I feel like luck is my lady tonight. I rolled a natural 20 for a 29. [00:02:55] Speaker C: All right, Matt, I got nine dead. Well, not dead center, but close to center. Middling, if you will, for a 24. [00:03:03] Speaker A: All right. And, Rob, what is knife Sword's first initiative role in this new friends? Three. [00:03:11] Speaker D: Three shall be thy number plus eleven. So, you know it ends up being a 14. [00:03:17] Speaker A: All right, so I'm almost done rolling all of the initiatives for everything. Oh, my God. [00:03:24] Speaker B: How many? How many? All I hear is, like, the diarrhea sound effect. It just keeps going. [00:03:31] Speaker C: Well, the fun part about this is we're going to basically go before they go. I mean, hopefully, because comments can be initiated by us doing something, I would assume, unless they see us beforehand. So Sean might be rolling initiative for people who are dead by the time they go. [00:03:46] Speaker B: Fingers crossed. [00:03:47] Speaker A: So I don't think we talked about this last episode, but we're using a new virtual tabletop because I wanted to. [00:03:57] Speaker C: That is accurate. [00:03:58] Speaker A: We are now using foundry virtual tabletop, and it has some really cool, slick features, at least features that I really like. I hope the players enjoy it, too. Brianna, you go first. [00:04:12] Speaker E: So we have a tried and true method when dealing with pillars. Right, guys? [00:04:18] Speaker B: Theoretically, you guys run in and shove them over. [00:04:21] Speaker E: Yes. And I feel like that's the only thing I'm good at, so how about I do that? [00:04:28] Speaker B: Well, if. If our plan was to start bombarding all of the people in here with ranged attacks, you might want to wait. [00:04:34] Speaker E: Oh, that's right. [00:04:35] Speaker B: My bad. [00:04:36] Speaker C: I was going to say, depending on what the range of that pillar is, we might be out of its I beams at this point. [00:04:41] Speaker E: I don't think Brianna has anything to tell that information. Where's the choke point again that you. [00:04:46] Speaker C: Wanted to hold on just so. It's on the west side of the hole. It's where Twintalon is located currently. So if you look at the map, the ramp starts at the bottom of the pit and then at one Brienne beach just to the east of me until it ends at, like, the. [00:05:07] Speaker B: Go about where we are. Yeah. [00:05:13] Speaker E: Okay. So I guess Brianna will, as her first action, draw her scimitar and have her shield at the ready. And I guess that will be. No, actually, I recant that she will instead pull out a javelin and let's say fire at. What is this? What are you. [00:05:34] Speaker C: What is what? [00:05:35] Speaker E: The blue ones. Are those our friends? [00:05:38] Speaker A: So just so you know, the blue things are small, okay? [00:05:43] Speaker C: Just like everything. [00:05:44] Speaker A: Just like everything else in that pit. They look like they're hovering and they're kind of just drifting. [00:05:50] Speaker B: Okay. [00:05:51] Speaker E: Brianna is not gonna take a chance quite yet. She's gonna instead go for. [00:05:55] Speaker A: If you want to, you can make a recall knowledge using religion, if you'd. [00:05:59] Speaker C: Like, as an action. [00:06:01] Speaker E: Sure. [00:06:01] Speaker A: It is an action. [00:06:02] Speaker E: Sure. Religion. [00:06:05] Speaker A: 16. That is, you know, that is a void worm. You may ask me one question about them. [00:06:14] Speaker C: I assume they have something to do with the warranty. [00:06:16] Speaker E: What are they weak to? [00:06:17] Speaker A: What are they weak to? They're not weak to anything, but they are resistant to precision and protean anatomy. So what protean anatomy is, is a voidworms vital organs shift and change shape and position constantly. Immediately after the void worm takes acid, electricity, or sonic damage, it gains the listed amount of resistance to that type of damage. This lasts for 1 hour, or until the next time the protean takes damage of one of the other types, in which case it changes the resistance to match that type, whichever comes first. The void worm is immune to polymorph effects unless it is a willing target. If blinded or deafened, the void worm automatically recovers at the end of its next turn as new sensory organs grow to replace the compromised one. [00:07:15] Speaker B: So fire and ice it is. [00:07:17] Speaker A: The description of these creatures are other proteans don't consider the flying, iridescent beings known as voidworms to be a part of a protean caste at all, but instead are merely a shameful side effect of the maelstrom's constantly churning energy. Voidworms themselves have little interest in whether anyone sees them as proteans. They maintain a thriving ecology in the maelstrom, frolicking in schools of up 20 and playing in the chaos of constantly shifting realities elsewhere, such as on the material plane. Void worms are mesmerized by the principle of objects permanence. Many latch onto a specific features of a region, such as a hillside or pond, and flip through the air around it for months or even years as they wait for the object of their curiosity in shape. [00:08:01] Speaker B: That's kind of adorable. [00:08:03] Speaker A: Voidworms are 2ft long and weigh about. Weigh about two pounds. And they are a. They periodically vent steam from the geyser in their body, and that location changes. [00:08:13] Speaker B: Do they have an alignment? [00:08:15] Speaker A: They're from the maelstrom. So, you know, most things in the maelstrom are neutral. So this is some type of neutral. [00:08:20] Speaker B: I want one. [00:08:24] Speaker E: What would Jasper say? [00:08:27] Speaker B: Jasper would have a friend. They just sound adorable. The fact that they, like, frolic around in, like, object permanence is like. What is this? [00:08:36] Speaker C: I thought Jasper would say. That's not what it usually says. [00:08:41] Speaker B: Yeah, Jasper. Anyway, sorry, I just likes having pets. [00:08:48] Speaker E: I don't know what to do anymore. [00:08:50] Speaker A: You know what those are? [00:08:51] Speaker E: I don't even know how many rounds I have anymore. [00:08:53] Speaker A: You have two actions left. Okay. [00:08:55] Speaker C: If your first action was to do the religion, check language. Religion. [00:08:59] Speaker A: Yep. [00:08:59] Speaker C: And you have two actions left. You could draw and throw a javelin or you could any number of things. [00:09:04] Speaker E: Well, was my first action to move next to you. Since I wasn't right next to you, I was behind you. [00:09:09] Speaker C: I would have thought we could have. [00:09:10] Speaker B: Just shuffled before combat. [00:09:12] Speaker A: Yeah. You guys can adjust? Yeah. Cause I had knife sword as the front point man for a bit. [00:09:18] Speaker E: Okay. So in that case, I'm going to draw a javelin and shoot at. I'm gonna. Because I know that the voidworm's resistant to piercing. She's going to fire it, something that she knows is familiar. So she will fire at the Tudoka northeast of the nearest void worm. [00:09:39] Speaker A: All right. [00:09:40] Speaker C: All right. I think we all know it's going to be critical hit for quadruple damage. Triple damage. [00:09:44] Speaker E: Not with a javelin. Alrighty. Is it just a strike? [00:09:49] Speaker A: Yep. [00:09:50] Speaker E: 16. Wait, what? Oh, no, that was the skill check. [00:09:55] Speaker C: Lol. [00:09:56] Speaker E: 28. [00:09:57] Speaker A: 28 on the churica will be a critical hit. [00:10:01] Speaker C: Ooh. [00:10:01] Speaker B: Hey. [00:10:02] Speaker E: Excellent. It is piercing, right? [00:10:06] Speaker A: Yep. [00:10:07] Speaker E: Pinhole. The target takes one persistent bleed damage that can't be removed until the target is healed. [00:10:14] Speaker A: All right, and how much damage did you do? [00:10:16] Speaker E: Well, I rolled a ten, so I guess 20 damage if it's double. [00:10:20] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:10:21] Speaker E: Yeah, I can math sometimes, so. [00:10:23] Speaker A: So you kill it. [00:10:25] Speaker E: Thank you. [00:10:27] Speaker A: One down. A lot left? Yeah. [00:10:30] Speaker B: Plenty to go, I guess. [00:10:31] Speaker E: Yep, that's my turn. [00:10:33] Speaker C: So I want to point something out since Brianna, you don't use javelins very often or. Sorry. Hiya. Brianna doesn't use javelins very often. I tell the difference between my wife and the character she plays. Don't you worry about it. [00:10:45] Speaker B: Sean can't tell the difference between me. Hiya, Saraya. Or Brianna. So it's fair. [00:10:51] Speaker C: So because that was a critical effect, you can choose that. I mean, not that it matters because he's dead just in the future, you can choose that or the actual critical, because you are high enough level to have a critical specialization. And anything you can use that you have, like expertise, proficiency with which you and myself do on anything that we use. So it is technically a dart. That's the class of weapon? It is. And the dart specialization, the critical specialization effect is the target takes one d six persistent bleed damage, you gain an item bonus to this bleed damage equal to the weapon's item bonus to attack rolls. So if you had a one javelin, it would be one D six. One. But point being that it's one point of bleed damage that it would have gotten from that card is not quite as good as the damage that your javelin would normally do on a crit it doesn't matter for this attack. It's just kind of just information for the future, that's all. [00:11:44] Speaker A: Because it is dead. One of the chiricah sees this javelin fly in and kill its friend, maybe its lover. [00:11:53] Speaker C: I assume it pretends not to notice. [00:11:55] Speaker A: It screeches and starts to run. Good. [00:11:59] Speaker C: Way to be next, buddy. [00:12:00] Speaker E: This is way above my pay grade. Gotta run away. [00:12:03] Speaker C: The only way to run is up through us though. [00:12:06] Speaker A: The next Chirika sees his buddy start running and also the churika that was near him die. So he will run as well. To try and get to you all. [00:12:20] Speaker B: They have to take the long way round. [00:12:22] Speaker C: Yep. [00:12:23] Speaker E: Oh, he's got a ticket to the wrong way around. [00:12:26] Speaker B: Is it the prettiest? I don't know. It's a pit. [00:12:29] Speaker A: Another chiricaha starts to run. [00:12:32] Speaker E: Cue Benny Hill theme song. [00:12:34] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:12:38] Speaker B: Opening doors. Coming out of other doors. [00:12:40] Speaker A: Yeah. Yep. There's a lot of people that go twin talon. You're gonna be the next real person to go. So the boggard starts to run. And then the last chiricah, the next non NPC to go. [00:12:54] Speaker C: All right. So twintalon, being where he is, has some time before they reach him in melee. So he is going to quick draw his bow. So he'll fire at the churica to the northeast of him. Kind of right by the water's edge in that pit. [00:13:11] Speaker A: All right. Oh, oh, oh that. That had a natural 20 there for a second and then it rolled over to an eight. Thank goodness. [00:13:20] Speaker C: 24 tip. [00:13:21] Speaker A: That's still a hit. [00:13:23] Speaker C: Okay. [00:13:24] Speaker A: 24 will just hit. [00:13:25] Speaker C: It's flat footing. [00:13:27] Speaker A: It'll still just hit. Not crit. [00:13:28] Speaker C: Okay, so it takes five damage. Oh no. It's take sneak attack. So it takes 16 damage. Is it still alright? [00:13:38] Speaker A: It is definitely still there. [00:13:39] Speaker C: All right. He will shoot it again. [00:13:41] Speaker A: All right. [00:13:42] Speaker C: 23 will hit. Then it will take 1313. Yeah, I thought it was. Then I second guess myself. 13 more damage. [00:13:49] Speaker A: It's still there. [00:13:50] Speaker C: Then I will take my man. I'm gonna regret taking a third shot. I know I am. [00:13:56] Speaker B: I do. Every time. [00:13:58] Speaker C: Actually. There's a thing in the pit. Looks like the ram headed alligator with snake shoulders. [00:14:03] Speaker A: Yes. [00:14:04] Speaker C: I'd like to make a knowledge check to see if I can figure out what that is. Recall knowledge. [00:14:08] Speaker A: Awesome. You may use religion. [00:14:11] Speaker C: Oh, may I? [00:14:12] Speaker A: You may. I'm just gonna double check and see if there's any other. [00:14:16] Speaker C: I mean, I'm trained in religion so it's not horrible, but not the worst. 23 who just hit it. [00:14:23] Speaker A: That is a now net. N a unet. It is a powerfully, powerfully muscled nanette. Serve as scouts and rank and file troops of protean armies. Resembling a thick salamander with a wide head and a powerful tail. [00:14:40] Speaker C: She thick and tentacles. [00:14:41] Speaker B: I was gonna say, is that thick with a k or two c's? [00:14:45] Speaker A: Two c's. [00:14:46] Speaker C: Okay. [00:14:49] Speaker A: Tentacles tipped with snapping jaws in place of rear legs. These are the most bestial of the Proteans and occupy one of their lowest castes. Now, nets are 12ft long and weigh roughly 900 pounds. [00:15:01] Speaker B: Jesus. [00:15:02] Speaker C: Is it too late to go home? [00:15:05] Speaker A: All Proteans are prone to unpredictable fits and unexpected actions. But compared to most others, nanets Naonats are more. Much more bestial and always ready for a fight. Nao nets pride themselves in acting swiftly and striking before unpleasant distractions like diplomacy can blunt a combat beginning. You also may ask me one question. [00:15:26] Speaker C: Oh, boy. Does it have any weaknesses? [00:15:30] Speaker A: Yes, it does. Would you like to know what that is? [00:15:32] Speaker C: Yes. [00:15:33] Speaker A: Oh, okay, sorry. [00:15:34] Speaker C: What are its weaknesses? [00:15:36] Speaker A: It is weak to awful damage. [00:15:39] Speaker C: Okay. [00:15:39] Speaker A: Cool. Lawful five. Takes five extra damage. [00:15:44] Speaker C: Well, smite is good damage. You are chaotic good, I believe. [00:15:48] Speaker A: I thought I could. [00:15:49] Speaker E: Oh, you are right. I thought I could designate what. What you call it. [00:15:53] Speaker A: I'll give you this for free as well. It is also resistant to precision damage and has protean anatomy, much like the void worms. Except instead of five, they have ten. [00:16:05] Speaker C: So they ignore the first ten points of precision damage. [00:16:08] Speaker A: Precision five. They reduce the first five, they ignore the first five precision. But the protean anatomy, where once you hit them with one type of damage, they're resistant to it. It's ten. [00:16:18] Speaker B: And that was sonic, acid, electricity, and what else? [00:16:22] Speaker A: That's it. [00:16:22] Speaker B: Okay. Yeah. Fire. [00:16:23] Speaker A: And I said acid, electricity or sonic. So. [00:16:26] Speaker C: Okay. [00:16:27] Speaker A: That was a very useful third action. [00:16:30] Speaker C: Yes. And I didn't critically fail and shoot Brianna or myself, or break my bow, or throw myself into a pit. So I want to say, all in all, good turn. [00:16:38] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:16:39] Speaker C: Also, I think that church is tougher than I think he is. [00:16:42] Speaker A: What gave you that idea? [00:16:43] Speaker C: When I shot him for. Although I'm not stabbing him either, so I think I have a skill idea of how much damage people have considering my. My sword is so much better. [00:16:52] Speaker B: You just out for many much damage. [00:16:54] Speaker C: Yes. [00:16:55] Speaker E: I think it's been a little while since we played, you know, these characters who are higher level than we're used to. [00:17:00] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:17:01] Speaker C: Anyway, that's my turn. [00:17:03] Speaker A: So another bogger decides to start running up the hill. Takes three actions to move there. I'm gonna void worm flitz fly. [00:17:11] Speaker C: But I'm. [00:17:12] Speaker A: Yep. [00:17:13] Speaker C: I'm just super curious what their relationship to these shurike is. [00:17:17] Speaker A: Then this void worm flies towards the dragon pillar. And then this Churika warrior is going to start running. Starts running up the hill. Then the dragon pillar shoots a churk out. [00:17:31] Speaker E: Oh, boy. [00:17:32] Speaker B: Fingers cross. [00:17:33] Speaker A: All right, well, I'm gonna roll a d three. If I roll a one, it'll hit Briena. A two will hit. Knife. Sword. Dark hole. Seagull teeth. Three will hit. Saraya, how close are we? 60ft. Because it's 20ft up. Right. [00:17:48] Speaker E: I meant myself from our new companion and Surya. [00:17:51] Speaker A: Oh, you're right next to him. You're right next to him. And you are. [00:17:56] Speaker B: I think you're 15ft from me. [00:17:58] Speaker A: But the good news is you don't have to liberate anyone because it hits you. Brianna, you choose me. Good. Good. [00:18:04] Speaker C: I choose you. [00:18:09] Speaker A: It will shoot a violet. I beam at you. [00:18:17] Speaker C: Stop getting hit on purpose. [00:18:20] Speaker E: But I love purple. [00:18:21] Speaker B: I'm hoping it changes my own color. Wow. [00:18:25] Speaker A: 32 versus ac. [00:18:27] Speaker E: That will hit. [00:18:27] Speaker C: Just barely, though. Yay. But zero damage. Nope, that's a zero. [00:18:31] Speaker A: It actually does zero. [00:18:34] Speaker E: No damage. [00:18:35] Speaker A: Damage. [00:18:36] Speaker E: That sounds suspicious. [00:18:37] Speaker A: But how. [00:18:39] Speaker B: How stunned are you? [00:18:40] Speaker A: Do need you to make a will save, please. [00:18:45] Speaker E: Chu carrot. I am Brianna. I'm the daughter of Yolanda. Love you, mom. Please, please don't listen to this episode and be super mad. I'm super willful. How is. [00:18:56] Speaker A: Yikes. [00:18:56] Speaker E: A 19. [00:18:57] Speaker A: A 19 will fail. [00:18:59] Speaker E: Well, funny story, Sean. [00:19:02] Speaker A: Oh, yeah. [00:19:03] Speaker E: You did give us hero points. [00:19:05] Speaker A: I did? [00:19:06] Speaker E: Yep. And I believe I still have a one. [00:19:08] Speaker A: You do? [00:19:09] Speaker E: So how about you take my hero point? [00:19:12] Speaker A: Mmm. Delicious. Delicious hero point. [00:19:14] Speaker B: Nom nom. [00:19:15] Speaker E: Let's. Let's try that again because it's kind of embarrassing that I'm. I have an expert, Will, and I failed it. So let's try this again. [00:19:23] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:19:23] Speaker E: 27 that will succeed. [00:19:28] Speaker C: I was waiting for him to say also fail. [00:19:30] Speaker A: You are stunned, won. [00:19:32] Speaker E: Okay, remind me what stun does. Do I lose a? [00:19:35] Speaker C: So you lose an action and you cannot take reactions. Basically, you can't take any actions until it's your turn. [00:19:41] Speaker A: Yeah, but you lose. As soon as it's back to your turn, you can remove the stun, right? [00:19:47] Speaker E: Okay. [00:19:47] Speaker A: So when you succeed, you're only stunned. [00:19:49] Speaker C: One only. [00:19:50] Speaker B: Well, are you, son? Two or three? [00:19:52] Speaker C: If you fail, I guess we'll find out. [00:19:54] Speaker A: Ah. What? [00:19:55] Speaker E: You're dead. [00:19:55] Speaker A: Yeah, you're gonna have to wait and find out. So the churica that Quintalen attacked is going to reach down? No, I'm sorry. Yeah, no, he's gonna reach down and find some debris on the floor and he is going to chuck it at twin Talon. I need to subtract some numbers from my roll. Don't worry. 18 miss. Alright, he's gonna try a second time. [00:20:25] Speaker C: Is it not an action to pick it up? [00:20:27] Speaker A: Pick up. Throw. Oh, pick up again. Yes. All right, so he is picking up some more rocks to throw at you. [00:20:34] Speaker C: Okay. [00:20:34] Speaker A: He's unhappy that he was hit with arrows. With arrows? Yes. For the first time. For the first time ever. Knife, sword, Darkhold, seagull teeth. It is your turn. [00:20:48] Speaker D: Hold my action. [00:20:55] Speaker A: I'm so mad at you. Are you holding? [00:20:58] Speaker C: No. [00:21:00] Speaker A: Okay, so hang on, hang on. I just also want to point out during the combat where you found him. [00:21:09] Speaker E: Uh huh. [00:21:09] Speaker A: I didn't say that he couldn't do anything. [00:21:12] Speaker B: He elected to play dead. [00:21:14] Speaker A: He messaged me and told me he played dead. [00:21:17] Speaker B: So that's amazing. [00:21:21] Speaker D: All right, continuing, I'm going to do magic missile on the monkey dude next to the dock. [00:21:31] Speaker A: All right. I believe you can. Well, they hit because they're magic missile. [00:21:35] Speaker D: I'm gonna spend all three actions doing it, so. [00:21:38] Speaker A: All right. [00:21:38] Speaker D: Three missiles. [00:21:40] Speaker A: Is it heightened? Mm hmm. [00:21:42] Speaker C: There's a third level spell you're using for it. [00:21:44] Speaker D: No, I'll just do one. [00:21:46] Speaker A: Okay. All right, level one. Go ahead and click damage three. Click it. Damage two more times. There you go. [00:21:53] Speaker C: So three plus five plus two is. [00:21:56] Speaker A: 1010 points of force. Damage onto this. This. This Chirika, that is throwing things back at you. Throw to throw. Yes. And the group sees that you have indeed done something. [00:22:14] Speaker C: He just wanted to hurt that guy. Just like you wanted to help those other people. [00:22:18] Speaker E: Makes perfect sense to me. [00:22:20] Speaker A: Another Chiricah. Sorry. Boggard this time, decides to run. [00:22:25] Speaker C: Isn't a boggard running like trying to run in like flippers? Wouldn't that be very difficult? Okay. [00:22:32] Speaker A: They're amphibious. Saraya, it is your turn. [00:22:37] Speaker B: All right, let me see where everybody is. Oh, beautiful. I'm going to throw a grenade. [00:22:46] Speaker A: Okay. [00:22:47] Speaker B: My smoke bomb. [00:22:49] Speaker A: All right. [00:22:50] Speaker B: Right here. Perfect. So the grenade goes off right there. Everyone caught in it for the first round. Takes two d six poison and has to make a fort, save DC 19. [00:23:04] Speaker A: Okay. [00:23:05] Speaker B: I mean, I can make the attack roll too, obviously, but it's pretty much I'm attacking the square. I'm not attacking a person. [00:23:12] Speaker A: All right, so the smoke goes off. So DC 19, you said? [00:23:16] Speaker B: Yep. I'm sorry, I don't know where I got the 19. Where is my. Yeah, I want to say 24 you. [00:23:23] Speaker A: Said fort or reflex? [00:23:25] Speaker B: Fortitude. If they're caught in it, it's fortitude. [00:23:28] Speaker A: Okay, well, it doesn't matter because none of them. May 19 is the closest. [00:23:33] Speaker B: Okay, well, there are four of them caught in it. That's great. So they all take the poison, and in addition to that, they are second one. [00:23:41] Speaker A: Yeah. So they're all second one. [00:23:43] Speaker B: You said second one. As well as taking eight poison damage. [00:23:48] Speaker A: Oh, boy. Okay. Oof. And some of these guys were already sickened from mining. [00:23:54] Speaker B: Oh, so they. [00:23:54] Speaker A: So you're adding to their second level. [00:24:00] Speaker E: Good job. [00:24:01] Speaker B: And this will lat. The. The smoke cloud will last another two rounds. [00:24:04] Speaker A: Okay. [00:24:05] Speaker B: With progressing effects. [00:24:07] Speaker A: And how much damage are they taking? Eight. [00:24:09] Speaker B: Eight? Eight poison damage. Those are my three actions. It was moved twice and Chuck. [00:24:14] Speaker A: All right, so the void worms flit. Flit. Then a boggard. What happens if they enter that cloud? [00:24:22] Speaker B: Would you say at the start of their next turn, they take the damage? Or do. Would you say they enter, they take the damage when they enter it? [00:24:28] Speaker A: Probably most things are at the start of their next turn. At the start of the turn, it's. [00:24:32] Speaker C: At the end of the turn for. [00:24:34] Speaker A: End of the turn. Yeah. [00:24:35] Speaker C: What? Because, like, persistent damage is end of turn, but probably if they start the turn in the spot, maybe they do. I don't know. [00:24:42] Speaker A: Well, so this boggart can run right through it real quick, holds its breath. This void worm flits, this boggard. [00:24:50] Speaker B: Just. Just for a question on how you would want to deal with this for, like, standard environmental effects, like, would you take the damage for starting or ending your turn there? [00:24:58] Speaker A: So ending. [00:25:00] Speaker B: Okay, so whoever ends there would. Then I can either roll again or they'll take the eight. [00:25:04] Speaker A: Yeah, they took the eight. [00:25:05] Speaker B: Okay. [00:25:06] Speaker A: And then the last boggard for the first round will run there as they are now starting to run out of this area. Brianna. [00:25:17] Speaker E: Oh, boy. Well, I hope this was the right thing to do. [00:25:21] Speaker C: Um, the void worms look like they're just clustering around the pillar. [00:25:24] Speaker E: Yeah. Is it bad? I wish I had, like, a giant blanket that I could just. Just throw over them or throw over the pillar. I don't know. [00:25:32] Speaker C: I tried that one time. Blanket shot me or. Sorry, the pillar shot me through my blanket. [00:25:37] Speaker E: Well, I was trying to go more for the void worms with their objects. [00:25:41] Speaker C: Oh, that's actually really smart. I forgot about that. [00:25:43] Speaker B: Yeah. I hide the fixation of their object permanence. [00:25:46] Speaker C: Let's wander away. [00:25:47] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:25:48] Speaker E: I would hope that they would go away as opposed to then be fixated on us and try and kill us. But I don't know. [00:25:55] Speaker B: I legit want to see if I can take one as an animal companion. [00:25:59] Speaker E: So they're all clustered. Okay, well, I won't focus on them then. They are coming towards us. Correct. [00:26:08] Speaker C: Correct. The blue chirkwise and stuff. Right. They're currently in the southeastern part of the loop. They have to move all the way up north and then back down south again. [00:26:19] Speaker A: Get to us. [00:26:20] Speaker E: Okay. And then there's this lone one by this. What is this shot? Is it a bridge? [00:26:25] Speaker A: It's like a pier. It looks like it disappears under the water. [00:26:29] Speaker E: Okay, I see. Okay. [00:26:31] Speaker A: Maybe it was a bridge that collapsed. [00:26:33] Speaker C: Probably put it down there to drag things out. [00:26:35] Speaker E: Oh, fair. In that case, since I don't have the javelins necessarily my strongest weapon, she will. [00:26:45] Speaker A: It's only 20ft down. You can jump that. [00:26:48] Speaker C: Uh huh. And then be on the wrong side of all those people. [00:26:51] Speaker E: Right. And. And the whole point was to hold a choke point here. So she's holding the line. [00:26:56] Speaker C: Right. [00:26:56] Speaker E: That is still what we're doing. [00:26:58] Speaker C: Or we can wait till they're up here and then jump down and they make them run all the way back down around. [00:27:08] Speaker E: In that case, her first action would be to draw another javelin. She currently has three left. [00:27:16] Speaker A: Okay. [00:27:16] Speaker E: And she will throw it at the other. The churica. That's in there. [00:27:22] Speaker A: All right. [00:27:22] Speaker E: How is a 19 the churica? Wait, what? [00:27:27] Speaker A: Ducks out of the way. [00:27:28] Speaker B: I will. [00:27:29] Speaker E: Where the heck not? Do it again. [00:27:31] Speaker A: You draw. You throw. You can draw. You can't throw it this turn. [00:27:35] Speaker E: All right, well, there you go. I'm sure. [00:27:36] Speaker A: Draw again. [00:27:37] Speaker C: All right, ready to go. [00:27:38] Speaker A: All right. I'm just going to jump to twin talons turn because all the shurike and I can't do that. [00:27:48] Speaker C: So one thing of note for Brianna. She was stunned at the beginning of her turn. She would have lost her first action, but it gets rid of that stunned condition. [00:27:54] Speaker A: Oh, that's right. [00:27:55] Speaker E: Okay. [00:27:55] Speaker C: So she would have just thrown, thrown. And that would be the end of the term. But she's not stunned anymore. So she can take all the reactions that she can handle. [00:28:02] Speaker A: Excellent, Pikachi. [00:28:03] Speaker C: I don't know. [00:28:04] Speaker A: Well, all right. Shurika. Running, running, running fast as he can. [00:28:11] Speaker B: Really hope he makes it. [00:28:14] Speaker A: I'm running. [00:28:17] Speaker B: Are they holding hands? Like barrel of monkey stuff. [00:28:19] Speaker E: Aw, I chipped. [00:28:22] Speaker A: First one runs, second one runs. Third one runs the boggard. So he's starting his turn in the cloud. [00:28:36] Speaker B: Does he take the second round effectively then? [00:28:38] Speaker A: No. At the end of his turn, he would take it. [00:28:41] Speaker B: Okay. [00:28:41] Speaker A: Is that right, Matt? [00:28:42] Speaker C: I don't know. I was trying to look it up while we were doing this, and I haven't found anything yet or something that's similar. And I'm trying to think of what it, like, I was thinking, like, when. [00:28:50] Speaker B: We were, like, fighting, like when we had to put out the fire. Like if you. Is it start or end, or is it start and end? Because I remember it was pretty brutal if we were anywhere near the fire, and that was like the same kind of environmental effect. [00:29:02] Speaker C: I think it was a spell, like choking cloud or something like that. Stinking cloud. Cloud kill. [00:29:07] Speaker A: Oh, I'll look up cloud kill. [00:29:09] Speaker C: It's start your turn. So cloud kill is you deal 68 poison damage to each breathing creature that starts its turn in the spells area. [00:29:16] Speaker A: So, all right, so what is the secondary effects, Christine? [00:29:20] Speaker B: It must. It takes one d six poison now, but it has to make another fortitude save. [00:29:25] Speaker A: And boggards are known for their great. [00:29:27] Speaker B: Fortitude, so it's taking four more poison damage. [00:29:29] Speaker A: Okay, it rolls a total of twelve. [00:29:32] Speaker B: So it takes another second. [00:29:35] Speaker A: Oh, okay. [00:29:36] Speaker B: And that's it. [00:29:37] Speaker A: Sickened four. What does that do to him? So sickened. [00:29:41] Speaker B: I just don't think we've ever had anybody, like, above a two on a status. [00:29:44] Speaker C: That's technical, not how statuses work. So, in, we've been doing it this way for a long time. So I just, I recently looked this up because something recently where there's a bunch of status effects, I was like, man, that's brutal. But under conditions in the players handbook or the core rulebook, under game mastering is redundant. Conditions with values. Conditions with different values are considered different conditions. If you're affected by a condition with a value multiple times, you apply only the highest values, although you might have a track both durations. If one is a lower value, but lasts longer. For example, if you had slowed two that lasts one round and slowed one that lasts six rounds, you're slowed two for the first round, and then you change to be slowed one for the remaining five. If something reduces the condition value, it reduces it for all conditions of that name affecting you. For instance, in the example above, if something reduced your slowed value by one, it will reduce the first condition from the example to slowed one and the second one to slow zero, removing it. [00:30:37] Speaker A: Oh, look at that. [00:30:37] Speaker B: So, instead of stacking and getting worse, you just have like, multiple instances of it, right. [00:30:42] Speaker C: Basically extends the duration of it is what it does. Which makes more sense for this edition, because I feel like not a lot of things are that crushing. As we have been playing conditions. [00:30:51] Speaker A: Yeah. And bleed is still just the worst. [00:30:54] Speaker C: Yep. [00:30:54] Speaker B: Well, we learned how to do persistent correctly, so it's not as bad. [00:30:58] Speaker C: It doesn't last until your dad. Which is what we thought it was before. [00:31:02] Speaker B: Yeah, it lasts until you're dead. Or you succeed on a fort save. [00:31:05] Speaker A: Yeah. Twin Talon, it is your turn. [00:31:08] Speaker C: Funny story. It's my turn. Anyway, I still have my bow out, so the ones coming around the bend there are still too far away. So I will target that same churroka again. 14 for 30. [00:31:21] Speaker A: That will hit. [00:31:24] Speaker C: All right, so the damage is eight. [00:31:28] Speaker A: Okay. [00:31:28] Speaker C: Is he dead? [00:31:29] Speaker A: No. [00:31:30] Speaker C: Come up here and fight like a monkey. All right. And I'll shoot again. 21 miss. Oh man. [00:31:38] Speaker A: Come on Matt. You only rolled a ten. [00:31:40] Speaker C: I know, that's. [00:31:42] Speaker A: You have to roll higher than that. [00:31:43] Speaker C: Thank you. Well, I'm not gonna use a hero point, cuz I'll definitely roll a one instead. I'll take the regular miss and loss of my regular arrow. [00:31:51] Speaker A: No, I'm just saying you can take a third attack. [00:31:54] Speaker C: I could however. Not going to. [00:31:56] Speaker A: Oh, no guts. No guts. [00:31:59] Speaker C: No, I'm just aware how math works. [00:32:01] Speaker B: Yeah, it's not no guts, it's yes, brains. [00:32:06] Speaker A: Same difference. [00:32:07] Speaker C: I don't know if there's anything else useful I can contribute at this point. So I'm just gonna lose the last action, right? Because we've already knowledged everything, right? There's something here we have acknowledged, I mean. [00:32:18] Speaker A: Yeah, well, so you succeeded. So you can make another knowledge check on the same creatures. Just. But it goes up in difficulty. But you can learn more. [00:32:30] Speaker C: All right, well I will try more on the. I've already forgotten what it's called. The snake. Yeah. [00:32:36] Speaker A: Now net. N a u n e t. Now net. Got it. [00:32:40] Speaker E: Now net. [00:32:41] Speaker B: Sorry I couldn't help. [00:32:43] Speaker C: All right, I got a 25 on my religion channel. [00:32:46] Speaker A: That is exactly the DC of your second check. All right, what would you like to know about it? [00:32:52] Speaker C: So we know that what it's strong against, we know it doesn't have any weaknesses. Does any special attacks it. [00:33:00] Speaker A: Let me tell you the attacks it has. It has a jaw attack, a tail attack, a tentacle attack. It can change shape, it can constrict, it has an adaptive structure strike, which means that it can choose to be either adamantine, cold or silver. And its strikes count as that type for 1 minute or until he uses it again. And confounding slam. If you are hit by the tentacle, you are stupefied for two. Stupified two for one d. Four rounds with a DC 24 will save. However, if you were already stupefied in this way, this attack can extend that duration by one round. [00:33:45] Speaker C: Okay, so bad news. [00:33:47] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:33:48] Speaker C: Luckily, it doesn't have any ranged. I guess we could just shoot it a hundred times or something like that. [00:33:52] Speaker A: Well, no one's aggressed at it, so it's just kind of chilling, you know? [00:33:55] Speaker C: Yeah. I'm just worried about once we get down there to push the. [00:33:58] Speaker B: Are they like, saltwater crocs? Like, as long as you don't. [00:34:00] Speaker C: Well, I mean, we're gonna have to get down there, push the dragon pillar over by we. I mean Brianna, because she's the strong one. [00:34:06] Speaker B: Well, yes, but we can all, you know, like. Like, performer get a guard line going, but. [00:34:11] Speaker C: Okay, so I've learned something about the nau net. So I guess with Donald be like, just that thing over there is bad news. Just don't get anywhere near it. [00:34:20] Speaker B: Hadn't intended to. [00:34:22] Speaker C: Yeah, I know, but just reaffirming that. All right, that'll be my turn. [00:34:26] Speaker A: So now a boggart started its turn in your grossness, Christine, is that it's. [00:34:32] Speaker B: First turn in there. Second turn. [00:34:34] Speaker A: Second turn. [00:34:35] Speaker B: So again, one d, six poison, and it extends the second. I'm really hoping I get somebody in a third. I doubt I will, unless the second instance of that grenade counts as extending its duration. So five poison damage. It makes its fort roll. [00:34:50] Speaker A: Okay, fort roll is. Oh, 25. [00:34:55] Speaker B: All right, so the sicken does not extend, but it still takes the damage. [00:34:59] Speaker A: Okay, well, it also hasn't retched, so it's just. It's still sick. Okay, next is. Oh, next is this Chiricah who decides to run away? [00:35:12] Speaker B: Oh, he's running towards the stench in the trenches. [00:35:18] Speaker A: All right, it is now the dragon pillar's turn. Briena or dark hole or knife sword. Dark hole, Seagull. T. One will be Brianna. Two will be knife sword, dark hole, Seagull. T. Briena. You get it. Hit with it again. Yeah, give me another. Will save. That's the words. [00:35:40] Speaker E: Oh, there we go. Nope. [00:35:42] Speaker A: 39 to hit. [00:35:43] Speaker E: By the way, that is a critical. [00:35:46] Speaker A: Okay, so make a safe 27. So you are merely stunned. One only. [00:35:53] Speaker E: Pshaw. All right, I'll take it. [00:35:56] Speaker A: The chirika in the hole, who has been peppered with with things, is going to throw the debris he picked up at Twintalon. [00:36:06] Speaker E: As long as he's not throwing fecal matter, I think we're fine. [00:36:09] Speaker A: 31. [00:36:10] Speaker C: 31 is a hit, but not a crit. [00:36:13] Speaker B: Whoo. [00:36:13] Speaker A: So a rock flies at you, clocks you slowly square in the face for 17 points of damage. [00:36:19] Speaker E: Minus five because I liberate. [00:36:21] Speaker C: You cannot liberate when you are stunned. [00:36:22] Speaker A: Unfortunately, because you can't use reactions. [00:36:24] Speaker E: Oh, poop. [00:36:25] Speaker A: Yeah, that's right. [00:36:26] Speaker E: I forgot. Sorry. [00:36:27] Speaker C: And it's actually nine when you use it now because it grows on level with you. But, yeah, unfortunately, that's fine. [00:36:33] Speaker A: Talon. [00:36:33] Speaker C: Doesn't take a lot of damage, any damage in this fight anyway. [00:36:36] Speaker A: So then seeing the rock hit you squarely in the face, he bends down. Down and picks up another one and throws this one. [00:36:46] Speaker E: Please don't swing poo. Please don't swing poo. [00:36:48] Speaker A: 28. [00:36:49] Speaker C: That also hits. [00:36:50] Speaker D: I thought you said you can only pick it up. [00:36:52] Speaker A: So at the end of last round, he picked up. [00:36:55] Speaker D: Yeah, got it right. [00:36:58] Speaker A: 15 points of damage. Okay, so that is the churica's turn, and he is feeling good after clocking this enemy twice. Twice in the face with rocks. Knife, sword. It is your turn. [00:37:13] Speaker D: I'm casting gravity. [00:37:15] Speaker A: Well, what does that do? Have you ever heard that spell? [00:37:20] Speaker D: You create a sphere of altered gravity. All creatures and insecure objects in the area move towards the center depending on their reflex saving throws. This follows the rules for forced movement. There's not enough space near the center of the sphere. Creatures and objects nearer to the center move first, and others move as far as they can without being blown up to the amount set by their saving throw outcomes. [00:37:39] Speaker A: So here's the thing. If these Turika fail, they're gonna fall. [00:37:46] Speaker B: Beautiful. [00:37:46] Speaker C: Okay, I think Rob took that into account. Good job, Rob. [00:37:50] Speaker B: Yeah, I'm pretty sure he wanted the fall damage. [00:37:54] Speaker E: Nice, Rob. That's awesome. [00:37:57] Speaker C: Wait, is that pillar able to be yanked free? [00:37:59] Speaker A: I'm about to make this save, so give me a second. [00:38:02] Speaker C: That's a lot of dice. [00:38:04] Speaker E: Wow. [00:38:04] Speaker A: A lot of creatures that fell. So the save is a DC 251-2344. Creatures fail it, which means they move 15ft towards the center. Matt, do you want to look up fall damage for me? [00:38:25] Speaker C: Oh, I know what it is. [00:38:26] Speaker A: Okay, so five. Well towards the center, 510. 15. Okay, can you tell me what fall damage is? [00:38:36] Speaker C: Fall damage in second edition is you take the number of feet you fell divided by two. That's how many damage you take. [00:38:42] Speaker A: All right, so they're. They're 20ft up and they fall. Divide that by two, that's ten points of damage, and they're in the water. [00:38:53] Speaker C: Well, here's another thing that is important, and that is that are they moving in an order? [00:39:00] Speaker A: What do you mean? [00:39:01] Speaker C: So according to what Rob read, the one closest to the center moves first, and so on. The reason that's important is if they fall on each other, they then take more damage. [00:39:12] Speaker B: More damage. [00:39:13] Speaker A: Oh, jeez. Oh, geez. All right, so hang on. Okay, so after a quick break to figure out and math everything, two churica fell into the water. One fell into the water, and one fell onto the rocks. Those two took ten damage. Two of the void worms just got pulled towards the middle. The nau net got moved 5ft. The pillar is fine. And then the poor boggarts. Let's talk about the boggarts. The first boggart fell in, took ten damage, and the Nao net moved out of the way to not take any damage. Then the second boggart fell into the first boggart. So the first boggart took another five points of damage, and the second boggart took ten points of damage. Rob, for casting the most goblin spell that I have ever seen. That doesn't have a goblin trait. I'm giving you a hero point. [00:40:23] Speaker C: Pray. [00:40:24] Speaker A: Yes. [00:40:25] Speaker B: Well earned. [00:40:26] Speaker C: Well deserved, gravity. Well earned. [00:40:29] Speaker B: Oh, yeah. [00:40:31] Speaker E: Get out. [00:40:32] Speaker C: Okay, I'm leaving. [00:40:33] Speaker A: Matt. I'm taking away. [00:40:39] Speaker B: That joke is. That's amazing. [00:40:43] Speaker A: And that spell only took two actions. [00:40:47] Speaker B: Oh. So you can still finish your turn. [00:40:50] Speaker A: So you have one more thing which don't do. [00:40:53] Speaker D: I'll use one action to cast a magic missile. [00:40:56] Speaker A: Oh. [00:40:57] Speaker D: At the guy that keeps throwing crap it at two. Two blades. [00:41:00] Speaker A: Okay, that's the cousin of two chains. Right? For three more points of damage, please. [00:41:09] Speaker C: Tell me that kills him. [00:41:10] Speaker A: No. [00:41:11] Speaker B: Damn, that would have been perfect. [00:41:13] Speaker E: So funny. Oh, my gosh. [00:41:15] Speaker A: All right, now, how long does that gravity well stay there? [00:41:19] Speaker D: I think it's just this just now, like, it's like a. [00:41:22] Speaker B: Like a thermal imploder in Star wars. Like, it just. [00:41:26] Speaker D: Yeah, it doesn't have. It doesn't have a duration, so I'm assuming it's just. [00:41:29] Speaker A: Okay, concentrate. Okay, good. [00:41:32] Speaker D: Yeah. Yeah. It just happens. [00:41:33] Speaker A: Okay. You can't just keep it going. Okay, great. [00:41:36] Speaker D: Well, I mean, I could cast. [00:41:38] Speaker B: There's no concentration to maintain. That would be amazing. [00:41:41] Speaker A: So, Christine, the bogger. That, the last boggart that's starting in where this mist is. Mm hmm. Takes damage. Correct. [00:41:50] Speaker B: Is it his first or second turn in this mist? [00:41:52] Speaker A: Second turn, yes. [00:41:53] Speaker B: He takes the damage, and he, again has to make that port save. [00:41:57] Speaker A: How much damage does he take? [00:41:59] Speaker B: Five. Five poison damage. [00:42:01] Speaker A: That's. That's fine. Cause after you take more hit points than you have, you die. You don't really get to move. You. You have a kill. Another kill. Whoo. It is your turn now, though. [00:42:15] Speaker B: Yes. [00:42:18] Speaker E: Alrighty. [00:42:18] Speaker B: Well, I want to stay out of the gravity well itself. [00:42:21] Speaker A: Well, the gravity well is gone. [00:42:23] Speaker B: Oh, that's true. This also lasts for three rounds from my turn. So, like, this is. It's. It's still hanging out there if anybody else runs through it. [00:42:30] Speaker A: Okay. [00:42:30] Speaker B: Okay, so. And these two have been exposed previously, correct? [00:42:34] Speaker A: Yes. Anyone who has a status on them was most likely exposed to that. [00:42:40] Speaker B: Okay, so I can chuck it there again. Okay. If I really want. The question is, I'm going to leave this to you. Are you going to consider it a continuation of the previous effect or is it brand new because it's a new. [00:42:53] Speaker A: Clock, I would say. Oh, that's a good one. I would say it's a new effect. [00:42:58] Speaker B: Okay. Not as nowhere near as fun. All right, so I'm gonna hit this guy with a frost file. So it's a 21 to hit him. [00:43:07] Speaker A: That'll. That'll hit. [00:43:09] Speaker B: Okay, so he takes four cold, two cold soap splash, and a minus ten foot movement penalty. [00:43:15] Speaker A: I'm sorry. Four cold, two cold splash, two cold. [00:43:19] Speaker B: Splash, and a minus ten foot movement penalty. [00:43:23] Speaker A: No, he won't. Bye. [00:43:24] Speaker E: Is he dead? [00:43:25] Speaker A: He's dead. [00:43:26] Speaker B: He did. Okay, that's my turn. Move, move. Attack. [00:43:30] Speaker E: Very nicely done. [00:43:31] Speaker A: One void worm doesn't do anything. The other void worm, because it was so rudely pulled away from the dragon pillar, swims it through the air back. I guess that would be called flying. [00:43:43] Speaker C: It's air swimming. It's different. [00:43:45] Speaker A: It is. [00:43:47] Speaker B: It's so underground. You guys wouldn't know about it. It's so underground. It's in the sky. [00:43:53] Speaker E: Wait a minute. [00:43:55] Speaker B: I'm glad Haya's appreciating my terrible jokes. [00:43:59] Speaker A: Another boggard runs, looks at his friends, like, why'd you want run off the edge there, guys? That doesn't seem smart. [00:44:10] Speaker B: You're gonna learn what it's like to not have a choice. [00:44:12] Speaker C: Just imagine them all just, like, flying through the air. [00:44:16] Speaker A: Exactly. [00:44:16] Speaker C: Just, like, popping sound. And all of these things just, like, fly into the pit. [00:44:22] Speaker B: It's just the Monty python scene. Yeah. No, blue. [00:44:27] Speaker A: I feel like they were running and it was very cartoonish as they were still running. They were running in air, and then they look down and they just. [00:44:34] Speaker B: Their legs keep pedaling. [00:44:36] Speaker A: Yep. As they hit the ground. [00:44:40] Speaker B: This is a bad idea. [00:44:41] Speaker C: Also, if you take damage from a fall, you're prone. [00:44:44] Speaker B: Beautiful. [00:44:46] Speaker A: Make these monkeys prone. And you know what? It's the top of the round again. Cool. [00:44:54] Speaker C: Does that mean it's my turn? [00:44:55] Speaker A: Brianna. Oh, no, it's Brianna's turn. [00:44:57] Speaker E: Wow. [00:44:58] Speaker A: Wow. Next week, what every time, every time. Thank you for listening to the Crack Die podcast. Background sound effects provided by sirenscape because Epic Games deserve epic music, please visit them at Sirenscape Pathfinder second edition, Age of Ashes, adventure path are all copyright of Paizo Publishing. Please visit [email protected] for more information.

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Episode 53

April 21, 2022 00:42:07
Episode Cover

The Cracked Die Podcast - Episode 123 - Pokerface

Game and Adventure Path by Paizo Publishing- Background music provided by Tabletop Audio - Theme music by Angelo Di Loreto -


Episode 13

October 20, 2022 00:43:46
Episode Cover

The Cracked Die Podcast - Episode 148 - Fight or Fall

Game and Adventure Path by Paizo Publishing- Background music provided by Tabletop Audio - Theme music by Angelo Di Loreto -


Episode 13

September 12, 2024 00:44:38
Episode Cover

The Cracked Die Podcast - Ep 228 - When The Lights Are Down

The gang continue fighting in the sands and hopefully will fend off the likes of Voz Lirayne once and for all.Game and Adventure Path...
