Our heroes finally meet the old ghost king who gives them another errand to run, Ooo and Brienna have a serious discussion regarding heart matters, and Knifesword discovers a fondness for mushrooms!
Game and Adventure Path by Paizo Publishing- www.paizo.com
Background music provided by Syrinscape - https://syrinscape.com/
"Rolling in the Grass" by Headlung and background effects are licensed courtesy of Epidemic Sound - www.epidemicsound.comTheme music by Angelo Di Loreto - https://angelodiloreto.com/
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Game and Adventure Path by Paizo Publishing- www.paizo.com Background music provided by Tabletop Audio - http://tabletopaudio.com Theme music by Angelo Di Loreto - https://angelodiloreto.com/...
A journey to Twin-Talon's past. Game and Adventure Path by Paizo Publishing- www.paizo.com Background music provided by Tabletop Audio - http://tabletopaudio.com Theme music by...
Aaaaand the battle continues on! Looks like these pesky Duergar are giving our friends a run for their money!Game and Adventure Path by Paizo...