Holy crapoli, this place doesn't seem to let up! First Gugs, then Ghouls then...what's next? What're those crunching sounds in the dark!?
Game and Adventure Path by Paizo Publishing- www.paizo.com
Background music provided by Syrinscape - https://syrinscape.com/
Background sound effects licensed courtesy of Epidemic Sound - www.epidemicsound.com
Theme music by Angelo Di Loreto - https://angelodiloreto.com/
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The gang continues to "chat" with their new friends as they share a meal. Sorry this one is late Sean dropped the ball but...
Game and Adventure Path by Paizo Publishing- www.paizo.com Background music provided by Tabletop Audio - http://tabletopaudio.com Theme music by Angelo Di Loreto - https://angelodiloreto.com/...
More mustache? MORE MUSTACHE!!! Game and Adventure Path by Paizo Publishing- www.paizo.com Background music provided by Tabletop Audio - http://tabletopaudio.com Theme music by Angelo...