The Cracked Die Podcast - Episode 25 - The Ghost of You

Episode 25 February 20, 2020 00:53:48
The Cracked Die Podcast - Episode 25 - The Ghost of You
The Cracked Die Podcast
The Cracked Die Podcast - Episode 25 - The Ghost of You

Feb 20 2020 | 00:53:48


Show Notes

We check to see if Temod is still alive and what the rest of the group can do to help. 

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:44] Speaker A: I'm your host and GM, Sean, and boy, am I really riled up and ready to tell you some news. But first, I just want to thank everyone. Matt mentioned last week that we got to over 5000 downloads, and that, frankly, to me, is amazing. So I just want to thank everyone again for getting us to that point. Now, let's talk about the news that I would not let Matt discuss last week. And here it is. Did I wait long enough? Was that a long enough of a pause? Anyway, we now have a Patreon. Yes, we do. If you head over to Patreon, Cracked Die podcast will see our patreon. And on that patreon, you will see a little blurb about why we're doing it. But to kind of cut to the point, we're doing the Patreon to simply cover the hosting costs of producing the show. That's it. We're not trying to make Scrooge McDuck money so we can jump into a pit full of it. That would be nice, but that's not what we're going for. No, we're simply going to cover the hosting costs of producing this show. And hey, if we get there, who knows what else might happen? Could we start a second show? Could we branch into other media? Could we jump from the roofs with parachutes with the cracked eye logo on them? All things are possible, but only with your help. So once again, head over to Patreon Cracked Die podcast. If you're able to throw us a buck, throw us $2, throw us $5. All right, that's enough from me rambling and shilling about our new [email protected]. Crackeddiepodcast let's get to the show. Welcome to the 25th episode of the Cracked Die podcast. Yay. [00:02:57] Speaker B: Never thought we'd see this day a. [00:02:59] Speaker A: Quarter of a century. [00:03:01] Speaker C: I can't believe we started recording two days ago. [00:03:03] Speaker A: I know, right? Have you seen the thing in the news lately about that thing? [00:03:10] Speaker D: Previously on the Cracked Die podcast. Our heroes made their way to the Guardian's way. Once there, the bard Silver was able to talk his way into a cabin. There, he was able to discuss things with Damiri Yolasha, leader of the bloody blades. Suddenly, things turned sour for our heroes, and combat began. What will happen to Temben now on the brink of death? Find out the answer to this question and more on this episode of the Cracked Die podcast. [00:03:42] Speaker B: So a quick question. If I decide to join her team, does that mean she won't do the damage? [00:03:48] Speaker A: No, the damage is still going to be done? [00:03:50] Speaker B: Oh, no. Then I won't do it. [00:03:51] Speaker A: All right, so I rolled, and it took me a whole week to figure out the math on this. [00:03:55] Speaker E: That track. [00:03:56] Speaker F: Good grief. [00:03:56] Speaker E: Yeah, that's about. All right. [00:03:58] Speaker A: I roll and I double, which is twelve points of damage. Hey, that's not that bad because it's a crit. But then there's this whole deadly trait that I rolled. So, total, you're taking 18 points of damage. [00:04:14] Speaker G: I don't think she rolled very well. [00:04:16] Speaker A: No, I quit. Her second action is to take the dagger and spin it around and stab you in the shoulder with it. [00:04:25] Speaker F: Sure. But he does have. [00:04:28] Speaker A: Oh, that's right. You were going to liberating step him, weren't you? Correct. [00:04:31] Speaker F: So, since the trigger was Tema taking damage, Temad gains resistance to all damage against the triggering damage. Equal to two, plus my level. So, five. [00:04:41] Speaker G: Yeah. [00:04:41] Speaker A: Wow. [00:04:42] Speaker B: Thank you so much. It seems like you're only using it on me because I get myself in a shitty situation. [00:04:46] Speaker G: Why are you always in front every combat? I was thinking about this on the way here, but every combat is. Tem is in the front, immediately gets his ass whooped. Brianna does liberating step and he's like, why am I in the front of this combat? Like, every combat, he's like, I'm a cleric. I'm not supposed to be up here. [00:05:03] Speaker B: No, I'm a war priest. That's his whole idea, is to be a frontline fighter. He's not fantastic at it, but he's good enough. [00:05:10] Speaker A: So you do also get to crit a lot. You get to step away, too. [00:05:14] Speaker F: Yes, you do. [00:05:14] Speaker B: And I choose to step away. [00:05:16] Speaker F: That's a great idea. [00:05:18] Speaker A: How far? You take two steps. [00:05:19] Speaker B: I'm taking a step back, not to the side. So I take one step away from this mean lady. [00:05:25] Speaker G: All right, you can take up to two if you want it. [00:05:27] Speaker F: Correct. [00:05:28] Speaker B: I think one's good enough. She'll have to move to attack. [00:05:31] Speaker A: So with rage in her eyes as her prey steps away, she turns to pond watcher. Using a single action to twin takedown, she makes two attacks, suffering the regular negatives on her weapons. If they both hit, they combined for one stack of damage. [00:05:55] Speaker G: So if you had damage reduction, this is a ranger attack. So I don't know if she is a ranger or if she's just got a ranger feet. [00:06:03] Speaker A: So the rapier is making a second attack. So that would be minus five. Minus five. [00:06:15] Speaker B: It's not agile. [00:06:16] Speaker C: I'm going to punch you with display. [00:06:21] Speaker A: And then her dagger is going to make an attack at minus. So the third attack is minus ten. [00:06:32] Speaker C: I'm sure my new breastplate will really help this. [00:06:35] Speaker A: The dagger misses, it clangs off the brand new breastplate. However, that rapier misses, also finds a spot where that in the mid drift that's not covered by that breastplate. [00:06:48] Speaker C: My low rise pants. [00:06:50] Speaker B: It's only because you have. [00:06:52] Speaker C: I need a big belt or something. [00:06:54] Speaker A: Could you draw another crit card for me? [00:06:55] Speaker F: No. [00:06:58] Speaker B: Critical hit crits on everything every time she hits. [00:07:01] Speaker A: When I roll a 20, sure. [00:07:03] Speaker E: So just to understand, she only has two actions in general, yes, but this gives her an extra action. [00:07:09] Speaker A: It does not give her an extra action. It is a ranger skip class feet. Ranger class feet. [00:07:15] Speaker B: So it allows her to do two attacks with one. With one action. One action, yes, but they suffer the same normal penalty. So minus five for the second one, minus ten for the first. [00:07:25] Speaker A: Yes. [00:07:25] Speaker E: Is this a piercing weapon? [00:07:26] Speaker A: This is. It is. [00:07:27] Speaker E: The rapier gun slashing was decapitated. [00:07:29] Speaker A: Okay. Wow. [00:07:32] Speaker B: Shit. [00:07:32] Speaker E: All right. Nailed in place. [00:07:34] Speaker A: Giggety. [00:07:35] Speaker E: You must drop this weapon to gain the special effect as it's a bow or piercing, because this is piercing. If it already has this critical specialization effect, this is as if it has the bow critical specialization effect. That's so I can read it for you. If this melee weapon already has it, their dc increases set of ten to 20. So it just doubles the dc to pull out. To have the critical effect where he's nailed in place, she has to drop the weapon. [00:08:01] Speaker A: Okay. [00:08:02] Speaker E: Otherwise it's just normal. It's a normal. [00:08:03] Speaker A: Just a normal crit. Okay. [00:08:04] Speaker C: I can't believe you flirted with me and then stabbed me in the stomach. [00:08:07] Speaker G: She's still flirting. So this is one of those situations where if that's a critical specialization effect, if she has one, she can use her own. Or that one. [00:08:18] Speaker A: Nah, she'll use this one. [00:08:19] Speaker E: She has to drop her rate. [00:08:21] Speaker A: She's not going to stick them in place. She's just going to do the double damage. 19 points of damage. Gee Louise. That deadly, guys. All right, twin Talon, you're up. You hear temit get stabbed. You hear him cry out, start weeping. And then pod watcher goes, I can't believe you flirted with me. Now it's your turn. [00:08:46] Speaker G: There are four of them in there. [00:08:48] Speaker B: Four of my group, and we're not doing well. [00:08:51] Speaker G: Well, I don't know that. All I know is definitely there's four of them. Like pond Watcher is in there, the barbarian, who's no worse. [00:08:58] Speaker B: All you've got to do is hit. [00:09:00] Speaker G: Once and Brianna's in there, who has crit on. I think 50% of her attacks are triple damage. Tem is in there who can heal. Silver is in there who can give them all bonuses. So twid Talon has no reason to think that they are really in danger without any additional information. So if he is still hidden, as far as he knows, at the bottom of this ladder. [00:09:23] Speaker A: Yep. And someone's crawling right down towards you. [00:09:25] Speaker G: Is there a, like a ready in. [00:09:29] Speaker A: Action you can delay? [00:09:32] Speaker G: And that's it. [00:09:33] Speaker A: That is it. [00:09:36] Speaker E: Rihanna also delayed the last round. [00:09:38] Speaker A: Yes. [00:09:39] Speaker G: Because the person that's coming down is not within striking range. [00:09:42] Speaker A: I'm assuming five. And then a climb lets you move at half your speed. That's still right. [00:09:49] Speaker G: I think it's a quarter speed. [00:09:50] Speaker A: Quarter speed. Thank you. [00:09:52] Speaker F: How high is that? [00:09:53] Speaker A: 20Ft. [00:09:54] Speaker F: Yank him off. [00:09:56] Speaker A: So a quarter of 25ft is another 525ft. [00:10:02] Speaker G: Half would be roughly ten. [00:10:03] Speaker E: So half. [00:10:03] Speaker G: So five. [00:10:04] Speaker A: Yeah. So he's 10ft down. So he's 10ft above you. [00:10:08] Speaker G: That's actually. Okay, so twin Talon is actually going to stealth up the opposite side of the rope. [00:10:14] Speaker A: Okay. It's a ladder. It's a rope ladder. Okay. Yeah. [00:10:16] Speaker G: So he's on the opposite side. [00:10:19] Speaker A: All right. [00:10:20] Speaker G: So he's going to end up just below this guy. [00:10:22] Speaker A: Okay. [00:10:23] Speaker G: And he is going to stab up into him. [00:10:26] Speaker A: Okay. [00:10:26] Speaker C: Oh, boy. [00:10:27] Speaker A: Make that attack roll. [00:10:29] Speaker G: And I think if he takes damage while he is. So while he's climbing, he is flat footed. Even if he could see me, right, he would be flat footed. Okay, so I'm going to make the quick draw. [00:10:42] Speaker A: All right? [00:10:42] Speaker G: Which allows me to draw my weapon as part of my strike. [00:10:45] Speaker A: Okay, that's your second action. [00:10:48] Speaker G: That is a natural 19 noise. A 29. [00:10:53] Speaker B: Oh, shoot. [00:10:54] Speaker A: That is a crit. [00:10:55] Speaker E: Yes. [00:10:56] Speaker F: Guenom. [00:10:57] Speaker B: So that's ten gp we just lost. [00:11:01] Speaker E: What is it? [00:11:02] Speaker G: It is a piercing weapon. [00:11:03] Speaker A: Piercing. Okay. [00:11:04] Speaker E: Eye patch for you. Triple damage. Critical effect, I'm sorry to say. [00:11:08] Speaker G: Triple damage. [00:11:09] Speaker E: Triple damage. Correct. Critical effect. The target is dazzled until healed. [00:11:14] Speaker A: Wow. [00:11:18] Speaker G: You can really dance sixes, by the way. [00:11:22] Speaker A: Oh, boy. Triple damage. [00:11:25] Speaker G: So that's 1213. Plus four is 17 times 351. [00:11:36] Speaker A: We're at non lethal. [00:11:39] Speaker B: Is it non lethal? [00:11:40] Speaker A: No, it's lethal. [00:11:41] Speaker E: Not. [00:11:42] Speaker G: I have no idea if we're supposed to take them alive, but I have no idea. [00:11:45] Speaker A: That thing we're supposed to be doing, you hear a Willhan scream as he falls off dead, like just spurting blood from every part of his body, especially the giant wound in his chest. [00:11:59] Speaker G: I'll say. If I'm climbing up and he's above me, I probably reached up, just slid open his femoral artery. [00:12:05] Speaker A: Oh, that inside of that leg is just. [00:12:08] Speaker G: I can't think of anywhere else I could hit him that would do that much damage. [00:12:13] Speaker A: Yeah. All right. [00:12:14] Speaker G: The dick, sure. [00:12:16] Speaker F: But even that actually does break as fast. [00:12:19] Speaker G: What is below me? [00:12:21] Speaker A: Well, a dead body. [00:12:23] Speaker G: He's actually on the opposite side of the ladder. [00:12:24] Speaker A: Yeah, directly below you. There's just some brush and underbrush. [00:12:28] Speaker G: Is there enough that I think I. [00:12:29] Speaker A: Could hide in it? Yes. [00:12:30] Speaker E: Okay. [00:12:30] Speaker G: Then he will drop off the ladder and hide in the bushes. [00:12:33] Speaker A: All right. [00:12:35] Speaker G: What happened to that guy? [00:12:38] Speaker E: Must be nothing. [00:12:39] Speaker A: It's just the way timid. You just got stabbed by a rapier. [00:12:43] Speaker B: He's going to attack her. [00:12:44] Speaker A: So you're slowed, two until the end of this turn. [00:12:47] Speaker F: You also take a step back, which. [00:12:48] Speaker A: Means you only have one action and you step back. [00:12:52] Speaker B: Wait, I'm slowed. [00:12:53] Speaker A: Two, two. I was already slowed. [00:12:56] Speaker B: One. [00:12:56] Speaker A: Right. [00:12:56] Speaker G: And then I got slowed again and. [00:12:57] Speaker B: Then right to the start of my next turn. [00:13:00] Speaker A: Your next turn? Yeah. [00:13:03] Speaker G: You have one action failure which slowed you one. And then you got a critical hit on you which slowed you one. [00:13:07] Speaker B: All right, so I'm going to just try battle medicine on myself. [00:13:11] Speaker A: Good call. [00:13:11] Speaker B: I'm actually going to try. Since I'm now an expert, I'm going to try against a 20 DC to do one d eight plus four. I'm sorry. Plus ten. All right, so instead of would be two d eight plus ten. Wow. [00:13:27] Speaker A: DC 20. [00:13:28] Speaker G: Nice. [00:13:29] Speaker B: 23. [00:13:30] Speaker A: All right, so you get plus ten hit points back and you can't do this to yourself for ten for a day. That's right. [00:13:40] Speaker B: 18. [00:13:41] Speaker A: All right. That's all the damage you took? [00:13:44] Speaker B: That's actually more than the damage I. [00:13:46] Speaker A: Took, thanks to Brianna Silver. [00:13:48] Speaker E: Hold on, I'm reading about spells real quickly. [00:13:51] Speaker F: If you do need a minute, then I'll jump in. [00:13:53] Speaker A: All right. Brianna will jump in. [00:13:55] Speaker F: Brianna will lean behind her shield and shield batch this beach. [00:14:01] Speaker A: All right. Shield batch, shield batch, batch that batch. [00:14:06] Speaker F: I'm gonna shall batch that fast. [00:14:09] Speaker G: I just want to take a step back to my turn for a second in case anybody thought I should take damage from falling off a ladder. [00:14:15] Speaker A: You have that. [00:14:15] Speaker G: I have catfall. [00:14:16] Speaker A: You have that catfall thing. I remember that. Yeah. [00:14:18] Speaker G: I can get 10ft for free. [00:14:19] Speaker A: Yeah, you get 10ft of falling for free. Twin talon really is going to take out these guys. [00:14:25] Speaker E: I think that would be really cool. [00:14:27] Speaker B: Someone needs to tell them to save us a little bit of money. [00:14:31] Speaker A: Yes. [00:14:32] Speaker F: Just a lucky guess as to what I rolled. [00:14:35] Speaker B: A natural 20. [00:14:37] Speaker A: Yes. [00:14:39] Speaker G: Negative two. Doesn't matter when you get a natural 20. [00:14:41] Speaker A: All right. This is bashing. [00:14:44] Speaker E: It's non lethal, so bludgeoning is what it would be. [00:14:47] Speaker A: Yes. [00:14:48] Speaker E: Shield, smack. Crit effect. The target must succeed at a reflex save or drop a shield. It's holding, so normal critical damage on that. [00:14:56] Speaker G: So double damage. [00:14:57] Speaker A: Double damage. [00:14:58] Speaker B: Double damage. [00:14:58] Speaker G: She's not holding a shield, so the critical doesn't do anything other than double your damage, which is still great. [00:15:04] Speaker F: Yes. [00:15:05] Speaker B: It is a D 106 plus four. [00:15:09] Speaker F: So it's a ten because I rolled it. [00:15:11] Speaker A: And this is non lethal. [00:15:13] Speaker F: Correct. [00:15:14] Speaker B: One D six plus four times and then times two. [00:15:17] Speaker A: Right. [00:15:17] Speaker B: Because you're double damaging for the crit. [00:15:18] Speaker F: You were right. [00:15:19] Speaker A: Yes. So that's sweet. [00:15:20] Speaker B: 2020 points of non lethal. [00:15:23] Speaker A: Boom. [00:15:23] Speaker G: That's a hell of way to get your bell wrong. [00:15:24] Speaker B: I know. Holy shit. You only crit. That's all. [00:15:28] Speaker F: That's all good, no matter what. Otherwise I'll just stand there and be like, I know what to do, guys. [00:15:34] Speaker B: I don't know. Just save the party by creating things constantly. [00:15:37] Speaker A: If this was a cartoon, you would see birds flying around Demiri's head. [00:15:42] Speaker C: Good job. [00:15:43] Speaker A: I've got this, though. That was your first action. [00:15:46] Speaker F: We need to keep her alive. [00:15:48] Speaker A: You have two more. [00:15:49] Speaker F: I don't have. [00:15:50] Speaker A: Well, she moved, so you have one more. [00:15:53] Speaker F: I don't think I specified that. My scimitar was in my hand, so I will reach around and punch her. [00:15:59] Speaker A: Okay. [00:16:00] Speaker C: With your plate mail, gauntlet. [00:16:03] Speaker F: 22 to hit. [00:16:05] Speaker A: That will hit. Jeez. Are you so good at fighting? [00:16:08] Speaker F: That's all I'm good at. [00:16:09] Speaker B: You need to train with her. [00:16:11] Speaker C: Seriously, you need to roll above a five. All right? [00:16:14] Speaker B: Every time you're rerolling, just think of her. [00:16:16] Speaker A: Wrap. Of the wrap. [00:16:17] Speaker F: Three, seven damage. [00:16:20] Speaker A: All right. Seven non lethal. Holy shit. Crunch. [00:16:23] Speaker B: This thing is dead, right? [00:16:24] Speaker A: Silver, are you good to go? [00:16:27] Speaker E: Yeah. I was going to sustain my thing. I'm trying to look up if I can actually. Because there's one actually to sustain. If I can cast another spell on top of it, but I can't find that anyway, and I don't want to do something wrong, so I'll just keep sustaining. [00:16:38] Speaker A: All right. [00:16:38] Speaker E: I will drop it if necessary, but I'm going to just keep sustaining. [00:16:41] Speaker A: Got it. So now the creature on top of the platform near twin Talon is going to make the first action to move to the ladder. Second action will be to move down 5ft. Third action will be moved to be moved down 10ft. [00:16:59] Speaker G: Cool. [00:17:00] Speaker A: So he is 10ft above you again. [00:17:04] Speaker F: Do it. Do it. [00:17:06] Speaker A: The creature on the other. [00:17:08] Speaker B: Keep crawling down. Stab dead. Crawl. [00:17:10] Speaker A: Creature on the other side is now on the ground, and they are going to move. [00:17:15] Speaker G: Which mini is that, Sean? [00:17:16] Speaker A: That is the one that looks like a velociraptor. [00:17:18] Speaker E: Okay. [00:17:18] Speaker B: It's my favorite one. [00:17:20] Speaker F: Me too, actually. [00:17:21] Speaker A: So they're going to move 25ft to the door. [00:17:25] Speaker G: Exactly 25. [00:17:26] Speaker B: Just so you know, rich is using the creepier stick to punch that thing repeatedly until it gets to the point where we. [00:17:31] Speaker C: The door is closed and velociraptors have a lot of trouble opening. [00:17:34] Speaker A: Yes, it's true. We've seen this. [00:17:36] Speaker B: It's canon from the documentary Jurassic park. [00:17:40] Speaker A: So the other creature on that same platform will move to the ladder, climb down, and is now 10ft above the ground. The one that's on the lower platform will move to the ground, and the one on the higher platform will make it to the second platform and make it to the rope. Pond watcher, your turn. [00:17:56] Speaker C: You are bad, and I do not like you. I will trip you with my flail. [00:18:01] Speaker A: All right. [00:18:02] Speaker C: For a 28, that'll hit. [00:18:04] Speaker A: Yes. She trip. [00:18:06] Speaker C: You fall down bad. [00:18:07] Speaker A: She falls down. Boom. [00:18:08] Speaker B: Have a nice trip. [00:18:09] Speaker A: Me not like you. [00:18:11] Speaker B: See you next fall. [00:18:12] Speaker C: I swing again for an attack. [00:18:15] Speaker A: Lethal or non lethal? [00:18:17] Speaker C: It's a natural one. [00:18:21] Speaker B: Wait, if it's non lethal and he has to hit himself, then it could be non lethal, right? [00:18:25] Speaker G: Yeah, sure. That's the way this Crit works. [00:18:28] Speaker C: You decapitate yourself. [00:18:30] Speaker B: Non lethal. [00:18:31] Speaker G: Is it melee? [00:18:33] Speaker C: Melee? Yes. [00:18:34] Speaker G: Is it unarmed? [00:18:35] Speaker C: No, it's a weapon. [00:18:37] Speaker E: Okay. [00:18:38] Speaker G: Catastrophic failure. [00:18:41] Speaker A: Fitting. [00:18:42] Speaker G: You fall unconscious. [00:18:43] Speaker E: Oh, my God. [00:18:44] Speaker G: Until you wake up, or the end of your next turn. [00:18:50] Speaker C: Wow. I don't even know what to say. [00:18:52] Speaker A: That. You swing this flail. [00:18:56] Speaker C: This magical flail. I found a magical flail. [00:19:00] Speaker F: Can I liberate him from himself? [00:19:02] Speaker A: No. Well, yeah. [00:19:05] Speaker B: The trigger is him taking damage. [00:19:06] Speaker G: No, he didn't actually take any damage. [00:19:08] Speaker C: I just hit my off button. [00:19:13] Speaker A: As you're spinning it, you catch yourself in the head and everything goes black. [00:19:18] Speaker B: No, you know what it is? He didn't take any damage, so he got really dizzy while spinning. It just fell off. [00:19:23] Speaker C: I want to point out that I've, for the second time, lost my rage during a fight. [00:19:29] Speaker A: Damiri will now take her first action to stand up. [00:19:32] Speaker B: None of us have reactions. The only reason we're not dead right now is because she only has two actions per round. [00:19:37] Speaker A: She's going to attack the only person still conscious in her reach, and that is Brienna. [00:19:43] Speaker E: Who did crit her, to be fair. [00:19:45] Speaker A: And she is going to twin take down you so that two attacks and then add them together. [00:19:50] Speaker F: Okay. [00:19:51] Speaker B: I use liberating step. [00:19:54] Speaker A: Does an 18 hit you? No. Does a. [00:20:00] Speaker G: Was it minus four? [00:20:01] Speaker B: If anyone would like to intern at the crack die podcast, can anyone who has the ability to do math could sit next to Sean every day? [00:20:07] Speaker A: Does a 20 hit you? [00:20:08] Speaker F: It does not. [00:20:09] Speaker A: Okay, so both the rapier and the dagger bounce off of your armor. [00:20:14] Speaker E: Rangers are pretty cool, I have to say. [00:20:17] Speaker A: Twin talon, you're up. [00:20:19] Speaker G: Okay, so I'm going to do shades of last round. [00:20:22] Speaker A: Okay. [00:20:24] Speaker C: How many? [00:20:24] Speaker A: 50? [00:20:25] Speaker G: Yes, 50 shades of last round. How many points of damage are you last round? [00:20:30] Speaker B: 51. [00:20:31] Speaker A: 51. [00:20:31] Speaker G: So 51 shades of last round, hopefully. [00:20:34] Speaker C: What's it like to be good at fighting? [00:20:36] Speaker A: It's still a better book than the real one. [00:20:40] Speaker G: It's called being lucky. It's not about being good at fighting. [00:20:43] Speaker B: No, I watch what he does is when he rolls, he jiggles the thing a little bit and then I just. [00:20:49] Speaker G: Keep jiggling it until it's on a better number than what it was. [00:20:52] Speaker A: Wait, what are we talking about? [00:20:53] Speaker B: His dick. [00:20:55] Speaker G: Okay, so I climb up and then I attack. And what is their flat footed ac? [00:21:03] Speaker A: That's minus two. What's your total? [00:21:06] Speaker G: What's their flat footed ac? [00:21:07] Speaker A: What's your total? [00:21:08] Speaker G: Twelve. [00:21:09] Speaker A: You miss. [00:21:10] Speaker F: Damn it. [00:21:11] Speaker G: All right, I'll take a second attack. [00:21:12] Speaker A: Okay. [00:21:12] Speaker G: I rolled a two. [00:21:13] Speaker A: Okay. [00:21:14] Speaker G: Oh, wow. [00:21:15] Speaker A: It wasn't a crit fail, so that's good. [00:21:17] Speaker G: What the actual crap? I rolled a two, so that's plus six to eight. So I also missed, but I don't think. [00:21:24] Speaker B: I'm pretty sure they get a. [00:21:25] Speaker A: -700 all right, temid, you're up. [00:21:29] Speaker B: So he's just going to move up next to her and attack with non lethal. [00:21:33] Speaker A: All right, get off of pawn watch. But he's pretty, pretty dead. [00:21:38] Speaker B: 27. [00:21:39] Speaker A: That'll hit. [00:21:40] Speaker B: Not a crit. [00:21:41] Speaker A: No, not even close. [00:21:45] Speaker B: I'm sorry. 25, because I have a minus. That'll still hit seven non lethal. So he runs up and with the butt of his rape, you're just kind of like, smacks her in the head. And he kind of looks at her for a second and hopes that it knocks her out. [00:21:57] Speaker E: Does it? [00:21:57] Speaker A: No. [00:21:58] Speaker B: All right, so then he has this look of sadness on his face for a brief second, and then he attacks her again. Why did I do that? An eleven crit fail. I shouldn't have done that. My stupid. [00:22:10] Speaker A: Okay. Butterfingers. [00:22:13] Speaker G: Oh, no. You dropped the weapon. You made the attack with not so bad. [00:22:17] Speaker B: Clean clang. Kong on the Ground. [00:22:19] Speaker E: You hit her once, use your tanker. [00:22:21] Speaker F: Oh, yeah. [00:22:22] Speaker A: Hell, no. That's a holy. [00:22:23] Speaker B: Those are important. [00:22:24] Speaker A: All right, Brienna, you're up. [00:22:26] Speaker F: I'll take one action to punch her again. [00:22:28] Speaker A: All right. [00:22:29] Speaker F: Does a 23 hit? [00:22:30] Speaker A: Yes. [00:22:31] Speaker C: Have you ever not hit? [00:22:33] Speaker F: Yeah, I've definitely missed a lot of times. [00:22:36] Speaker E: She's critically missed, too. [00:22:37] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:22:38] Speaker E: And I am not a combat character. [00:22:41] Speaker B: But your character can combat. [00:22:42] Speaker E: He can. [00:22:43] Speaker C: If somebody else played my character, he'd be great. [00:22:46] Speaker B: All right, can I roll for you next time? I just want to see what happens. [00:22:49] Speaker A: Yes. [00:22:49] Speaker F: Four six damage. [00:22:50] Speaker A: Six non lethal. [00:22:52] Speaker F: And then I'm going to try and grapple her. [00:22:54] Speaker A: Okay. [00:22:55] Speaker F: That's athletics against your fort, was it? [00:22:59] Speaker A: Oh, 42 DC. Okay. [00:23:00] Speaker F: Yes. [00:23:01] Speaker A: All right. Natural 20. [00:23:05] Speaker C: Wow. [00:23:06] Speaker E: All right. [00:23:07] Speaker F: You succeed, what happens then? [00:23:12] Speaker A: Grabbed. She's grabbed. [00:23:13] Speaker F: What kind of success is regular? [00:23:15] Speaker C: She is restrained. [00:23:16] Speaker F: Your opponent is restrained until the end of your next turn. Unless if you move or your opponent escapes. [00:23:22] Speaker B: So you get one turn, then every turn, you basically need to try to renew that grapple. After I did it, I read that and I was like, well, this is a stupid thing to do. I thought it was just like, no, for me, there's no way. I just got lucky to grapple her because my athletics is very low. So I should not have really attempted it in the first place. I should have just tried attacking her. [00:23:40] Speaker G: So restrained. You are tied up so you can barely move, or a creature has you pinned. You have the flat footed and immobilized conditions, and you can't use any action with the attack or manipulate traits except attempt to escape or to force open your bonds. [00:23:56] Speaker A: Oh, wow. [00:23:57] Speaker F: That was my second action. [00:23:58] Speaker B: Correct. [00:23:58] Speaker F: My third is to try and intimidate. [00:24:01] Speaker B: All right, that's a minute. Unless you're demoralizing. [00:24:04] Speaker C: I'm sorry. [00:24:05] Speaker G: There is a one action version of intimidate, but you're not going to get her to give up. [00:24:09] Speaker F: Okay, then I mind. [00:24:11] Speaker G: It'll just give her a negative. [00:24:12] Speaker A: You could punch her again. [00:24:13] Speaker F: Sure, I'll punch her again, since I don't have my scimitar, nor do I want to hurt her. 18. [00:24:21] Speaker A: That is exactly her ac. With her immobilized. [00:24:26] Speaker F: Four seven. [00:24:29] Speaker A: You see her eyes roll up into the back of her skull that she is unconscious. [00:24:35] Speaker B: Then you lay her down gently. [00:24:39] Speaker F: I think I first get the rope that was originally used for Kalmot, and. [00:24:43] Speaker A: Hang on. [00:24:46] Speaker G: That'll have to wait till next round. [00:24:48] Speaker A: Yes. Silver. [00:24:50] Speaker E: So I don't need to sustain it anymore because she's knocked out? [00:24:53] Speaker A: Yes, very much so. [00:24:54] Speaker E: Quickly describe. Is there anything I could use? [00:24:56] Speaker A: Pond Watcher is unconscious. [00:24:58] Speaker E: I know he's unconscious. He's taken a beating before. I think this is his process. [00:25:04] Speaker C: Man. [00:25:06] Speaker E: I wonder if it would behoove us to try to buy the door in case anyone wants to burst in. [00:25:12] Speaker B: But then we're trapping. Well, I guess I was going to say we're trapping twin Talon outside with them, but we're really trapping them with twin Talon outside. [00:25:19] Speaker A: True. [00:25:20] Speaker E: The Rorschach line, there's also one right next to. Yeah, I know that. Well, player knows that. But silver would also be like, let's bar this door. So is there anything I could do to bar the. [00:25:30] Speaker A: There's a table and some chairs. You could start to try and move around. You could move like one of the chairs over there. [00:25:37] Speaker E: Is it open inward? [00:25:39] Speaker A: Yes. We'll say yes. [00:25:40] Speaker E: For me to wedge a chair under there. [00:25:42] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:25:43] Speaker E: Like I said, it would be two actions. [00:25:45] Speaker A: One to go get the chair, one to walk, bring it back and then interact. [00:25:52] Speaker B: Interact would be grabbing it, wouldn't it? [00:25:54] Speaker A: Oh yeah. So you're back at the door. You can put it up next turn. [00:25:57] Speaker C: So you're standing in front of the open door with a chair and there's a. [00:25:59] Speaker A: No, the door is closed. [00:26:00] Speaker E: So one action to pick up a chair, a second action to move. And the third. [00:26:05] Speaker A: Oh yeah, you're already over in the. [00:26:06] Speaker G: Corner, so you already buy a chair. I think you can do it in one. [00:26:08] Speaker A: Yeah, absolutely. So yeah, you bar the door. [00:26:11] Speaker E: I bar the door. [00:26:12] Speaker G: And I guess bar the doll. [00:26:14] Speaker B: Am I still able to talk like in between rounds? [00:26:17] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:26:17] Speaker B: So then I would suggest to him that twin Talon is outside and we do need to kind of make sure that he's not all alone with all of them out there. [00:26:25] Speaker A: Yes. But what we got here is failure to communicate. I was thinking the same. [00:26:31] Speaker E: I'd say they call them mana waste standoffs. [00:26:36] Speaker A: Right. So the one that is on the rope with you is going to climb down 5ft. [00:26:44] Speaker E: Okay. [00:26:44] Speaker A: Climb down 10ft. So he's now eye level with you. [00:26:48] Speaker E: Okay. [00:26:49] Speaker C: No reaction. [00:26:51] Speaker A: He's going to attempt to stab you. [00:26:54] Speaker G: Does he have a weapon out. [00:26:55] Speaker A: He is going to draw his sword. [00:26:57] Speaker G: Cool. [00:26:58] Speaker C: Some very pirate stuff. [00:27:01] Speaker A: The one that is by the door is going to attempt to open the door. [00:27:05] Speaker E: Okay. [00:27:06] Speaker A: Finds that it doesn't open and then will attempt a strength check against a flat DC to break the door down. Cool. [00:27:13] Speaker C: Would that be an athletics force open action? [00:27:15] Speaker A: Yes, it would be. Do you have that over there, Rich? [00:27:18] Speaker G: You're so good with knowing what all of the skills do, it's easy to. [00:27:21] Speaker C: Open them using your body, a lever or some other tool. You attempt to forcefully open a door. Window, container, heavy gate without a crowbar. Prying something open takes a minus two item penalty. [00:27:32] Speaker A: All right, I'm going to say this is a level two flat DC. So a level two flat DC is 16. So he just makes it so the door splinters open with silver right there. And he draws a sword as his third action. [00:27:45] Speaker B: He's a velociraptor. He can't have any swords. [00:27:48] Speaker G: It's better that he has a sword than that he is a velociraptor and mauls the shit out of silver. [00:27:53] Speaker A: So the other gentleman, your opinion on his side versus a velociraptor. Two actions to finish climbing down and then one action to move to the door. Then the guy on the first level, he's finally on the ground. And then the other one is 15ft down. Pond watcher, you wake up. [00:28:10] Speaker C: Wow, she got me somehow. [00:28:12] Speaker A: Twin Talon. [00:28:13] Speaker G: Twin Talon will wink at the guy on the other side of the rope. Oh, and knowing that he is still flat footed because he's climbing a rope ladder, he will stab. [00:28:23] Speaker A: Will he? [00:28:25] Speaker E: I don't know. [00:28:25] Speaker G: I rolled two turn, two twos. [00:28:27] Speaker E: Last turn. [00:28:28] Speaker A: Go one lower, go one lower. [00:28:30] Speaker G: That's a Nat 18. So that'll be 28. [00:28:32] Speaker A: That will critical hit them. Yes. [00:28:35] Speaker E: This is piercing, right? [00:28:37] Speaker G: Yes. [00:28:38] Speaker E: It's another ten gp launch pinhole critical effect. The target takes one persistent bleed, damage that can't be removed until he is healed. [00:28:46] Speaker G: So that's 30 damage. [00:28:48] Speaker A: Again, this body crumples as you stab him through the neck and he falls to the ground. [00:28:54] Speaker G: That's my first action. [00:28:55] Speaker A: Yes. And they're dead. [00:28:56] Speaker G: So twin Talon will, with another Wilhelm scream, will drop to the ground. All right, landing on his feet, because that's the thing he can do within 10ft. [00:29:05] Speaker A: So impressive, right. [00:29:07] Speaker G: And then he will, I don't know that anybody can actually see him. [00:29:11] Speaker A: No. [00:29:12] Speaker G: So he's going to just move. [00:29:14] Speaker A: Okay. [00:29:15] Speaker G: Because as long as no one can see him, it's as good as him being stealthed. So he's just going to move 25ft behind the building. [00:29:21] Speaker A: Okay. Timid, you're basically, he's trying to flank. [00:29:23] Speaker G: Around to the other side and take out those group of people. [00:29:25] Speaker A: There's a velociraptor, I mean, a bandit half orc in the door. [00:29:29] Speaker B: I'm going to try something a little different. I'm going to attempt to demoralize action. [00:29:33] Speaker A: All right. [00:29:33] Speaker B: Got a plus two to my intimidate. Okay, this is going to be against the will DC, so I'm hoping that their will is actually not very good. [00:29:41] Speaker A: All right. [00:29:42] Speaker B: 14 versus their will DC. [00:29:45] Speaker A: Success. [00:29:46] Speaker F: Noise. [00:29:47] Speaker B: Target is demoralized. [00:29:48] Speaker C: Frightened one. [00:29:49] Speaker B: Frightened one. Would you like to know what frightened one does? [00:29:51] Speaker A: Yes, please. [00:29:52] Speaker B: You take a status penalty equal to this value. So one to all of your checks and dcs. Unless specified otherwise, at the end of each of your turns, the value of frightened condition decreases by one. So next turn, they'll be okay, but for now, not so happy. [00:30:08] Speaker A: All right, that's your first action. [00:30:11] Speaker E: Does he want to run off? [00:30:13] Speaker B: Kind of feel like. [00:30:14] Speaker E: Do you want to pick up your weapon that you dropped on the ground? [00:30:16] Speaker B: He picks up his weapon. [00:30:17] Speaker A: That's your second action. And third action. [00:30:20] Speaker B: And for his third action, who took a decent amount of damage? [00:30:23] Speaker E: Pond watcher. [00:30:24] Speaker F: Pond watcher. [00:30:24] Speaker C: Watcher. [00:30:25] Speaker B: Am I adjacent to pond Watcher? [00:30:26] Speaker A: Yes. [00:30:27] Speaker B: So I reach out and I cast. Actually, no. I'll do battle medicine on you. [00:30:31] Speaker A: All right. [00:30:32] Speaker F: You touch his nipples again. [00:30:35] Speaker A: I feel like his new breastplate is like the Batman chess piece. [00:30:41] Speaker B: How much damage have you taken? [00:30:42] Speaker C: 1818. [00:30:44] Speaker A: All right, you can do the 20. [00:30:45] Speaker B: Yeah, I'm going to try against it. I have a 50% chance to heal you for two. D. Eight plus ten. [00:30:52] Speaker A: You are running out of dice. [00:30:54] Speaker B: Right on the money. [00:30:55] Speaker A: Yes. [00:30:56] Speaker F: Noise, noise, noise. [00:30:57] Speaker A: Brienna. [00:30:58] Speaker F: Just here. [00:30:59] Speaker A: You're up 17. [00:31:02] Speaker F: I will tie up dimri. [00:31:05] Speaker A: Dimiri. Dimiri. [00:31:06] Speaker F: I'm the worst. Pond watch has been taken care of. [00:31:09] Speaker C: I'm like a baby. [00:31:11] Speaker B: He twists a nipple when he does that. [00:31:13] Speaker A: Ouch. [00:31:15] Speaker C: Oh, wait, it's made of metal. [00:31:18] Speaker F: I think I'm going to run up to velociraptor man. All right, so shield bash him. [00:31:23] Speaker A: All right. [00:31:23] Speaker F: I am enjoying doing that. 23 hit. Nine damage. [00:31:29] Speaker A: All right, silver, you're up first. Do. [00:31:31] Speaker E: I'm going to do bardic inspiration because that's something I do. So everyone gets a plus. One circumstance to attack and damage. Second thing I'm going to do, I guess I could demoralize him as well. Here's what I'm going to do. Sorry. I'm going to rp what I'm going to say, and then you tell me what it is. Okay. But I'm going to do bardic inspiration at the start, I'm going to say. Well, hold on there. We got your leader Damiri, tied up here. Now, none of us want to get a little frisky and take her head from her shoulders. [00:32:00] Speaker G: But we will. [00:32:01] Speaker E: I want to do this nice and peacefully. Y'all know you ain't exactly been holding up the law. And what goes around comes around. Well, there's been a reckoning, and we are here to give you that. And I will dirty my boots today. And that ain't what I want to do. [00:32:21] Speaker A: Give me an intimidation check. Yes. [00:32:24] Speaker E: Natural 28. [00:32:26] Speaker A: Yes. [00:32:27] Speaker E: All right, 28 total, but natural 20. [00:32:30] Speaker A: They all look at you and they drop the ones that are holding weapons. Drop their weapons and put their hands up. [00:32:39] Speaker G: Oh, wow. [00:32:40] Speaker F: Okay, nice. [00:32:41] Speaker A: He critically succeeded. [00:32:42] Speaker G: Right, but, I mean, that's not typically what intimidate does come. [00:32:45] Speaker B: Frightened, too. [00:32:46] Speaker E: Oh, frightened two. [00:32:47] Speaker A: Okay. They're frightened too and willing to talk. [00:32:50] Speaker B: And it's also only one creature you can target with intimidate. [00:32:53] Speaker G: Correct. [00:32:54] Speaker A: Okay, so the one in front of the door is frightened three. Now frightened three. [00:32:59] Speaker E: Frightened three has a heart attack and. [00:33:01] Speaker A: Is quaking in their boots. [00:33:03] Speaker E: What does frightened three do? [00:33:05] Speaker A: Minus three to all of their roles, which is their turn. So their first action is to move 25ft in the opposite direction and then another 25ft. [00:33:16] Speaker C: Hey, man, I don't want to go jail, man. Not again, man. [00:33:18] Speaker A: Come on. And then another 25ft. [00:33:21] Speaker B: No, but I want the money. [00:33:23] Speaker F: Well, guess you got to chase them. [00:33:24] Speaker E: I'm sure we. [00:33:25] Speaker B: Pond Watcher. Go get them. [00:33:27] Speaker A: Fetch. [00:33:27] Speaker C: I'm concussed. [00:33:28] Speaker G: Okay, bird dog them. [00:33:30] Speaker B: I know how that feels. [00:33:31] Speaker A: So the one that's right around the corner moves to the door, sees Brianna, gives her a look and then attacks her. [00:33:38] Speaker G: Is this the same type of look that the. [00:33:41] Speaker A: Yes. [00:33:41] Speaker G: Okay. [00:33:42] Speaker A: The look is called Hunt Prey. [00:33:44] Speaker G: Oh, it's the Rangers. Rangers are pretty thing, which is like the slayer from first edition. Almost like you designate a target and then you get bonuses against them. [00:33:53] Speaker A: Does a 26 hit you? [00:33:55] Speaker F: Does hit. [00:33:56] Speaker A: All right. Not critical. [00:33:58] Speaker F: No. [00:34:01] Speaker A: 16 damage. [00:34:03] Speaker F: Okay. [00:34:03] Speaker B: Are you allowed to liberate yourself? [00:34:05] Speaker F: No, but can I shield block? No, because it didn't designate that I said that I had my ratio. All right, I'll take the 16. [00:34:12] Speaker A: All right. The other two start moving towards the open door. Pond watcher, their third action is to draw their swords. Sorry. [00:34:19] Speaker C: Pond watcher finally conscious. He's not a frosty boy anymore, but he's still pretty mad. He got knocked unconscious, so he dropped his weapon. He pulls out the newly magical halberd. [00:34:32] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:34:34] Speaker C: And stands up and moves. [00:34:40] Speaker A: All right. [00:34:41] Speaker C: Can't do that. [00:34:41] Speaker F: Oh, hello. [00:34:42] Speaker A: He moves that it behind. We're done. Move. Okay. [00:34:49] Speaker C: Yeah, he can't do anything else. [00:34:50] Speaker A: All right, twin Talon, your turn. [00:34:52] Speaker G: All right, so twin Talon, is going to move 25ft around the side of the building. [00:34:55] Speaker C: Let twin Talon take care. [00:34:57] Speaker B: Can someone scream? We'll get gold if we keep them alive. [00:35:01] Speaker G: Basically he's going to stop right before he breaks the edge of the building. [00:35:03] Speaker A: Okay. [00:35:04] Speaker G: Then he's going to use a sneak action. [00:35:07] Speaker A: All right. [00:35:07] Speaker G: To creep up on them right there. [00:35:09] Speaker A: Okay. All of them? [00:35:11] Speaker G: Well, the two that are right there. [00:35:13] Speaker A: And then attack. [00:35:15] Speaker G: Yes. As long as his attack or his sneak was successful, then he gets a sneak attack bonus. [00:35:19] Speaker A: I just rolled the natural 20 for you. Yes. [00:35:22] Speaker C: Nice ghost. Really mean ghost. [00:35:27] Speaker A: And both of their roles are single digits. So yes, you succeed. [00:35:30] Speaker B: He ain't no Casper. [00:35:32] Speaker G: So that is 26 versus flat footed ac of the guy right in front of the Door. [00:35:36] Speaker A: Critical. Okay. [00:35:38] Speaker C: Just go to sleep. I don't know why you sound like that. [00:35:42] Speaker B: Hard out. [00:35:44] Speaker C: Maybe you should have an accurate character. [00:35:46] Speaker G: So it's a different voice than I do. [00:35:49] Speaker E: Hand wound until healed. The target is clumsy too and can't use one of its hands. [00:35:54] Speaker A: So he drops his sword and dead. [00:35:56] Speaker G: Noise, probably 30 damage. [00:36:01] Speaker A: It falls down, bleeding again from neck. [00:36:05] Speaker C: You stab its hand and also its neck and throat and brain. [00:36:09] Speaker A: So that was your three actions? [00:36:11] Speaker G: Yes. [00:36:11] Speaker A: All right. [00:36:12] Speaker G: So now he is exposed in the. [00:36:14] Speaker C: Clearance, standing right next to someone. [00:36:15] Speaker A: All I'm seeing is these gold pieces. [00:36:17] Speaker G: Fly away and he'll look over to Brianna and be like, hey, Brianna. [00:36:22] Speaker F: Hello. [00:36:23] Speaker A: He's got blood all over it. [00:36:27] Speaker G: No, I imagine he's just like avoided it all. So it's just like pinning their own body parts to them and then like sliding out and avoiding it and then just. [00:36:35] Speaker C: You were in kissing range of one that you stabbed in the throat. [00:36:38] Speaker A: Tevid. [00:36:40] Speaker B: Tevid is shaking. [00:36:42] Speaker G: Very stuff I hid from the blood. [00:36:44] Speaker B: He wants in on some of this action. Actually, no. You've been damaged pretty decently. And I haven't battled medicine to you in a day, have I? [00:36:52] Speaker A: No. [00:36:55] Speaker B: Am I within ten? [00:36:58] Speaker G: You could take a one step forward. [00:37:00] Speaker B: I'll move up right next to her. It doesn't matter how I do it. [00:37:02] Speaker A: Yeah, you're there. [00:37:03] Speaker B: And how much are you down? [00:37:05] Speaker F: I think it was 16. [00:37:07] Speaker B: So would you like me to do the DC 20 or the DC 15? So it's two d eight versus two d eight plus ten. [00:37:13] Speaker F: How often can you do that again? Remind me. [00:37:15] Speaker B: I can do that once per day per person. [00:37:19] Speaker G: Whichever one he does. He can only do it once per day. [00:37:22] Speaker A: Yeah. So do the 20. [00:37:24] Speaker F: Sure, do the 20. [00:37:25] Speaker B: Are you sure? I've got a 50% chance. [00:37:27] Speaker A: And what's your percentage on the other 175. [00:37:29] Speaker G: 75. [00:37:30] Speaker F: So let's do the 15. [00:37:31] Speaker A: All right. 15 DC 15. [00:37:34] Speaker B: Good thing we did. [00:37:35] Speaker A: All right. [00:37:36] Speaker B: Ended up at 19 total. [00:37:37] Speaker A: Two d, eight healing. [00:37:38] Speaker B: Six better than that. [00:37:40] Speaker A: All right. And then next two actions. [00:37:42] Speaker B: Next action. [00:37:43] Speaker A: He. [00:37:44] Speaker B: You know what, as my nephews say, risk it for the biscuits. He's going to run up to the one directly in front of the door. [00:37:51] Speaker A: Okay. [00:37:52] Speaker B: And smack. [00:37:53] Speaker A: And smack him. [00:37:54] Speaker B: Smack him in the head with the butt of his rapier while he screams. There's a bounty on their heads. We can get a little bit of cash for this. And he. My God, this sucks. [00:38:05] Speaker A: 15, just a miss. [00:38:06] Speaker G: Minus 213. [00:38:08] Speaker A: Just a miss. Just a flesh Brianna, she'll kind of. [00:38:13] Speaker F: Like, look at pon watcher over her shoulder and be like, can I move now? [00:38:18] Speaker C: Yeah, he's dead or something. [00:38:20] Speaker F: Okay. And she's going to continue shill bashing. I'm having way too much. [00:38:28] Speaker A: So you got to move out of. So you can move. Giggling left or right? Which one do you want? [00:38:36] Speaker F: Let's go left. [00:38:38] Speaker C: It's like an NFL linebacker hitting you. [00:38:40] Speaker A: With a fucking piece of. All right, make that attack roll. 20. [00:38:44] Speaker G: No, it's a natural 20, Sean. [00:38:47] Speaker F: That is a 24. [00:38:50] Speaker A: That's a hit. [00:38:51] Speaker F: Four, six damage. [00:38:55] Speaker A: All right. Oh, he's still alive. Crunch. Oh, my gosh. [00:38:58] Speaker B: Six non lethal. [00:39:00] Speaker F: I'm trying to. [00:39:01] Speaker E: If you added bardic inspiration, it'd be. [00:39:04] Speaker F: Seven to seven damage. [00:39:05] Speaker G: So you don't think he's been hit yet, though? [00:39:07] Speaker A: No, he's still alive. [00:39:08] Speaker F: You have one more action and I'm a punch him. Negative 521. [00:39:15] Speaker B: If it starts with the two, you're okay. [00:39:17] Speaker F: Okay. Another six. Seven damage. [00:39:20] Speaker B: Out cold. [00:39:21] Speaker A: No, he's still up. Not looking good, but he's still up. Silver. [00:39:27] Speaker E: Silver maintaining bardic inspiration. He's going to step out of the little shack there with bardic inspiration. Look at those two guys and say you had one friend that seemed to have the right idea and gave up. Y'all ain't long for this world. My companions will take care of you. At this point, I don't care what you do because I ain't going to get dirty. So you can do the smart thing and just give up and live to see the hangman's noose or maybe escape. I don't know. Or you can just wait until they eventually kill you. Your choice. So then I guess was that intimidation? [00:40:04] Speaker A: Sure. [00:40:05] Speaker E: And also say it's on the one that Brienna hit. [00:40:09] Speaker A: All right. [00:40:10] Speaker E: Okay. Not my best. So let's see. [00:40:13] Speaker G: 14. [00:40:14] Speaker A: That'll work. So you're intimidated. One. All right. The one in front of Brianna is going to attack. [00:40:23] Speaker F: All right. [00:40:23] Speaker A: Actually, it's going to give you a dirty look, then it's going to attack you. Does a 18 hit? [00:40:29] Speaker F: It does not. [00:40:31] Speaker A: That one also misses. Oh, this one might be a critical miss. Does an eleven, does a seven critically miss you? [00:40:37] Speaker F: It does. [00:40:38] Speaker A: Critical miss. With a piercing long sword wide open. [00:40:44] Speaker G: You are flat footed until the end of your next turn. [00:40:46] Speaker A: Not going to get another turn, is it the one that is near that finally sees twin Talon is going to give who has dropped their weapon, will grab their weapon and attack twin talon with their weapon after giving him a dirty look. 29. [00:41:04] Speaker G: That is a hit but not a crit. [00:41:06] Speaker A: Okay, so eleven damage as a sword hits you. Okay, pond watcher, finish them. Okay. [00:41:15] Speaker F: We believe in you. [00:41:16] Speaker C: I believe in myself. [00:41:17] Speaker A: You're going to move up. [00:41:19] Speaker C: I am going to sudden charge the one next to Brianna. [00:41:23] Speaker A: All right. [00:41:24] Speaker C: With my Halbert in front of me running like a crazed maniac in a straight line, pointing it forward, straight at him. There's no way I could miss. [00:41:35] Speaker G: This was a movie. You would run straight. [00:41:37] Speaker B: Keep in mind one of us could roll for you. [00:41:40] Speaker E: No, he should do it. [00:41:43] Speaker A: He'll never learn if you do it for him. [00:41:46] Speaker C: Natural 20. [00:41:48] Speaker F: And it was on the metal die. [00:41:50] Speaker A: Yeah. All right. [00:41:52] Speaker B: Just want to rest assured that this is non lethal. [00:41:55] Speaker A: Right. [00:41:56] Speaker C: This is non lethal. [00:41:57] Speaker A: Okay. This is critical. Piercing. [00:42:00] Speaker E: Piercing. Halbert is piercing. [00:42:02] Speaker A: Yes. [00:42:03] Speaker E: Okay. [00:42:03] Speaker C: It's versatile. [00:42:04] Speaker G: Piercing, slashing the poking end. [00:42:06] Speaker B: Which one's better, piercing or slashing clean through? [00:42:08] Speaker E: Triple damage. [00:42:09] Speaker D: Yes. [00:42:10] Speaker C: 33 damage. [00:42:12] Speaker A: All right. So that one's unconscious. [00:42:15] Speaker C: So I somehow knock him unconscious with a spear, basically. [00:42:20] Speaker A: Do you like, smack him on the head? Boom. You have. Oh, is that two actions? [00:42:25] Speaker C: That is two actions. I have one left. [00:42:27] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:42:27] Speaker C: I'm going to throw my halbert at the other one. [00:42:30] Speaker A: Okay. Roll it. [00:42:31] Speaker C: I'm assuming that'll be some sort of minus. [00:42:34] Speaker E: I don't know, is it a throwing weapon? [00:42:36] Speaker G: No, I just looked this up and I don't know what the rules are. [00:42:39] Speaker C: I mean, the odds of me actually doing it. [00:42:41] Speaker A: We'll say minus four. [00:42:43] Speaker B: You could also crit fail on this. [00:42:44] Speaker C: A flat roll. Flat roll? [00:42:46] Speaker A: Yeah, flat roll. [00:42:47] Speaker C: I've got you. [00:42:48] Speaker A: 14. He's hit because he's flat footed. [00:42:54] Speaker C: So what kind of damage did that do? [00:42:56] Speaker A: I would say one D six. [00:42:59] Speaker E: Yeah. [00:43:00] Speaker C: It is a spear. [00:43:02] Speaker A: Oh, it is a spear. So whatever spear damage, it's one d eight. I don't have it. [00:43:06] Speaker B: Could have had a d eight. [00:43:08] Speaker C: I don't know if this could be non lethal, because I'm throwing. [00:43:10] Speaker A: No, it can't be. It's one D eight. Plus your strength modifier is what I'll say. [00:43:15] Speaker C: Eleven. I rolled an eight on the d. [00:43:19] Speaker A: Eight, and he gets stuck to a tree and falls down. [00:43:22] Speaker E: Is he dead or is he not? [00:43:24] Speaker A: Yes, very much so. [00:43:26] Speaker E: We knocked out. [00:43:27] Speaker C: I have apprehended the fugitive. [00:43:29] Speaker A: You have one unconscious guard. Essentially. The leader is unconscious, and five of them are dead. So there were seven total. One escaped, one is unconscious, two are unconscious, and the other. [00:43:46] Speaker G: I killed three of them. [00:43:47] Speaker A: Three are dead. Four of them are dead. [00:43:49] Speaker B: There are six. We get 60 gold pieces if we bring them back. That's not too bad. Ten each. [00:43:54] Speaker F: Ten each? Yeah. [00:43:55] Speaker E: 60 gold ain't nothing. [00:43:56] Speaker G: We should tie them up and go after vase. [00:44:00] Speaker B: I agree, but let's check out what they have as far as loot goes. [00:44:03] Speaker C: First, take their weapons away. [00:44:04] Speaker G: Also, now that I'm in the open, someone actually hit me. [00:44:08] Speaker E: Oh, of course. [00:44:09] Speaker G: A little bit of healing for me. Wait, where are all the other guys? [00:44:11] Speaker A: To intel. [00:44:12] Speaker C: And you're covered in blood. [00:44:14] Speaker G: They had unfortunate accidents. They're very bad at ladders. [00:44:17] Speaker B: We can see, but those look like slashing. Oh, never mind. [00:44:20] Speaker A: Whatever. [00:44:20] Speaker B: It doesn't matter. [00:44:21] Speaker G: Yeah, they all fell on. [00:44:23] Speaker A: Come here, glass. [00:44:24] Speaker G: Yeah, it's interesting. [00:44:27] Speaker B: He walks up to you, he kind of checks your eyeballs a little bit, make sure you're okay. Kind of wipes away some of the blood. Obviously not yours, he realizes, so you're not hurt too bad. All right, you get 17 hit points back. [00:44:40] Speaker F: Damn. [00:44:41] Speaker G: Yeah, that's more than enough. [00:44:42] Speaker E: Thank you. [00:44:43] Speaker A: You're welcome. [00:44:44] Speaker E: So if they're knocked out, it would take them, I think, 24 hours to get, like, one hit point. Is that right? [00:44:49] Speaker G: I don't think that's true. Or else they have serious brain death. [00:44:51] Speaker A: So, just so you know that if you bring proof of the deaths of the other one, you get half the bounty. [00:44:57] Speaker B: I had five gold. [00:44:59] Speaker E: Wait, there's a bounty on these guys? [00:45:01] Speaker B: I've been saying that. [00:45:02] Speaker F: Screaming? Yes, that's what we've been screaming. [00:45:05] Speaker G: But I just heard it one time when it was after I stabbed that guy. [00:45:09] Speaker B: It's all right. Don't worry about it. [00:45:11] Speaker G: Okay, I won't. Also, there's a cave back there. It's covered by moth. [00:45:15] Speaker B: Oh, really? [00:45:15] Speaker E: Yeah, Voss is in there. [00:45:17] Speaker C: Let's steal all their stuff so they don't wake up and kill us. [00:45:19] Speaker G: We should be tending to me for ten minutes. What's everybody else? [00:45:22] Speaker A: All right, so if those of you who are looting what's left. [00:45:26] Speaker E: I'm looting the whole place. [00:45:27] Speaker A: Yes, I'm sure you are. Give me a second. You find. Because there are six still there. All right, you find six long swords, six short bows off Demiri, you find a composite. Short bow, a dagger, a key. Her rapier looks very nice. And her armor also looks very nice. [00:45:52] Speaker G: What kind of armor is she wearing? [00:45:54] Speaker A: It is leather. [00:45:55] Speaker E: Okay, did it detect magic? [00:45:58] Speaker A: You detect magic. And that's going to take about ten minutes, so give me a second. What are Pond Watcher and Brianna doing while silver is, like, focusing on. [00:46:08] Speaker F: Brianna will turn to pond Watcher and kind of grip his shoulder and say, that was very impressive. Well done. [00:46:14] Speaker C: After knocking myself unconscious, I think I did pretty good for once. Thank you. [00:46:20] Speaker F: You're welcome. [00:46:20] Speaker C: She was very mean. You weren't here, but she was threatening us and said she was going to kill us. She's not nice. [00:46:28] Speaker F: Well, she will have what's coming to her. We will take her back to town so she can face judgment. Her and her companions and what's left of them. [00:46:38] Speaker A: Twin Talon, you're a dangerous man. [00:46:44] Speaker G: I can be. I'm sorry. I didn't know that they were. I didn't realize the bounty was on them, being alive or anything like that. I saw that whatever was going inside was going poorly and the six of them were descending. So I took out the one guard tower, swung around, and by that time, they were already at the door. But I'm glad everybody's okay. I'm glad nobody died. None of us, anyway. [00:47:05] Speaker F: You did quite impressively as well. Goodness. Three of them. Apparently. We can take a proof of life. Or a proof of death, rather, for half of the bounty. [00:47:16] Speaker G: Okay, what do we need to do. [00:47:17] Speaker E: Like bandit scalps or fingers scalping them? I don't know. [00:47:21] Speaker G: I don't know what they would want. What's proof of. Because everybody only has one scalp, but they might have, like, ten fingers. [00:47:26] Speaker F: That's true. [00:47:27] Speaker A: So you think back to the wanted poster. And it says, if slain, proof of death can be obtained by either hauling the bodies or leaving them here and giving directions. Leaving them where you find where you 90 minutes walk. [00:47:42] Speaker C: That's not that bad. [00:47:43] Speaker G: Yeah, and I'd really hate for something to come along and eat them and drag them off and let's put them. [00:47:46] Speaker C: In the chairs and stuff around like they're playing poker. [00:47:51] Speaker E: That's a funny joke. [00:47:52] Speaker A: Oh, no. Silver dogs playing poker. [00:47:53] Speaker G: But it's corpses playing poker. [00:47:55] Speaker A: As you are detecting magic, you notice that the armor and rapier are magic. And then off in that curtained off. [00:48:04] Speaker E: Area or like cubby. [00:48:05] Speaker A: Yep. You detect more magic. Okay. [00:48:08] Speaker E: So I then have to do the relevant check to figure out. [00:48:13] Speaker A: So I would need crafting checks on the rapier and armor. Okay. [00:48:18] Speaker F: Oh, yes. Hello. [00:48:20] Speaker E: I have an eight to that, but if you have higher than eight. But you roll really well. [00:48:24] Speaker A: You can both. [00:48:25] Speaker E: I can also. [00:48:26] Speaker A: Well, you can also. When you do, you go investigate the other. [00:48:29] Speaker E: Yeah, I'm going to go look at the other stuff. [00:48:31] Speaker A: So you go into the other room and you see a chest at the foot of the bed. [00:48:34] Speaker E: The key. Open said chest. [00:48:36] Speaker A: Who took the key? [00:48:37] Speaker E: I probably took the key. [00:48:39] Speaker F: I'm outside, too, so I wouldn't know what silver is doing. [00:48:42] Speaker A: Okay. [00:48:42] Speaker G: But I mean, did you just call her in? [00:48:44] Speaker E: Yeah, I think I would shout, like there's some expertise over here. Leather and a sword. You might figure that out. [00:48:52] Speaker A: Okay. [00:48:52] Speaker E: And I'm going to open this here chest. [00:48:55] Speaker A: Inside the chest, you find 50 foot of rope, a pair of grappling hooks. [00:49:01] Speaker E: Okay? [00:49:01] Speaker A: Four potions and a torch, as well as a blue velvet sack. That looks heavy. [00:49:08] Speaker E: What's in the sack? [00:49:09] Speaker A: You open it up. And this has obviously been a payment to 115 gold. Maybe it's 400 silver. [00:49:18] Speaker E: 40 gold. [00:49:20] Speaker A: Okay. Yeah. [00:49:21] Speaker E: Detecting magic. Was that the potion? [00:49:23] Speaker A: I need either alchemy or. [00:49:26] Speaker G: This is another ten minutes, right? [00:49:28] Speaker A: Yeah. To identify these at the same time. You guys can be patching yourselves up. [00:49:32] Speaker E: Okay. I will have pocketed this. 400 silver. [00:49:35] Speaker A: Okay. Silver with the silver. [00:49:39] Speaker E: That's who he is. [00:49:41] Speaker C: I'm going to drag all the bodies into. [00:49:44] Speaker A: What are the house. The other three of you doing? [00:49:46] Speaker E: Alchemy, or. You said Arcana. [00:49:48] Speaker A: Alchemy or Arcana? Yes. [00:49:49] Speaker F: I rolled a 24 to identify the nice. [00:49:53] Speaker A: You know that it is. Plus one leather armor. [00:49:56] Speaker F: Okay. [00:49:57] Speaker A: And a plus one striking rapier. [00:50:00] Speaker G: Does that mean it has the level one striking rune on it? [00:50:03] Speaker B: That's exactly what I have. I bought a striking rune, remember? I got money from them. [00:50:10] Speaker E: Sell it. [00:50:10] Speaker A: You could sell it. [00:50:11] Speaker B: Or we could take the striking rune out and give it to somebody else. [00:50:14] Speaker A: Yeah, that'll save the strike. [00:50:15] Speaker E: We can give it to her. [00:50:16] Speaker G: I don't think Brandon has one. [00:50:18] Speaker B: Sure, Brandon, you would do. I mean, imagine you critting with the freaking striking rune. [00:50:22] Speaker G: It's an extra d. Six times. Three every time you attack with it. [00:50:26] Speaker F: How many runes can we have on a weapon? [00:50:28] Speaker B: I put two and it. Let me. [00:50:30] Speaker G: It depends on the quality of the weapon. But you can have at least one potency room, which is your plus one. Plus two. [00:50:35] Speaker E: Plus three. [00:50:35] Speaker A: Yes. [00:50:36] Speaker G: And then either striking, greater striking, or bestest striking, whatever it is. But basically it's one extra die, two extra dice, three extra dice. [00:50:44] Speaker A: With that, you discover all of the things. What was your role to determine what those potions and torch were? [00:50:51] Speaker E: Also 24. [00:50:53] Speaker A: So you know that those are four potions of lesser healing. And that is an ever burning torch. [00:51:01] Speaker E: I can definitely use that. [00:51:03] Speaker A: So with that, yes. Before you head into the cave. [00:51:06] Speaker F: Oh no. [00:51:06] Speaker A: I'm going to give you guys some time to think and plot. Don't you do it, let's say a week. No, I'll give you a week to think and plot. [00:51:15] Speaker G: It'll take at least that much time to change into this new armor. [00:51:20] Speaker E: That's really good armor. [00:51:21] Speaker D: Will all heroes ever find Vase Lorraine? Will Sareia ever join the group again? How will the group handle the one bloody blade member that escaped? Find out the answers to these questions and more on the next episode of the Cracked Die podcast. And now a word from our sponsors. [00:51:42] Speaker A: Explore, report, and cooperate. These are the tenets of the Pathfinder Society. Are you looking to see the world? Are you looking to help explore the dark areas of the world that have been unexplored? Are you looking to expand your knowledge? Are you looking to expand your knowledge? Looking to find ancient relics and bring them back to study more? Well, look no further than the Pathfinder Society. We are looking for you as much as you are looking for us. With the whispering tyrant causing so many problems, we are now excitedly opening our doors and inviting you in. We are actively recruiting members for the Pathfinder Society. As a society member, not only will you get to travel and see the mysteries of this world, who knows, maybe of others, see the site, help people, and join a group within our society itself. So swing on by to your nearest society, lodge and join today. And remember, explore, report and cooperate. Paid for by the Pathfinder Society joining the Pathfinder Society is a very hazardous job. You have a good chance of dying. You will get to see the world, but also the very bad parts of it. The Pathfinder Society is not responsible for your death. Thank you for listening to the Crackdye podcast. Background sound effects provided by sirenscape. Because Epic Games deserve Epic music, please visit [email protected] Pathfinder second edition Age of Ashes Adventure Path are all copyright of Pizzo Publishing. Please visit [email protected] for more information.

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