The Cracked Die Podcast - Episode 48 - Dinosaur

Episode 17 August 27, 2020 00:45:40
The Cracked Die Podcast - Episode 48 - Dinosaur
The Cracked Die Podcast
The Cracked Die Podcast - Episode 48 - Dinosaur

Aug 27 2020 | 00:45:40


Show Notes

More mustache? MORE MUSTACHE!!! 

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:40] Speaker A: Hello, hello, hello, and welcome to the 48th episode of the Crack Die podcast. I'm your host and GM, Sean, and what can I say, but business on this episode is about to pick up. So episode 48 really feels kind of like a turning point for me, running this game and running this story. I think things really start to mesh and come together here. [00:01:08] Speaker B: This episode is just a lot of fun, and I can't wait for you. [00:01:11] Speaker A: All to hear it. However, before we go to the table, exciting, exciting, exciting news. So exciting, I had to say it three times. This Saturday, August 29, 2020. We start a new adventure path, live on Twitch. And I cannot tell you how excited I am about it. New GM, new players, new everything. New graphics, new look, new title, new everything. Again, I am super excited about it. The GM will be our very own Matt, who plays twin Talon on this very show. Haya, who plays Briena, will be a player. We have two new cast members, Pete and Brent. They're making new characters. And the fourth is yours truly. I'm going to get to play some. [00:02:09] Speaker B: Pathfinder, and I am excited. [00:02:11] Speaker A: I can't tell you how incredibly excited. [00:02:14] Speaker B: I am about it. [00:02:15] Speaker A: If you haven't been to any of our social media, what are you doing? Head over there. Take a look. We revealed the name. Beautiful music, beautiful graphics. Once again, this Saturday, August 29, 2020, at 01:00 p.m. Twitch tv. [00:02:34] Speaker B: Thecrack. Die. [00:02:36] Speaker A: Head over there. Take a look. See what's going on. Let us know. You. Yes, you listeners will be able to influence the game. I've said too much already. I can't go into any more. Okay, I've said enough. I've taken enough of your time. Let's go to the table. Let's see what happens. [00:02:57] Speaker B: Again. I really feel like business picks up. [00:02:59] Speaker A: For the characters in this episode. Let's go. Welcome to the 48th episode of the Cracked Die podcast. [00:03:10] Speaker C: We're back. [00:03:12] Speaker D: Something pithy to say about the number 48. [00:03:17] Speaker E: It is two times the number 24. [00:03:20] Speaker F: Two more to 50. [00:03:22] Speaker B: Yes, two more to 50. And then four more to 52 double keeper Sutherlands. But then we have. [00:03:28] Speaker E: And then one more to 53. [00:03:32] Speaker B: I don't know. It's tradition at this point, I guess. [00:03:36] Speaker F: I guess. [00:03:37] Speaker B: Before we jump into the game, I would like to say that I have messed up something else with the rules. You're all shocked, I can tell. [00:03:49] Speaker D: Hands for who's surprised. [00:03:52] Speaker B: If you can all please turn to your hymnals on page 238 of the core Pathfinder two e rulebook. There is a thing there about a skill called recall knowledge. Now, we started pulling, we started playing this. We were doing it right, and then we switched to doing it wrong, and now we're going to switch to doing it right. Recall knowledge is untrained. So if you are not trained in that whatever magic, arcana, occultism, you can still make the check. The difficulty is what you can get out of it. So if you're untrained, you're going to get less of an answer than you would if you were trained. Does that make sense? [00:04:41] Speaker E: Yes. [00:04:42] Speaker C: Okay, I just as much as anything you say makes sense, right? [00:04:47] Speaker B: Wait a minute. [00:04:49] Speaker E: Actually, I'd argue that's surprisingly clear for something that you would say. [00:04:54] Speaker D: It's because he's reading it verbatim out of a book. [00:04:56] Speaker B: I am. I was reading right out of the core book. [00:04:58] Speaker E: That's the other thing I'm surprised about. [00:05:00] Speaker F: You know him so well. [00:05:03] Speaker C: And besides, this is a family show. No, verbatim while we're playing. [00:05:08] Speaker B: He's a master. [00:05:09] Speaker E: Verbatim. [00:05:10] Speaker A: Gross. [00:05:14] Speaker G: Previously on the Cracked Die podcast, our heroes met and dealt with Gerhard Pendergast. After looting his items, they discovered a map which was marked with a cave that was going to be destroyed. Our heroes adventured along the path to find out what was in there. As our heroes arrived, they discovered another person. Who is he? What is he doing? And will our heroes prevent an explosion? Find out the answers to these questions and more on this episode of the Cracked Die podcast. [00:05:50] Speaker B: You all approach a cave system and you see some lines leading out of it connected to a plunger and a man dressed in greens and leather. Not like that. Leather armor. Leather armor. Sorry, sorry. [00:06:12] Speaker H: Is it a toilet plunger? [00:06:14] Speaker B: It is not a toilet plunger. I'm sorry, Anwar. I'm the big cliffhanger. [00:06:23] Speaker E: It's own. [00:06:23] Speaker B: It is not a toilet. [00:06:25] Speaker E: That wasn't me asking the question. That was rich. I know. You look very similar. [00:06:29] Speaker B: No, no, no, I know, but you asked at the end of the last. [00:06:31] Speaker H: Episode, is he wearing overalls and a green hat to go with his green clothes? [00:06:37] Speaker B: No. He looks very similar to this gentleman. He does not have a blunderbuss, and his hair is not blonde, nor does he have a mustache, but he looks. [00:06:47] Speaker C: Strikingly nothing like him. [00:06:50] Speaker B: The facial structure, he looks exactly the. [00:06:53] Speaker C: Same, except for all of the details. They are different. [00:06:56] Speaker E: So we did say this gentleman, his. [00:06:58] Speaker B: Hair, rather than being blonde, is a bit more red. He doesn't have the handlebar mustache, but he has a very long braided red as the morning sun beard to about his belly. [00:07:18] Speaker C: Are you trying to put yourself into the game shot. [00:07:20] Speaker B: No, I already did. With Gerhard. Gerhard looks a lot like me, except skinny and you. [00:07:25] Speaker D: Gerhard doesn't have a beard. [00:07:27] Speaker B: No, Gerhard doesn't have a beard. He does have the moon, but in. [00:07:30] Speaker E: Other words, he looks nothing like you. [00:07:31] Speaker B: But this. Yeah, but this, you can tell, is obviously Gerhard's brother. [00:07:38] Speaker D: Tell us his brother's name. Or just his brother is here. [00:07:42] Speaker C: It was in his turtle, so, yeah, I think so. [00:07:47] Speaker B: I think you guys learned it, and if I was a good GM, I'd have it written down somewhere. [00:07:52] Speaker E: So we don't have it anywhere, do we? [00:07:55] Speaker B: Correct. So you. You see him, and he's standing above the plunger with his hands on it, ready to push down. [00:08:04] Speaker E: He's. [00:08:05] Speaker D: Do we want to try to talk to him? [00:08:07] Speaker F: Sure. [00:08:08] Speaker B: Oh. [00:08:09] Speaker C: How many times have we leveled up since last game? [00:08:10] Speaker B: It feels like you're still level seven. [00:08:14] Speaker F: What? No, six. [00:08:16] Speaker B: You're still level six. [00:08:18] Speaker D: I mean, I'll level up. [00:08:19] Speaker B: Sorry. You're level six. There's his name. Erhard. E r h a r. Freaking kidding me. [00:08:27] Speaker C: Earhard and Gerhard. [00:08:29] Speaker F: Okay, let's just kill him. Done. [00:08:34] Speaker B: Erhard, Pentergast, as you. [00:08:36] Speaker D: They may as well have just named them Gilderoy and Lockhart. [00:08:43] Speaker B: All right, he's about to push down on the plunger. [00:08:46] Speaker F: Will step forward and say, stop. [00:08:48] Speaker B: Stop what you're doing. Hello. As he spins around, raising. [00:08:55] Speaker C: And that's twintallon. Will put the mustache on. [00:08:59] Speaker B: Sir, that is a remarkable mustache. My brother has one exactly like it. [00:09:05] Speaker C: Hmm. Interesting. Is this how this guy. Stop. I think it's how they talk, right? [00:09:12] Speaker E: I think somebody's got a roll of deception. [00:09:15] Speaker B: All right, all right, go ahead, go ahead. [00:09:19] Speaker C: 24. [00:09:21] Speaker B: 24. Let's see how good this guy's pursuing perception is. [00:09:26] Speaker C: What the crap? [00:09:28] Speaker D: What are you. [00:09:28] Speaker B: No, it's his DC. [00:09:30] Speaker E: It's his perception. So it's ten plus the modifier. [00:09:37] Speaker C: Yes, just not if it's 70. Okay, so he rolled either a 17 and added 19, or he rolled a 19. That is 17. Either way, 24. No, stupid. [00:09:49] Speaker B: He looks at you, raising a. Cocking an eyebrow. [00:09:53] Speaker C: He's like, level ten. [00:09:56] Speaker B: I I. What are you doing here? Did my brother send you to assist? [00:10:03] Speaker C: Uh, actually, yes. [00:10:06] Speaker D: Yes. [00:10:06] Speaker F: Clearly. [00:10:07] Speaker D: Actually asked to have the honor of, uh, being the one to push the plunger. [00:10:11] Speaker B: Oh. [00:10:11] Speaker F: Brianna will step back because she can't lie. And will. But she will look the other way and look at trees and, ooh, the. [00:10:19] Speaker D: Birds will step forward as she's lying about this. [00:10:25] Speaker B: Give me a. Give me a deception check. [00:10:28] Speaker C: How far is he from us. [00:10:30] Speaker D: 10Ft. [00:10:32] Speaker C: Awesome. [00:10:33] Speaker D: 22. [00:10:35] Speaker B: I don't think he would have sent you to do something like that. [00:10:42] Speaker E: So temmit steps forward and he notices a bit of like a, you know, like personality trait that might be similar, you know, kind of a little bit fresh and outlandish. [00:10:50] Speaker B: Okay. [00:10:51] Speaker E: You know, he tries to make a connection. Don't listen to my friend here. We were sent to make sure everything went smoothly, but we want to make sure, we want to check around the area before you actually push the plunger. You mind stepping away for a second? And then, I don't know, I guess he's gonna try to go for it too. [00:11:10] Speaker B: Sure. Go ahead. [00:11:11] Speaker E: 30 total. [00:11:13] Speaker B: 30. He looks at you and goes, that sounds more like it. Let go ahead. I'll wait here. [00:11:23] Speaker E: Okay. A little bit surprised that that worked, especially when he's not entirely drunk. He usually tells his best lies when he's drunk. He, he just kind of looks back at, I think he was standing next to twin Talon and he just kind of like gives him the eyes. Like, what do we do now? I got him to stop. [00:11:42] Speaker C: So Twintalon will move over to the plunger. And I'm assuming it's got, if it's like a real life plunger, like a detonator, it basically has two wires. And when you depress the plunger, you're completing a circuit and you detonate. So there should be two wires attached to it. [00:12:04] Speaker B: Yes. [00:12:05] Speaker C: So Twintalon is going to try to just remove one or both of them. [00:12:09] Speaker B: Okay. Are you doing it in front of him? Are you doing it, trying to do it stealthily? [00:12:13] Speaker C: So twin Talon will do it under the auspice of checking the connections. So I guess stealthily or stealthily, whatever they correct. [00:12:23] Speaker B: Whatever the proper verbiage is. [00:12:28] Speaker C: 28. [00:12:29] Speaker E: Nice. Very nice. [00:12:30] Speaker B: This is how you do it? Uh, yes. You are able to pull the wires out stealthily and quietly. [00:12:40] Speaker C: Okay. All right. Seems like everything's in working order here. And did you did search the cave for variable artifacts, right? [00:12:56] Speaker B: I believe my brother did that. But you are more than welcome to take another look. [00:13:02] Speaker E: Really? He told us that you did that. Hmm. There seems to be some confusion, but we'll take care of it. [00:13:08] Speaker B: Excellent. Do be careful. Those black powder kegs can go off with the smallest jostling. [00:13:21] Speaker F: How do I. I was gonna ask, how do I roll to check if he's lying again? [00:13:26] Speaker C: Perception, maybe. Perception. [00:13:27] Speaker F: It's a perception. How's it? 27 looks good. [00:13:33] Speaker E: So temid tries to improve Earhard's opinion of them now that we're out of any type. So he chats with him for, like, a minute or so. [00:13:42] Speaker B: Okay. [00:13:43] Speaker E: And he says, might I say, are you the younger brother of Gerhard? [00:13:46] Speaker B: Oh, that is so sweet of you to ask, but we are twins. Of course. [00:13:51] Speaker E: Really? I I can't imagine it. You're so much more handsome than he is. [00:13:56] Speaker B: Oh, I am well aware. He. He insists on growing that disgusting moustache of his. [00:14:04] Speaker E: Well, if he looks anything like you, I wouldn't hide my face with such an ugly mustache. [00:14:11] Speaker B: Ah, Cor, am I right? [00:14:17] Speaker E: Now, I guess I'm going to do another deception. But this is to change his opinion of me through charming liar, which I don't really use as much as I feel like I should, as much as I talk about. [00:14:29] Speaker B: Maybe that's why, because I got a 16 total. [00:14:32] Speaker E: Do I get a bonus for hitting all the right points? [00:14:36] Speaker B: Sure, I'll give you a plus two. And it's still not a plus. [00:14:39] Speaker E: 20 said, right? I think you said 20. [00:14:41] Speaker B: No, no. So, so close. [00:14:46] Speaker E: Yeah, I will use my hero point to try to roll it again. [00:14:51] Speaker B: Okay, this is not super use. Well, the good news is you get to take the second roll no matter what. [00:15:02] Speaker E: Oh, that's not good news. In this. [00:15:04] Speaker D: Lower than the first. [00:15:05] Speaker C: Who's sick? The news for. [00:15:07] Speaker B: For me, it's great, actually. [00:15:09] Speaker E: Oh, because did I actually critically fail? [00:15:11] Speaker B: No. [00:15:12] Speaker E: No, I didn't. Yeah, 13 total. [00:15:13] Speaker B: Oh. Which is a 13. [00:15:16] Speaker C: Well, if his target was 23 or higher, then you did. Yeah, that's right. [00:15:22] Speaker E: I'm taking 33. [00:15:23] Speaker C: And if it was 23 to 25, that means you went from a regular failure to a critical fact. Hero points are the best. [00:15:32] Speaker D: Sorry? [00:15:34] Speaker B: Well, you're. You think he. He's kind of cozying up to you? You know, he's excited to talk to you. You seem so charming. [00:15:44] Speaker E: I don't. I don't get it. How is he cozying up to me? [00:15:47] Speaker B: Well, he starts. Starts to chat you up some more. [00:15:53] Speaker C: Pants. [00:15:54] Speaker E: Well, Timid Timmy starts to take off. [00:15:56] Speaker B: His pants while Temmit is doing that. What would the rest of you like to do? Twin? [00:16:02] Speaker C: So, I'm sorry, could you just give us a little better overview of, like, where we are compared to this cave and what's around? [00:16:08] Speaker B: Sure. An overgrown ridge line rises up from the jungle, presenting a craggy face to the south. Perched atop the 40 foot tall cliff is a mostly overgrown stone temple. A tree of stone balconies extend from the temple's southern facade over over the cliff's edge, while several triangular openings in the stone walls that may once have held. Windows are now filled in with packed clay. The building's walls are adorned with badly damaged carvings that may have once been androgynous. Butterfly winged figures swimming in the sea and flying through the sky. Is that better? [00:16:48] Speaker C: Okay, so the are we down below the cliffs? Honestly. So Twintalon is going to want to kind of follow the wires in to see where the black powder is. [00:17:02] Speaker B: Okay. [00:17:03] Speaker C: And possibly disable it from that side as well. And just get a good look around to see what it is they're trying to blow up and hide. [00:17:09] Speaker B: Yeah. Twin Talon, you're free to move about the map as you see fit. Pond watcher, what are you doing? While temid is chatting up this lovely gentleman and twin Talon is exploring the ruins. [00:17:22] Speaker H: I think. I think Pond Watcher is just going to stand behind Temmet and just stare at this guy. He really didn't like the previous guy so he's just kind of like waiting for this guy to do something terrible. But he hasn't done anything bad yet. [00:17:39] Speaker B: Checks out. Yep. Exactly. Brianna, what are you doing? What are you doing? [00:17:44] Speaker F: Brianna doesn't feel. I feel like. Like having her best friend go by herself into a cave is the best idea. So she will raise her shield and follow suit. 1 minute. [00:17:58] Speaker B: Where did he go? [00:17:59] Speaker F: Okay. With Talon. Wait. Trying to help. [00:18:04] Speaker B: All right. And Saraya, what are you doing? [00:18:09] Speaker D: She's gonna go explore as well. Jasper is going to land on I assume the like tinder box that the plunger is attached to. And basically if Erhard tries to turn back to it, he's just gonna like at him and keep him away. [00:18:23] Speaker B: Okay. Jasper's too heavy. Pushes the plunger. You're all dead. [00:18:28] Speaker D: No, I didn't say he sat on the plunger. I said he sat on the bus. Okay, thank you. I thought that through. [00:18:34] Speaker C: Luckily I disconnected that too. [00:18:36] Speaker E: Also it's a disarmed plunger. [00:18:40] Speaker B: For those of you who are exploring the ruins. Go ahead. And you all, you find the three eggs of black power. No, not beer. Again, not beer. I'm sorry. And you are. So they are technically. Technically they are hazard. There is no skill required to disable them. You can carefully move it away. However they are heavy. Sure. [00:19:18] Speaker D: If that'll do the trick. That seems like the easiest way. [00:19:21] Speaker B: I mean that's gonna do. [00:19:23] Speaker E: We know. [00:19:25] Speaker B: Give me an alchemy check. Recall knowledge. [00:19:32] Speaker D: I wonder do I know enough about it? [00:19:34] Speaker E: Well, your blood magic is not going to ready you for an alchemy test, right? [00:19:41] Speaker D: Would that be. Would that be crafting? Because alchemy is really pretty. [00:19:47] Speaker B: So you know that if you dig down and get most of the powder wet, it will definitely make it safer to move and a little more inert. But you also see that there are wires coming out of the. Out of the barrels, and you're pretty sure if you just snip those or pull those carefully out, that they can. They will be disarmed. [00:20:07] Speaker D: Okay, so I can do that. And regards to your comments and where. I'm just gonna say I know how to treat my visible components and what will make them no longer usable. [00:20:17] Speaker B: Brianna, while you're exploring the ruins, give me a society check. [00:20:25] Speaker F: Oh, I don't know if I know enough about people, but I'll try my best. [00:20:30] Speaker B: Whoosh. [00:20:31] Speaker F: How is a eleven? [00:20:34] Speaker B: There's pretty etchings on the wall. [00:20:37] Speaker F: Oh, look at these pretty etchings. I wonder what they mean. [00:20:40] Speaker C: I also have a society skill point. [00:20:43] Speaker F: Oh, where did you come from? [00:20:46] Speaker C: Ah. What? I don't know what the trigger is here. Twin towns. Just trying to disarm the kegs. [00:20:54] Speaker B: Yeah, so I figured Saraya and Twintalon are disarming the kegs. Brianna, you're following along, guarding them, and that's why you were able to notice the etchings timid. While you're outside, silver is beside. Behind you, also talking and. And babbling along with you. Jambalaya gumbo. [00:21:16] Speaker E: Not now, silver. We're not. It's not time to eat. [00:21:20] Speaker B: So Gerhard looks at you guys, and my brother was supposed to be back here by now. Have you. He said he sent you. [00:21:28] Speaker A: Where is he? [00:21:29] Speaker B: Hmm? [00:21:29] Speaker E: Talking to me. [00:21:30] Speaker B: Yes. [00:21:32] Speaker E: Yeah. So. Oh, he sent us because he was tied up with some. With the situation. And he laughs at himself, at the pun. It has to do with his, uh, his looks. He's trying to go for a new style. [00:21:48] Speaker B: Really interesting. You know, I never thought he would get rid of those. Of that terrible, terrible moustache. [00:21:59] Speaker E: What's a moustache? [00:22:01] Speaker B: That terrible handlebar thing. [00:22:03] Speaker E: Oh, a mustache. [00:22:05] Speaker B: Yes, a moustache. [00:22:08] Speaker H: Also, it seemed like maybe he didn't know how to control the horses. He had, you know, pulling that thing, that dragon thing. [00:22:15] Speaker B: That's very strange. He whipped those horses every day for 2 hours a day to make sure they would listen. [00:22:23] Speaker E: I say, you seem like you know how to handle a horse much better than your brother trying to drive away. [00:22:30] Speaker B: Toomet, what is your perception plus ten or. Sorry. Yes. Perception plus 10. [00:22:40] Speaker E: 24. [00:22:41] Speaker B: 24. All right. [00:22:45] Speaker E: So you hit the DC. [00:22:47] Speaker B: He's looking you over. He's like, I think you're lying to me. What did my brother actually do? I'm not sure. [00:22:56] Speaker D: Yeah, really? Not lying, actually. [00:22:58] Speaker E: I I'm not sure what you mean. He specifically stated that he was not. That he was going to try to get a better look than you. And if, as far as you and I are concerned, that mustache was ugly, maybe he was going to, you know, shave it. But he did say that he felt like he was going to be more handsome than you by the end of this styling session that he was going to have. [00:23:21] Speaker B: As if that could ever happen. I will head down to the boat to meet him, see how he's doing. [00:23:27] Speaker E: All right. Maybe you might want to give him. [00:23:29] Speaker B: Yeah, that's, uh. It's the one hex back that you guys were at previously. [00:23:34] Speaker E: So, like, a day? [00:23:35] Speaker B: Yes. [00:23:36] Speaker E: Yes. I think that's a. That's a good idea. Maybe catch him before he's done with his stylist. [00:23:42] Speaker B: Yes, that seems right. [00:23:44] Speaker E: What a buffoon to think that he could be better looking than you. [00:23:48] Speaker B: I know, right? [00:23:50] Speaker C: So, if I remember correctly, shaved off his mustache, stripped him down to his boots, tied him up, and threw him in the boat, and then pushed the boat out in the river. Is that. [00:23:58] Speaker B: Yep. [00:23:59] Speaker C: What we did. [00:24:00] Speaker E: Okay, but it's gonna take a day for him to understand that that happened. [00:24:03] Speaker C: The boat has now floated. [00:24:05] Speaker E: Right. But that's gonna be a day later, and we're gonna. We're gonna get a chance to. Yeah. Like, at least explore the cave, hopefully. [00:24:13] Speaker F: Right. I think what Matt's saying is, like, the. By the time the brother gets there, the boat won't be there. There's no evidence around to suggest that any kerfuffle happened. [00:24:25] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:24:26] Speaker E: Excellent. [00:24:26] Speaker D: Like, he just. [00:24:28] Speaker C: Looks like he just took off, right? [00:24:30] Speaker B: No, there is a very elbow dropped dragon pillar that looks like the macho man, randy Savage, aka pond watcher. [00:24:38] Speaker E: Pretty sure he was ambushed. [00:24:40] Speaker C: I'm pretty sure we tossed it in the river. [00:24:41] Speaker B: Destroyed. He ambushed it, and then. Yes, he dropped some elbows on it. [00:24:45] Speaker E: And then he put in the river. I think that's right. [00:24:48] Speaker B: Oh, yeah. That's right. You guys did. You did. I'm sorry. Okay. [00:24:51] Speaker E: No evidence. [00:24:52] Speaker H: So if he's. If he's gonna go, I want. I want a parting word first. [00:24:56] Speaker B: Okay, here we go. [00:24:57] Speaker D: Yay. [00:24:58] Speaker E: Ted puts his hand on his rapier. [00:25:00] Speaker H: I'm just gonna say, so I hope you find yourself your older brother, the one in charge, and you let him know that you did a really great job here with the box thing, and I'm sure they'd be quite proud of you. And you can ride the boat together, wherever it is you come from. Be real good, okay? Good job, buddy. [00:25:23] Speaker B: Thank you. And with that, he wanders away. [00:25:27] Speaker H: You look like a tall dwarf. [00:25:31] Speaker D: What if he's gonna turn back? [00:25:34] Speaker C: He does seem really stupid. I mean, like, he had, like, one job, which is blowing up this temple, and he just wandered off into the jungle because his brother was five minutes late. [00:25:42] Speaker B: So I hope he gets by. [00:25:44] Speaker C: Whatever's happening. [00:25:45] Speaker H: He stood, like, right next to it as well. He was gonna blow it up, like, 5ft away from his own face. [00:25:54] Speaker C: I was wondering about that too, like, how powerful these barrels, because in my mind, it would just blow in the shrapnel. Right, right in his face. [00:26:01] Speaker B: Yeah. Funny you ask that, since you managed to keep all three barrels intact. If you want, you can carry them. Each keg is heavy and awkward and is two bulk. However, a black powder keg explodes if it takes any fire damage, inflicting five d, six fire damage, and all creatures in a 20 foot emanation. [00:26:23] Speaker E: Go on. [00:26:25] Speaker D: Can I make mauler black powder? [00:26:27] Speaker B: Sashays, Sashay. [00:26:30] Speaker E: Great mind, Matt. [00:26:33] Speaker B: Yes, but you're gonna have to spend, like, downtime doing that. You're actually gonna have to physically craft the bomb. [00:26:40] Speaker E: Can she mentally craft a bomb? [00:26:42] Speaker C: Too bad we don't have a wagon or something. Well, yeah, but I don't want you to have to carry around three. Like, carrying our one crag would be better enough. But wasn't there, like, a fortress or something that the elephant people said that the cinder claws were in? I just feel like having three black powder kegs to put up against the wall of a fortress and blow the shit out of it would be advantageous. But I don't want, like, you guys carrying, like, I'm certainly not carrying around. I'm not strong enough to do that. But I don't want you in pond watcher carrying him around. That's dangerous. [00:27:09] Speaker B: It'll be really funny, though, until someone takes a single point of fire damage. [00:27:16] Speaker H: Fire arrow comes out and just blows up. Pond watcher. [00:27:19] Speaker B: Boom. [00:27:20] Speaker E: The chain reaction blows up everyone else in the party. [00:27:23] Speaker B: You did get a bag of holding type one. Oh, yeah. [00:27:27] Speaker D: What can we put in that? What's the limit? [00:27:29] Speaker B: The bag's extra dimensional space can hold up to 25 ball. [00:27:34] Speaker C: Oh, by the way, I have this. [00:27:35] Speaker E: Bag, and we should put all the. [00:27:36] Speaker C: Counter games in it. [00:27:38] Speaker F: Okay. [00:27:38] Speaker D: I mean, we could literally just. [00:27:42] Speaker F: Roll them in. [00:27:43] Speaker D: Yeah. [00:27:44] Speaker H: Something we're gonna have for, like, 25 episodes. And then remember that we have this. [00:27:48] Speaker E: Explosive turtle, but we'll be fighting, like, a fire demon at the time, like, ah, shit, blow up. [00:27:54] Speaker H: Like a spaceship or something. [00:27:56] Speaker D: Yeah. [00:27:56] Speaker B: With that, you now have explored this hex, and you can now spend more time exploring the ruins now that the danger has been put to bed. So you are now able to explore the ruins, explore the area, move about the space. I want you to explore your surroundings. [00:28:16] Speaker F: Oh, acting 101. We theater nerds kind of cringe lines in space. Say, I noticed, speaking of runes, I've noticed these etchings here on the wall. Does anybody know what they are, what they could be? [00:28:37] Speaker B: Yep. [00:28:37] Speaker H: Definitely yep. [00:28:39] Speaker F: Okay, what do you think it is? Palm chair. [00:28:41] Speaker B: Is anybody an expert in society? [00:28:46] Speaker E: No. [00:28:47] Speaker B: Clearly. [00:28:48] Speaker F: Pond watcher. [00:28:51] Speaker C: I'm trained. [00:28:52] Speaker D: I'm trained. [00:28:53] Speaker H: Yeah, how about trained in elven lore? [00:29:00] Speaker D: Oh, I got a 29 in society. [00:29:02] Speaker B: All right. [00:29:02] Speaker D: Okay. [00:29:03] Speaker H: I'm just kidding. [00:29:04] Speaker B: So by looking after. So you're gonna spend about ten minutes studying those etchings. What is Brianna going to do during those ten minutes? [00:29:15] Speaker F: Was the one to point them out. I'd be curious to hear about it. [00:29:20] Speaker B: I can tell you, Saraya, you rolled a 29 investigating those. Brianna is looking and listening to finding out what's going on. Twin Talon, what are you doing? [00:29:32] Speaker C: I mean, we disarmed the things. Twin Talon has put the three kegs into the bag of holding. Beyond that, I guess he's trying to figure out what was so egregious here that Gerhard wanted to wipe it out. [00:29:44] Speaker B: Okay, silver, pond watcher, what are you doing? [00:29:49] Speaker H: If I can't identify whatever that stuff is with elven lore, I'm gonna just keep watch outside. [00:29:55] Speaker B: Okay. And timid. What are you doing? [00:29:59] Speaker E: I don't really have much I can do. [00:30:01] Speaker B: You could start setting up camp. [00:30:02] Speaker E: I could start setting up camp. I'm gonna roll survival and start setting up camp. All right, well, I rolled a one natural one. I do have one more hero point. [00:30:11] Speaker B: You do have one more hero point. And you literally cannot work. You cannot roll worse. [00:30:17] Speaker C: That's true. [00:30:17] Speaker E: Yeah, this is definitely, um. [00:30:20] Speaker C: You could roll the same. [00:30:21] Speaker E: I really think it's beneficial to have a good night's sleep. So. All right, a total of 26 with a roll of 14 on the die. [00:30:31] Speaker C: And we get plus four from the supplies. [00:30:34] Speaker B: Right, so you're at 30. So, Saraya, after looking at those carvings, you notice that the style evokes one of the bond watt people who today dwell far to the west along the Milanki coastline. You also notice that the temple seems to be devoted to the deities of Desna and Gozura, but that it combines their depictions into a singular entity. So that's why you saw butterfly winged people in the. In the ocean and in the sky. Because Gozra is the God of the wind and the seas. Or wind in the waves. Thank you. And Desna is a butterfly, so, yeah. [00:31:22] Speaker D: So she's kind of looking at it then, like, well, I don't know what Gerhard ever wrote about these people, but then assuming that, oh, you know, he thinks we're so much more advanced and whatnot because of our beliefs and everything, like, to see the fact that not only do they believe in similar gods, but they have a different way of representing or worshipping them. Well, that might explain why he wants to destroy it. I don't agree, but I'm curious if. [00:31:44] Speaker F: It is something what gives him the right. Sorry, you were saying to Daron? [00:31:50] Speaker C: I was just curious what? Cause it seemed like whatever was here would contradict something that he wrote or his belief about something which, if it came out, would look poorly upon him. So is it the fact that these people were once here and now they're on the west coast? Did he tell it? Did he say that they came from somewhere else? I don't know enough about his bullshit to know what matters to him. [00:32:14] Speaker D: If it's based on real life commentary, that if this is based on what colonizers do in countries like this, it's because they were too savage to have a belief system like this. And he doesn't like that. Savage quotes. Again, don't agree. [00:32:30] Speaker B: You can tell by looking at the journal. And from the age of this temple, combined with the inland location, it suggests that the bon Watt were more widespread long ago. To Gerhard, both of these revelations threatened some of his own ill informed theories about the Bonwot history. That is probably why he wanted to get rid of it. Twintalon, while you're wandering around exploring, you notice that there is a ruined statue, and you kind of look, and you feel a breeze coming from under it. [00:33:02] Speaker C: Unnatural breeze, like, I'm gonna explore it, or twin Talon will explore it, thinking maybe there's a secret passage. [00:33:08] Speaker B: Yeah. So as you kind of, like, carefully move the statue to the side, it's not a full on passage, but it is definitely a room. And you see that there are three well preserved scrolls and a metal loop you would call a ring. [00:33:33] Speaker C: Okay, I mean, I call metal loops rings. But when you say a ring, do you mean, like on someone's hand or like a size, like. [00:33:39] Speaker B: No, no, like a finger sized ring. [00:33:43] Speaker C: Okay, so Twintelle will poke his head up, and he'll look around and whoever the closest person is who's a magicy person. So I guess arraya, probably. Brianna, you can do. Oh, wait a minute. Brianna, you can. Do you have Ariana now too, right? I thought maybe. I'm thinking of someone else, maybe pond watcher. I don't remember. I remember somebody who didn't. [00:34:10] Speaker H: I can see the very magics that underpin the world. [00:34:13] Speaker F: I think that might be what you're thinking about. I know more about dragons now that I've become friends with Pond Watcher, but then. [00:34:24] Speaker H: But I'm currently looking at the bush. [00:34:26] Speaker C: All right, well, if somebody would come over and look at this stuff, it looks like there might be magic. There's scrolls. I mean, it might just be documents. But if somebody could, you know, detect if there's magic in here before I start poking around at it, I think that'd probably be a good idea. [00:34:40] Speaker D: I can make an arcana roll. Yeah, because I think. Because this is you, right? [00:34:47] Speaker C: I don't know where we are on the map. I'm just about. [00:34:49] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:34:49] Speaker D: Oh, yeah, fair point. Yeah. [00:34:56] Speaker B: Yes. These are magic scrolls. [00:35:01] Speaker C: Magical. [00:35:02] Speaker B: And the ring is also magic. [00:35:03] Speaker D: I can't quite tell what they are. [00:35:05] Speaker B: Apparently, but so as you, as Tamit has set up camp for you guys for the evening, you guys kind of gather around and you pour over the scrolls that you found. I'm going to share with you the scrolls you found. [00:35:22] Speaker C: Very pretty looking, right? Oh, I like that one. [00:35:30] Speaker B: So go ahead and talk about what. [00:35:31] Speaker D: You found is dinosaur form, the one that you said. Oh, I like that one. [00:35:36] Speaker C: Yeah. Yeah. So the three we found were remove disease, which is useful but not exciting. Freedom of movement. Again, useful, not exciting. And dinosaur form, which I don't know how useful it is, but it seems pretty cool. [00:35:52] Speaker H: Please, someone please cast that on one of us. [00:35:55] Speaker C: Can I be a tyrannosaurus? I think. [00:35:58] Speaker B: Podwatcher. [00:35:58] Speaker E: My vote is Tyrannosaurus. Right. My vote is for a pond watcher. [00:36:03] Speaker H: My arms are so small that it. [00:36:05] Speaker D: Makes me very mad. [00:36:10] Speaker B: And you also found a ring of energy resistance fire. [00:36:16] Speaker C: Didn't we all get one of those? [00:36:18] Speaker E: I think we did. [00:36:20] Speaker F: I think we did too, because I definitely have that on my sheet. [00:36:23] Speaker C: You found another one or was it. [00:36:26] Speaker D: I put it on Jasper Miner? Or is it like a collar? [00:36:30] Speaker E: Oh, wait, I don't seem to have one. [00:36:32] Speaker H: Actually, I have one. [00:36:34] Speaker C: Yeah, we all got them. [00:36:36] Speaker D: Oh, then I just remember, because I don't have it written down either. But yeah, if this is an extra, I definitely put it on Jasper. [00:36:44] Speaker E: Boy, could we have used this in episode one. [00:36:45] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:36:45] Speaker C: Right. Or when we came through the. [00:36:51] Speaker F: Hunter'S gate. [00:36:52] Speaker C: Yeah. I think the elves gave them to us. They gave us all a ring of fire resistance and then another gift in our packs. [00:37:00] Speaker D: Yeah. [00:37:01] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:37:01] Speaker B: Yes. You all got. Well, in case you burn one out. You got another one. [00:37:06] Speaker C: Do they burn out? [00:37:07] Speaker B: No. [00:37:09] Speaker E: Okay, again, it was a bad joke. [00:37:10] Speaker H: Saraya, do you want to hold those scrolls? [00:37:12] Speaker D: Sure, I'll hold on to the scrolls. I like how it gives us options for the dinosaurs. Ankylosaurus, brontosaurus, dinomicus. I don't know how to pronounce that one. Stegosaurus, triceratops. [00:37:27] Speaker C: Deinonychus is a raptor. [00:37:30] Speaker D: And there is Tyrannosaurus. [00:37:32] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:37:35] Speaker C: But it's a primal spell, so I don't think that any of us can actually cast it. [00:37:39] Speaker D: I have trick magic item because I don't actually have age. [00:37:48] Speaker C: I forgot I had that too. [00:37:49] Speaker B: All right, so temmit is going to cast dinosaur form on Pondwatcher and then turn him into a t rex and then challenge him to a push up contest. [00:37:59] Speaker C: So dinosaur form is. Is primal. And primal is nature. I believe so. For trick magic item, I could use that and use the nature I am trained in. Nature. [00:38:13] Speaker D: We'll hand that over. Because my nature is terrible. [00:38:17] Speaker C: So if no one else can use it, I'll take it. On the off chance that it works. [00:38:19] Speaker F: Might as well. [00:38:21] Speaker B: You guys have this kind of ruined temple to camp in that will protect you from the elements, protect you from things coming from behind you. So you set up camp. Tempt does a really nice job. He manages to make a very comfortable sleeping situation. What is the watch order? There are six of you, so each person has to do a 1 hour and 36 minutes watch. [00:38:50] Speaker C: Cool. [00:38:51] Speaker D: I love the math they've done for it. It's so precise. [00:38:54] Speaker F: Does anybody have to rest all the time? I'm happy to take first watch. [00:38:59] Speaker D: I'm happy to take one later in the evening, considering I can see in the dark. [00:39:03] Speaker C: I'll take a second watch. [00:39:07] Speaker H: Yeah. Also night vision times. [00:39:09] Speaker E: So I'll. I'll take it. Take first light or the last watch. [00:39:13] Speaker D: Okay. [00:39:14] Speaker B: All right. And silver will take fifth. You all bed down for the night? Brianna. [00:39:24] Speaker F: Oh, no. [00:39:25] Speaker B: Give me a perception. [00:39:27] Speaker F: Not this again. [00:39:31] Speaker B: You did so well last time. [00:39:34] Speaker D: Before we get into anything that was, like, combat, can I. Like, while we were, like, bedding down and having dinner, can I have at least taken one of the kegs and broken it apart into a couple. [00:39:43] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:39:44] Speaker D: Mini fireball things? [00:39:46] Speaker B: Sure. I'll say. You have two fireballs. If those are things. [00:39:55] Speaker D: Cool. [00:39:56] Speaker E: While she's doing that, Temid's going to be juggling candles, lit candles, holding it over. [00:40:03] Speaker C: Seems. [00:40:08] Speaker D: I was actually gonna ask if I like, could I do like since it does five d six, could I take like five of them and they do one d six each or. [00:40:16] Speaker B: Yeah, that's. Yeah, that sounds good. [00:40:18] Speaker D: Cool. [00:40:19] Speaker B: Great. [00:40:20] Speaker D: Is it persistent? [00:40:21] Speaker B: No, it goes boom. It also has the loud. I don't know if there is a loud tag, but I'm going to make one up. If, if there's any creatures nearby and you're trying to stealth, you're no longer stealth with it. [00:40:37] Speaker D: That's, that. That is fair. I will accept that. [00:40:40] Speaker B: And I will say, um, it will give them deafened for it. Everyone in a ten foot burst will be deafened for one round on it. Sweet. No, no, no. Everyone including your allies. [00:41:03] Speaker D: Okay, what's the range on it? [00:41:05] Speaker B: 10Ft. [00:41:06] Speaker D: So yeah, I throw them, I throw far. I am a bomber. This is what I do. [00:41:13] Speaker B: Everyone falls asleep fairly quickly. Dealing with Gerhard and Erhard was exhausting because they were just so tedious and. [00:41:22] Speaker C: Sorry, what? [00:41:23] Speaker B: Tedious. [00:41:24] Speaker C: Okay. [00:41:25] Speaker H: It was a moment of personal growth. Not to cause with the second guy though, so it really. [00:41:32] Speaker B: Well, he also didn't, didn't like insult you like his brother did. [00:41:37] Speaker H: Exactly. [00:41:39] Speaker E: But I'm just glad that honestly that twin Talon wasn't nearby to hear him talk about like maiming the horses because then he would have gotten stabby stabbed in the liver. [00:41:50] Speaker B: Here we go. I'm gonna put everyone in the camp area to sleep except for Brianna. Brianna. Brianna. [00:41:59] Speaker D: Geez. [00:42:01] Speaker F: 48 episodes. [00:42:03] Speaker D: Hey, at least he's not calling us by each other's names. [00:42:05] Speaker H: Brent Branagh. [00:42:07] Speaker B: Yes. Well, yes. Small victories. Small victories yet. Brenda, Brianna doesn't see anything. [00:42:15] Speaker F: Okay. [00:42:16] Speaker B: All right, so next watch was twin Talon. Twin Talon. Give me another or give me a perception check. 25, you hear some rustling coming from in front of you, but you don't see anything. [00:42:37] Speaker C: We're in a jungle. Twin Talon will try to stealthily move forward and see if he can figure out what the hell it is, if it's something to be worried about or if it's like an animal. [00:42:47] Speaker A: Give me a survival check. [00:42:50] Speaker B: 22, you see some tracks, some rabbits, snakes, nothing that would really cause any major alarm. [00:43:02] Speaker C: Okay, well if I don't see what the wrestling was and I don't know what made it, then I'm gonna go back to the camp. [00:43:09] Speaker B: All right, so next up is Saraya. [00:43:13] Speaker C: And I will, I will tell Saraya there was some rustling over in that direction. I think it was just animals, but you might want to just keep on guard. [00:43:25] Speaker B: Pretty uneventful. Watch for you. You don't hear any rustling. You see some bats flying by the sky and that's about it. Pond watcher is next. [00:43:35] Speaker H: Hello. [00:43:36] Speaker B: Hello. Go ahead and give me a perception check. [00:43:39] Speaker H: 16 also. [00:43:41] Speaker B: Yep. Uneventful. Just some. Some. You see a bunny hop in front of you, bats fly by the jungle. Yeah, bats. Silver. Let's see. Why? What's wrong with that? [00:43:57] Speaker D: There's nothing. [00:44:00] Speaker B: You're asleep. Silver the bard. Silver the bard. Silver the bard. 32. Oh, boy. He sees everything with a natural 20. [00:44:12] Speaker C: Natural. Natural 20. [00:44:14] Speaker B: Silver sees from out of the darkness three figures closing in on him. [00:44:22] Speaker H: Do they have cardamom and myrrh? [00:44:25] Speaker B: Unfortunately, they do not. And you hear well, no one hears. Silver says, wow. Wow. Good even. Good evening. What are y'all doing here? And they all smile wickedly with long incisor canines. Canines. With long canines. [00:44:52] Speaker D: Oh, no, you're kidding. [00:44:54] Speaker E: No, I'm actually a little scared. [00:44:55] Speaker D: Yeah. [00:44:56] Speaker B: And, uh, you know what? [00:44:58] Speaker D: Wait, wait, wait, wait. [00:45:00] Speaker B: Let's see what happens. [00:45:01] Speaker D: Why. [00:45:02] Speaker F: Why are you, like, next week? Why are you like that? [00:45:04] Speaker E: No, I'm okay with this one. I'm okay with this one. I'm fine. [00:45:09] Speaker D: Did Silver just get kidnapped by vampires? [00:45:12] Speaker E: I don't want to see these guys. [00:45:13] Speaker C: Is it too late to cast the dinosaur skull? [00:45:15] Speaker F: Can I do that on silver? [00:45:19] Speaker G: What is this group of people attacking silver? Are they even human? Why are they doing it? What will happen with everyone asleep? Can Silver defend himself? These are but a few of the questions that will be answered on the next episode of the Cracked Die podcast.

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