The Cracked Die Podcast - Episode 16 - Dance With the Dragon

Episode 16 December 19, 2019 01:17:46
The Cracked Die Podcast - Episode 16 - Dance With the Dragon
The Cracked Die Podcast
The Cracked Die Podcast - Episode 16 - Dance With the Dragon

Dec 19 2019 | 01:17:46


Show Notes

The party deals with even more Boggards. After that they get back to exploring, they finally encounter Mighty Dragons! 

Game and Adventure Path by Paizo Publishing-
Background music provided by Tabletop Audio -
Theme music by Angelo Di Loreto -
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Episode Transcript

[00:00:41] Speaker A: And welcome to the next episode of The Cracked Die podcast. We know that with the holidays right around the corner, things can be a little stress full, and we hope that our show is kind of getting you through some of those stressful moments, whether it's last minute shopping, travel, seeing family members, whatever it is. But we hope our show gets you through these stressful times. Now, I want to talk about something that we constantly fight about on the podcast and that's time. So we've talked about rounds and things like that, but let's talk about the calendar of Galerian. I know, super exciting. So piso bless. Piso made this not super, super difficult for us. Time passes on Galerian much as it does on Earth, 60 seconds to a minute, 60 minutes to an hour, and 24 hours to a day. So same rotation as what we got here. Galerian also measures everything else, kind of like us, seven days to the week, twelve months to a year, easy. Here's where it gets to be like the fantasy world stuff. So they mark the years after the founding of the last great empire, the Eridin, who was a deity in this game. So that empire has long since collapsed. The calendar remains in use to this day. It's kind of like Rome and how we deal with things in the United States, at least. So the very first adventure Path that Piso ever put out was called Rise of the Rune Lords. And that starts in 47 seven. AR to equate that to us, it is the same year as it is in our Earth. So Rise of the Rune Lords came out in 2007, so the year in Absalom in Pathfinder is 47 seven. So the current year is 40 719, going into 47 20. So the year is real easy. It's 47. Whatever the current ending is, for us here on Earth, the days of the week are as follows moon day toil day, wheel Day, oath Day, fire Day, star day, Sunday. So there's only one day off in the Galerian days of the week, and that's Sunday. Traditionally, it's a rest day, and you would worship on that day. Moon day toil day, wheel Day, oath day, fire Day and Star Day are all work days. So that's six days a week of work. Oof, not for me, thank you. On Moon Day, you would do some worshipping at night. And on Oath Day, oaths are sworn and PACs are signed. So a lot of legal things happen on Oath Day. Now, the months, just like how the Gregorian calendar is based off Roman deities for months, or Greek deities for months. Same deal. In Galerian, the months are as followed abadeas, which is for Abadar, kalistra, which is February, which is for Kalistra, Farast, which is March for Pharasma. Gozaren, which is April for gozera. Desnus, which is may for Desna. Saraith, which is June for Serenre, Erastil july, which is for the deity Erastil Eridus, which is for Eridin, and that's August, rova, which is Rovagug, which is September, lamashen, which is for Lamash, Two, which is October, neth, which is for NeThis, which is November, and Kutona, which is for Zun kuthun. Sorry, I'm really bad with that one. And that's December. All of them have the same number of days in the month like we do here on Earth, and they fall into the same seasons as we would on Earth. So that's just a little more lore and information about Galerian. Twelve months a year, seven days a week, 24 hours in a day, much like us here on Earth. But now, if you hear someone talking about a day of the week or a month and it doesn't make sense, flip back here and you can learn what it is. Also, there's a great, great public fandom wiki, pathfinder fandom Wiki. I would highly, highly recommend looking at if you have any other questions about any of those deities I mentioned or any of the calendars or days of the week. They have a great calendar section of it, as always. It is close to the holidays, but we still have some deals going on on our teespring store. We would love for you to buy a shirt to show your support for us. Other than that, I've rambled very long about days of the week in the calendar, so let's get to the show. [00:06:32] Speaker B: Previously on The Cracked Die Podcast our heroes fought and saved Silver. They then found the cinderclaws symbol etched on armor. Twin talon acted quickly and saved Beak Brumble from being captured by the bramblebrashers. Silver used a clever impersonation to lure more of the cinderclaws to their location. Will our heroes finally be able to purge this room of cinderclaws? Will Silver continue to wander away? Find out now on the Cracked Die podcast. [00:07:12] Speaker C: Welcome to episode 16 of The Crack Die Podcast. I've taken over, and we've tied up Sean, and he's in a corner. [00:07:20] Speaker D: So 1000 experience points. [00:07:22] Speaker E: That's a level. Yeah. [00:07:25] Speaker C: Also, I think we win the adventure path. [00:07:27] Speaker E: Cool. [00:07:27] Speaker F: There's no way to win an adventure. [00:07:29] Speaker C: Path anwar I win everything. [00:07:31] Speaker E: I mean, you complete the adventure path. [00:07:33] Speaker C: That's winning. [00:07:34] Speaker F: But winning is the experience of traveling. [00:07:36] Speaker E: It no, winning is we made along the way. [00:07:38] Speaker G: Damn it. [00:07:39] Speaker C: That's the joke I was going to make. [00:07:40] Speaker D: Can you make us have 10,000 subscribers? [00:07:43] Speaker E: No, 100,000. [00:07:45] Speaker A: Can I get you guys to roll initiative? Because these creatures just walked into the room. [00:07:49] Speaker C: Oh, are we keeping my welcome? [00:07:51] Speaker E: Yeah. [00:07:51] Speaker H: What should we be rolling? Should we be rolling stealth because we're hiding, or do we get to choose? [00:07:56] Speaker A: You know what? So something that's interesting, and I just looked up these rules just to make. [00:08:01] Speaker E: Sure I wasn't crazy is there is. [00:08:03] Speaker A: No surprise round in Pathfinder second edition. So I want to give you guys some sort of bonus, essentially, to setting a trap. And until I see more or reread or someone points out that I'm doing something wrong, I'm going to let you guys pick whatever skill you want to. [00:08:23] Speaker E: Roll your initiative with, and I'm going. [00:08:26] Speaker A: To make them all flat footed to. [00:08:28] Speaker E: You guys for your first attack and all subsequent attacks. No, just your first one. Whatever skill whatever skill you would like. [00:08:37] Speaker F: To roll with your initiative, like crafting or religion. [00:08:42] Speaker G: Athletic. [00:08:42] Speaker A: I'm not even going to get you guys to justify it. Just roll. Tell me your final number. Yeah, pick your highest modifier. Twin talon. What did you roll? [00:08:52] Speaker F: So I rolled an eleven, and because I don't have to justify it, I picked Thievery, which gives me a 21. [00:09:00] Speaker D: That's awesome. [00:09:01] Speaker A: Brianna? [00:09:02] Speaker I: 28. [00:09:03] Speaker E: Noise. Silver, what's up? [00:09:08] Speaker I: I thought we were going in. [00:09:09] Speaker A: Oh, no, I'm just reading in the order I have on my sheet right now, Silver. [00:09:13] Speaker D: So my highest whatever would also be 28. She can go first. All right, well, actually, let me go first because I can inspire people. [00:09:21] Speaker E: All right, is that good? All right. [00:09:24] Speaker A: Pond watcher. [00:09:25] Speaker H: 16. [00:09:28] Speaker E: Okay. [00:09:28] Speaker A: Temid? [00:09:29] Speaker C: 22. [00:09:31] Speaker A: Twin, what was yours? [00:09:33] Speaker F: 2021. [00:09:34] Speaker C: Blackjack. [00:09:37] Speaker G: Also also 28, but I can go after Jeez. Yeah, I know, it's like the first 20 I've rolled in ages. I can go after Brienna. [00:09:47] Speaker A: All right. And then I thought my numbers were good. Not as good as you guys. Could you not yawn into the mic? Pretend we're a little interesting. [00:10:04] Speaker C: That's a good wookie noise. [00:10:07] Speaker D: I can't do a wookie. [00:10:10] Speaker E: Wait, did you do that again? [00:10:12] Speaker C: That was fucking awesome. [00:10:14] Speaker E: Holy shit. [00:10:15] Speaker A: Please don't sue us, Disney. [00:10:17] Speaker G: I assumed we would just cut all that. [00:10:19] Speaker A: I'm sure. All right, are we ready for this, kids? [00:10:25] Speaker D: Yeah. [00:10:26] Speaker A: Are you ready, kids? [00:10:27] Speaker I: Aye, Captain. [00:10:29] Speaker A: Oh, silver goes first. [00:10:32] Speaker D: I'm going to inspire everybody. Okay, so saying you all got this. Don't worry, don't do what I just did. I'm not going to walk away. I'm not going to run away. [00:10:44] Speaker H: More inspiring. Bad old guitar. [00:10:47] Speaker D: Yeah, I'm playing my guitar. I will like Mad Max if I cast mage armor on somebody. How does that work with, like, armor bonuses in second edition? [00:10:59] Speaker E: Does anyone know it's still typed? [00:11:02] Speaker C: Yeah, I think they don't stack. [00:11:03] Speaker E: They don't stack. [00:11:04] Speaker A: And I believe it's a self only spell. [00:11:06] Speaker F: I also believe that. [00:11:07] Speaker D: Okay, in that case, I will second action, draw a short bow. Okay, well, it's second and third action. Because I played the guitar, I'm going to stow away, not drop it, so I can get it easier. And then I will take a short bow. [00:11:29] Speaker E: All right. Brianna? [00:11:31] Speaker I: Brianna will swing the closest one. [00:11:35] Speaker A: Okay, that is one of the churukas. [00:11:38] Speaker I: Yellow churuka. We fight 21. [00:11:47] Speaker E: That's a hit. [00:11:50] Speaker G: For. [00:11:54] Speaker I: Eight damage. [00:11:57] Speaker A: All right, it takes a scimitar to the stomach. It's still alive. [00:12:03] Speaker E: It's just not happy. [00:12:08] Speaker I: How about a 15? [00:12:11] Speaker E: Because they are flat footed for this first round. [00:12:15] Speaker A: Because I'm giving you guys that as a bonus. [00:12:17] Speaker E: You hit. [00:12:19] Speaker I: How about eight damage? [00:12:26] Speaker A: It's still there, but it is bleeding profusely. [00:12:31] Speaker E: What is your last one? [00:12:32] Speaker I: Natural? 20. [00:12:35] Speaker A: What's your total? [00:12:36] Speaker I: My total is 18. [00:12:40] Speaker A: That is a chris. [00:12:45] Speaker E: All right. [00:12:47] Speaker F: Scimitar is slashing. [00:12:48] Speaker E: Yes, correct. Gut slash. [00:12:51] Speaker G: Oh, so I'm going to take its head off. Got it. [00:12:54] Speaker C: No, that's called disenbowel. That's when you cut somebody's head off. [00:12:57] Speaker G: Sorry. [00:12:58] Speaker F: Gut slash. The target takes one D, four persistent bleed damage and any creature it swallows whole is immediately released. [00:13:07] Speaker E: Double damage. [00:13:08] Speaker F: And the bleed. [00:13:09] Speaker E: Assuming it's alive, what's the minimum damage you can do? [00:13:15] Speaker I: Minimum? [00:13:16] Speaker A: Yes. [00:13:17] Speaker F: One like 14. Because your die is one D six. [00:13:21] Speaker A: So minimum is on a one plus what? [00:13:24] Speaker F: Plus five. [00:13:24] Speaker A: That's six. So times two is twelve. You know what it can't swallow, hold, or keep bleeding? A dead thing. A dead monkey creature. Okay, so you kill the first Tudor car. [00:13:34] Speaker E: Good job. Wow. [00:13:36] Speaker C: That's a freaking awesome amber. [00:13:37] Speaker A: It's the one that's closest to her. [00:13:39] Speaker F: She slashes it twice and then just rips its guts open. [00:13:42] Speaker C: Yeah, I can kind of see that. Like, it comes into this dark room and she just slides behind it and just kind of grabs it by the neck and then stabs it a couple. [00:13:50] Speaker I: Of times and slits its throat. [00:13:52] Speaker F: Also, she doesn't slit its throat. It's a gut slash. [00:13:55] Speaker E: It's a gut slash. [00:13:56] Speaker C: Isn't that what gut slash means? [00:14:00] Speaker E: Raya, your turn. [00:14:02] Speaker G: So she's going to lob her acid flask at the Boggard right in front of her and Brianna. So the one that's right in the middle, in between the other Boggard and the monkey. And I will not cock my die. [00:14:17] Speaker E: When I roll it. [00:14:18] Speaker I: Don't you mean crack your die? [00:14:22] Speaker G: That will be a 21 to hit the Boggard. [00:14:25] Speaker A: 21 that will hit. [00:14:27] Speaker G: Beautiful. So the central one takes two D, six persistent acid damage and the two to either side take one acid splash. [00:14:36] Speaker E: Boom. [00:14:37] Speaker A: Okay, and how much? [00:14:38] Speaker E: Two D. Six is how much? [00:14:40] Speaker G: No, it's two persistent acid. [00:14:42] Speaker E: Two persistent that's what I rolled. Okay. [00:14:45] Speaker G: Oh, wait, no, three, because I totally forgot about silver. Silver. Also, would a 22 have been a crit success? No, that guy didn't think so. Does that boost the splash damage or just the primary damage? [00:14:57] Speaker A: I think it just does. [00:14:58] Speaker G: I think just the primary. [00:14:59] Speaker E: Right. Probably. [00:15:02] Speaker G: After that, she's going to pull an alchemist fire out of her bag and throw that as well. [00:15:09] Speaker E: All right. [00:15:12] Speaker G: That one misses. It's a three. [00:15:14] Speaker A: Yes. What's your total? [00:15:15] Speaker G: Of four? [00:15:16] Speaker A: What's your total? Four. That's a critical miss. [00:15:23] Speaker D: What is it? [00:15:23] Speaker E: Rich. [00:15:24] Speaker D: That elf magical. I would believe so. [00:15:26] Speaker H: Spell. [00:15:27] Speaker E: Right. [00:15:27] Speaker G: Well, last time we said it was range. [00:15:29] Speaker A: Let's do range. I think range makes more sense. [00:15:31] Speaker G: It makes more sense with alchemy. [00:15:32] Speaker H: It's better than yeah. [00:15:33] Speaker E: Okay. [00:15:34] Speaker C: What about blood magic? [00:15:35] Speaker H: Oh, weapon problem. If the attack used a projectile weapon, something on the weapon malfunctions, requiring you to fix it so it doesn't affect. [00:15:45] Speaker C: You your finger breaks? [00:15:46] Speaker F: No, it's just not a projectile weapon. [00:15:49] Speaker E: It just misses. [00:15:50] Speaker G: Throne weapon. So, yeah, just misses. [00:15:51] Speaker E: All right. No effect on you. Nice. [00:15:54] Speaker F: The splash damage on everybody. [00:15:56] Speaker G: Yeah. The way. [00:16:00] Speaker A: You can control it, though, so yeah. Can you hit one of them with the splash damage? [00:16:05] Speaker G: If an attack with a splash weapon fails, succeeds, or critically succeeds, all creatures within 5ft of the target, including the target, take the listed splash damage. So it's one fire splash. I was aiming for the one in the middle again, so I guess all three of them would take it. [00:16:17] Speaker E: So the middle boggart. [00:16:18] Speaker G: Yeah, that's who I was aiming for. [00:16:20] Speaker H: I should probably take it as well. [00:16:22] Speaker G: That's the benefit of being a bomber. [00:16:24] Speaker E: You don't. [00:16:25] Speaker A: All right, very cool. [00:16:27] Speaker E: So a globule of fire gun stores, man, is just like they all have. [00:16:32] Speaker G: Three persistent damage on them right now, at the very least. [00:16:36] Speaker H: All right, ambush is working. [00:16:39] Speaker A: One of the boggarts persistent, you said. How much? [00:16:43] Speaker E: Three. Oh, sorry. [00:16:46] Speaker G: No, the splash on the fire is not persistent, but the central one has two persistent. [00:16:50] Speaker E: All right, so the boggart in the middle boggart finally gets its wits about it, and it decides to give a terrifying croak. [00:17:03] Speaker A: So everyone give me a will save. [00:17:08] Speaker E: Soraya 16 plus something. Okay, you're fine. [00:17:13] Speaker G: Okay, good. [00:17:13] Speaker F: Twin 18. [00:17:15] Speaker E: Good. 15. [00:17:17] Speaker A: Not good. [00:17:18] Speaker I: Oof, 16. [00:17:20] Speaker E: Good. [00:17:21] Speaker H: 23. [00:17:21] Speaker G: Oh, no. [00:17:22] Speaker E: Good. [00:17:23] Speaker D: 17. [00:17:23] Speaker E: Good. So, Temid, you are frightened one. Okay. [00:17:31] Speaker A: It only lasts until whatever the standard time is on. Frightened. [00:17:35] Speaker F: I thought their croak was 1 minute. [00:17:37] Speaker A: This is a different type of Boggard. Oh, geez. [00:17:40] Speaker G: He did say it was bigger. [00:17:42] Speaker A: It was bigger. You would think it would be worse, but it's not. And then its second action is to draw its morning star. [00:17:49] Speaker I: Oh, dear. [00:17:50] Speaker A: Its third action. Can it hit it can hit Brienna. [00:17:54] Speaker E: From right there, can it? Yeah, baby, one more time. [00:17:59] Speaker A: How about a ten? [00:18:01] Speaker I: You're cute. Try again. [00:18:02] Speaker A: All right, what is your AC currently? [00:18:05] Speaker I: Yes, I am sitting at a 20, but it should be 22. [00:18:10] Speaker A: The morningstar failure swings down. Oh, it is, isn't it? [00:18:14] Speaker E: Yes, it is. [00:18:15] Speaker A: And it is a named creature. [00:18:17] Speaker F: Oh, no. [00:18:20] Speaker H: Spinning swing. You are sickened too. [00:18:23] Speaker E: Oh, jeez. Okay, well, that's not good. [00:18:28] Speaker A: The Boggard swings its morningstar, and Brianna ducks out of the way, and the momentum of that morning star just keeps spinning him around. It's very cartoon style, and he spins, like, three times, and everyone around him is, like, ducking out, and he just stops, and you kind of see his frog eyes are, like, still spinning. He's very disoriented. [00:18:51] Speaker I: Poor baby. [00:18:52] Speaker E: I feel bad, guys. [00:18:53] Speaker A: Temid, it's your turn. [00:18:54] Speaker C: All right, so Temid being he's a little scared, actually. He's a little shook by this seeing Brienna kind of this anger in her eyes, and she runs up, and she kind of seal team sixes, this motherfucker as he enters the room, somebody said. [00:19:10] Speaker I: SWAT I'm just going with what I was told. [00:19:14] Speaker A: So what are you doing to this churuka? [00:19:16] Speaker C: So there's one immediately to the front of me, is that correct? The little small one right there? [00:19:21] Speaker A: Correct. [00:19:21] Speaker C: And it's directly in front of me, as in I don't have to walk to get correct. So first thing I'm going to do is cast a cantrip called shield. I now have a shield. [00:19:33] Speaker E: Great. [00:19:33] Speaker C: And I don't require any hands to use it. And it's basically immediately raised. Now, my second action, it was only one verbal action to do that my second action. I'm going to thrust my Rapier towards this churaka. [00:19:49] Speaker A: Thrust away. [00:19:50] Speaker F: My friend hungry for churros all of a sudden. [00:19:54] Speaker C: A total of 23. [00:19:57] Speaker E: That is a regular old hit. That's disappointing. That's what your mom said. [00:20:04] Speaker F: That's not wrong. [00:20:07] Speaker C: He does four points of damage, including our friend Silver's. [00:20:12] Speaker E: Help. [00:20:12] Speaker D: Inspiration. [00:20:14] Speaker A: All right, and next action. Last action. [00:20:17] Speaker C: Last action as a hero. A last action hero. He thrusts one more time. [00:20:22] Speaker E: All right, roll. Well, that doesn't look like you rolled well. [00:20:26] Speaker A: Nine no. [00:20:28] Speaker I: Oh, dear. [00:20:29] Speaker C: That's not a crit failure. [00:20:30] Speaker E: No. Okay. [00:20:30] Speaker I: Good goodness. [00:20:31] Speaker E: Thank all right, they're still flat footed right now to you guys. [00:20:34] Speaker C: As he raises, basically, he gets into that fencing stance. He pulls the Rapier out ahead of him, points at this creature, raises one hand, and as he does, a shield appears in front of him. And then he thrusts one, and then he strikes. And then getting a little bit overconfident, he tries to overcompensate as this thing tries to dodge, and he does not. [00:20:54] Speaker E: Quite hit the second strike. Twin Talon, you're up. [00:20:58] Speaker F: Okay, so Twin Talon has been waiting. That Boggard that came in, that took. [00:21:04] Speaker E: A swing at Brianna, looks like it. [00:21:07] Speaker F: Might be in charge, or at least. [00:21:08] Speaker E: It'S bigger than the rest of them. [00:21:10] Speaker F: So he's going to try to take it down. [00:21:12] Speaker E: All right, so what's its AC right now? [00:21:16] Speaker A: Minus two. [00:21:18] Speaker F: So would a 28 be a critical hit? [00:21:21] Speaker A: Yes, it would be. [00:21:23] Speaker F: Okay, because I rolled a 28. [00:21:25] Speaker A: Okay, good to know. [00:21:26] Speaker E: Okay. [00:21:27] Speaker D: Was it flat footed to you as well? [00:21:28] Speaker F: It was, yeah. [00:21:29] Speaker A: Okay, so that's a critical success. That's a critical hit. [00:21:33] Speaker C: Oh, yeah. [00:21:34] Speaker A: Critical card. [00:21:35] Speaker E: With a ranged attack, it is spun around. [00:21:38] Speaker F: The target is flat footed until the end of its next turn. [00:21:42] Speaker A: So even though it would no longer be flat footed, this turn, it is now still flat footed. [00:21:47] Speaker E: Right. [00:21:47] Speaker F: Which will help everyone else but me. [00:21:48] Speaker E: Okay. [00:21:49] Speaker F: Because it goes before me, but that's fine. [00:21:51] Speaker A: And how much damage? [00:21:52] Speaker F: It's going to be two times plus I'm actually going to do my damage correctly. [00:21:57] Speaker E: Why start now? [00:21:59] Speaker A: Don't hurt my monsters. [00:22:01] Speaker F: Okay, so it's three D six, which I rolled five, four, four. So that's 1317 with my oh, no, I don't add a plus 114 with the plus one. Times two is 28, plus it's deadly D ten. [00:22:21] Speaker D: Nice. [00:22:22] Speaker F: Meaning it adds one D ten damage. [00:22:23] Speaker E: When you crit, which is seven. [00:22:26] Speaker C: Very nice. [00:22:27] Speaker E: Wow. Yes. [00:22:28] Speaker F: So I already forgot what I said. 28 plus seven is 35. [00:22:33] Speaker G: Good grief. [00:22:33] Speaker A: The arrow pierces through that giant Boggard's. [00:22:39] Speaker E: Eye, and you just hear as it. [00:22:43] Speaker A: Pops and ooze, starts to come out, and the arrow keeps passing through and just like, think how big eyes are on frogs. It just pops as that arrow goes through and just slides right through its brain and pins it to the back wall by its head. [00:23:00] Speaker C: My stomach turned a little bit just now. [00:23:02] Speaker A: It's dead. [00:23:03] Speaker F: Check yourself, motherfucker. [00:23:05] Speaker E: And then he's going to shoot before. [00:23:06] Speaker C: You wreck yourself, motherfucker. [00:23:09] Speaker F: It looks like I can see the other Boggard coming in. [00:23:11] Speaker E: Sure. All right. [00:23:12] Speaker F: So I'm going to shoot at him next. So that is 21 22. [00:23:19] Speaker A: That is also a critical hit because it's flat footed. [00:23:24] Speaker F: Overreaction boo. Normal damage. The target triggers reactions as if it just use a move action. It is also flat footed until the end of its next turn. Apparently, that's my thing. [00:23:37] Speaker E: All right. [00:23:37] Speaker A: So it is still flat footed. [00:23:39] Speaker E: It's appropriate. [00:23:39] Speaker C: Can anybody use a reaction? [00:23:42] Speaker A: Does anyone have a reaction? [00:23:43] Speaker G: Not for this. [00:23:44] Speaker E: Not for this. [00:23:44] Speaker F: Fighters. [00:23:45] Speaker E: Okay. [00:23:45] Speaker D: Unfortunately, that would have been sweet otherwise. [00:23:48] Speaker E: Yeah. [00:23:50] Speaker F: So I didn't roll super great, but my deadly D ten came. It was a ten. [00:23:54] Speaker E: Oh, yeah. [00:23:55] Speaker F: That's 15 1622 to the second one. [00:24:01] Speaker E: How dead is this one? Probably not dead yet. [00:24:04] Speaker A: Oh, no. You wheel around with a second arrow and you just shoot it, and this. [00:24:10] Speaker E: One goes right through its stomach, but. [00:24:14] Speaker A: You actually got it a little higher. So it's in its chest and heart region, and it's still standing there. But if you kind of, like, look to the side on the wall, you see its heart beating, and then it just collapses and blood kind of spurts out of the heart as it dies. [00:24:31] Speaker E: So the two boggards are dead. Wow. [00:24:34] Speaker F: And my third action I'm going to try to shoot the last year. I'm going to make the most of them being flat footed. [00:24:40] Speaker E: Yeah. [00:24:40] Speaker I: Go. [00:24:42] Speaker A: So far, so good. [00:24:44] Speaker F: That is a natural 20. [00:24:49] Speaker G: Tone talent. Just got a one shot. [00:24:51] Speaker H: This combat Legolas over here. [00:24:56] Speaker F: Pinned arm as the bow, critical specialization effect, and the target can't use one of its arms until freed. If using a melee weapon, you must drop it to gain this effect. [00:25:07] Speaker E: I'm not. [00:25:08] Speaker F: So, yeah, I basically shoot it, and one of its arms gets stuck to its body, but it also does double damage. [00:25:12] Speaker A: All right, well, how much damage do you do? That really matters because it's also deadly. [00:25:18] Speaker H: I'm definitely going to get to do something in this combat. [00:25:21] Speaker C: I at least did something, so I'm okay. [00:25:23] Speaker G: I like, pretend I contributed. [00:25:26] Speaker F: So it's 16 times two is 32, plus four is 36 damage. [00:25:31] Speaker E: Jeez. [00:25:32] Speaker I: Good grief. [00:25:34] Speaker E: Being a rogue is awesome. [00:25:36] Speaker F: Well, being a rogue when you quit three times in a row is awesome. [00:25:39] Speaker G: Yeah. [00:25:40] Speaker A: All right, so this arrow, you wheel a round, one, two, and you're like. [00:25:47] Speaker E: Hang on, I got this. [00:25:49] Speaker A: Not only do you pin its arm to itself, so you somehow manage to shoot this arrow, and it ricochets off the wall. And the arrow comes in through its side, pins its arm to its body, and then keeps the momentum, pulls it into the wall as it pins the other arm between the wall and itself. And you just see it slump down dead. [00:26:12] Speaker I: Jeez. [00:26:13] Speaker C: I'd also kind of like to go back and retcon a little bit. So when I struck the first one hit, the second one I go to hit, and it was going to be the right place, but he shot it so damn hard that it just kind of moved out of the way. [00:26:23] Speaker F: I didn't shoot the one in front of you. I shot the one that was behind that one. [00:26:26] Speaker A: Well, pond watcher. [00:26:27] Speaker C: Never mind, then. [00:26:28] Speaker A: It's your turn, because everyone who was going to go before you is dead. [00:26:32] Speaker F: You're welcome. [00:26:33] Speaker D: It's a quicker combat. [00:26:35] Speaker H: So he has had his halberd raised, and then everyone got shot and cut apart and fell right. And he was standing right next to all of them. He's just covered in blood now. [00:26:45] Speaker G: I did it. [00:26:46] Speaker H: He sees the last baboon and he just yells ambush. [00:26:56] Speaker D: Can we give him a hero point for that? [00:26:59] Speaker H: Yeah. Eleven. [00:27:03] Speaker C: You could use a hero point if you want. [00:27:04] Speaker H: Yeah, I'm using the hero point. [00:27:05] Speaker E: Okay. [00:27:06] Speaker A: The one I was about to give you. [00:27:07] Speaker H: All right. [00:27:08] Speaker E: Reroll ambush. [00:27:12] Speaker H: Natural 20. [00:27:16] Speaker E: Worth it. [00:27:18] Speaker A: Okay. So go ahead and draw the crit card. All right. Sorry, Matt. Other people get crit cards besides you, Matt. [00:27:28] Speaker F: I just forget that we do critical successes when attacks. [00:27:32] Speaker E: Hold on. [00:27:34] Speaker C: I kind of want to just give you that. [00:27:35] Speaker E: Die now. It's working out. [00:27:39] Speaker F: Okay, so his critical success is called chipped bone. The target is clumsy one until healed. [00:27:48] Speaker A: Oh, that's not going to last long. [00:27:49] Speaker F: You still do double damage. [00:27:50] Speaker E: Yes. So that's the important part. [00:27:52] Speaker H: Ten piercing damage. [00:27:55] Speaker A: So you stick this Chirika on the end of your not pike halberd and you lift it up and it slowly starts to slide down. Just blood dripping down till it hits the axe. [00:28:11] Speaker E: Head, eyes. Yep. [00:28:12] Speaker C: All in your face, too. [00:28:14] Speaker E: Yeah. [00:28:14] Speaker A: And it's dead. [00:28:16] Speaker H: I didn't even have to rage. [00:28:18] Speaker A: Combat's over, guys. [00:28:19] Speaker E: We did. [00:28:20] Speaker C: Wow. [00:28:21] Speaker E: That worked really good. [00:28:22] Speaker F: Well, it's really that we should aim bush more often. [00:28:25] Speaker H: Yes. They did not know what hit them. [00:28:32] Speaker E: Ambush. [00:28:33] Speaker I: Well, it's a shame we cannot ask more information of them since they're all dead, but we are doing what we set out to do, which is to clear out this area. [00:28:42] Speaker C: Well, it does seem like they have some type of order to not give up any information. They'd rather commit suicide. [00:28:51] Speaker I: So far, that is true of one case. [00:28:54] Speaker F: The one person we've questioned that's 100%. [00:28:57] Speaker C: So you can't say that I'm wrong. [00:29:00] Speaker D: Are we in exploration mode? [00:29:02] Speaker A: Yes, exploration mode. You guys just stomped this combat, which. [00:29:07] Speaker C: Amazingly no, we didn't stomp this combat. Matt stopped stomped this combat. [00:29:12] Speaker A: So you have killed everything that you know of. [00:29:16] Speaker E: I would like to search the bodies. Okay. As you search the bodies, you find. [00:29:23] Speaker A: Three arrows, your three arrows, which you should take and bless them, because they are amazing. [00:29:31] Speaker E: No? [00:29:32] Speaker A: On the bodies, on the chiracaz, you find the same things. You find three small sets of armor. You find three small sickles and three small whips. [00:29:46] Speaker E: Whips. [00:29:46] Speaker A: Whips on the boggards. [00:29:48] Speaker C: Why do you keep saying it like that? [00:29:50] Speaker E: Whips. Like what? Whips. Whips, whips, whips, whips, whips. [00:29:55] Speaker D: Okay, what else do we find? [00:29:56] Speaker A: You find on the boggards, studded, leather, armor. Each of them have a club, and they each have a javelin as well. [00:30:05] Speaker D: So to be clear, they had tiny whips studded leather and clubs, and they weren't kinky? [00:30:12] Speaker E: I never said that. You are making assumptions. [00:30:15] Speaker D: Wait, we haven't entered into the other room at all? [00:30:17] Speaker A: No, you haven't. [00:30:19] Speaker D: I want to go in there. [00:30:20] Speaker E: Let's go check it out. Yeah, let's go check it out. [00:30:22] Speaker A: All right. As you walk into this room, pieces of furniture are still intact here, although hanging from the ceiling rafters in the center of the room is a strange structure made from ripped and knotted curtains. [00:30:37] Speaker E: Like a hammock. [00:30:40] Speaker F: Sex wing? [00:30:41] Speaker A: No, not that. Okay, think of an elementary school playground with that cargo net that people would climb. [00:30:50] Speaker E: Okay? [00:30:52] Speaker A: That is what this looks like, except instead of it being at an angle, it is right up against the wall. [00:30:59] Speaker F: So it looks like it's meant to climb up to a second level. [00:31:02] Speaker A: Yes, but if you look up, you. [00:31:03] Speaker E: See that the ceiling is there is no second level. [00:31:07] Speaker A: Remember, these are small monkey folk, okay? It's probably just a like, recreational enrichment. [00:31:15] Speaker H: We found the monkey city. [00:31:18] Speaker C: The city of the monkey. [00:31:19] Speaker H: Someone boosts me up, and I want to go into the monkey net. [00:31:22] Speaker E: It goes to the ground. [00:31:25] Speaker H: I think I didn't understand the instruction. I climb the monkey net. [00:31:31] Speaker A: You see that? This is if you climb to the top, they have taken these curtains and made, like, hammocks and beds so they could climb up, sleep above ground, just like they would. Were they not in a cave, they'd. [00:31:45] Speaker E: Be in a tree. All right. [00:31:48] Speaker D: I found where we were sleeping tonight, y'all. [00:31:51] Speaker C: Are there no six joking threads? [00:31:54] Speaker A: No, there's only three. [00:31:56] Speaker H: Smells very bad up here. [00:31:57] Speaker C: Who's bunking with me? [00:31:59] Speaker F: No one. We don't have to sleep here? [00:32:01] Speaker E: No. [00:32:02] Speaker C: Every time we see a bed, we have to sleep. [00:32:03] Speaker H: We've been awake for, like, 1 hour. [00:32:05] Speaker C: I'm already tired. [00:32:06] Speaker F: So it's midnight. [00:32:07] Speaker E: Yeah. [00:32:09] Speaker D: So is this all there is in. [00:32:11] Speaker A: This room, as far as you guys can tell? [00:32:14] Speaker D: Can we perceive? [00:32:16] Speaker A: Yes. So you guys spend about ten minutes here. I'll roll for you all. [00:32:19] Speaker E: Don't worry. [00:32:21] Speaker D: I do worry when you roll for me, Sean. [00:32:23] Speaker E: Yeah? [00:32:23] Speaker G: You're not known for rolling. Well, unless it's, like, against us. [00:32:27] Speaker E: I don't know. [00:32:27] Speaker F: Last couple of times, you rolled very well. [00:32:29] Speaker A: Yeah, I rolled, like, 220s in a row for you guys. [00:32:32] Speaker E: Yes. [00:32:32] Speaker G: I'm just used to your entire history and not this microcosm. [00:32:35] Speaker A: Fair enough. No burn? [00:32:38] Speaker E: No. [00:32:38] Speaker A: I am a notorious terrible dice roller. Die roller. Anyway, with Brianna's natural 20 that I rolled for her perception around this room, you guys kind of don't see anything. You avoid the monkey dung. So you have successfully explored here. There's nothing really of value in this room. [00:32:57] Speaker E: Okay. [00:32:58] Speaker C: Besides the awesome net. [00:32:59] Speaker E: Yes, the awesome homemade net pawnwatcher. [00:33:02] Speaker H: Yeah. [00:33:03] Speaker E: I'll race you to the top. [00:33:05] Speaker H: Let me get down from the top first. [00:33:07] Speaker A: It's only, like, 10ft tall. [00:33:09] Speaker C: All right, let's see who just rolls higher on a crime check. [00:33:13] Speaker A: All right, so while they're playing around twin talon. What are you doing? [00:33:18] Speaker E: Rihanna searched the or. [00:33:20] Speaker F: We all searched the room. We found nothing of 26 value. Was that accurate? [00:33:26] Speaker E: Yeah. [00:33:27] Speaker F: Then it looks like there are several doors out of this room. [00:33:31] Speaker E: Yes. [00:33:31] Speaker A: There is a door to the northeast. Ish there's a door to the east as well? [00:33:37] Speaker E: And then there's a door to the south. [00:33:39] Speaker A: You, with your knowledge of architecture, probably could guess the door to the south. [00:33:44] Speaker E: Leads back to that main hallway. [00:33:46] Speaker F: Okay, then I would like to listen first at the eastern door and then the northeastern door. [00:33:52] Speaker E: All right, it's plus seven. Plus six. Six. [00:33:57] Speaker A: From the northeastern door, you hear a steady dripping sound. [00:34:03] Speaker E: Okay. [00:34:04] Speaker A: From the eastern door, you don't hear that? [00:34:07] Speaker E: Yes. You hear that noise. [00:34:09] Speaker H: Thanks, Skyrinscape. [00:34:11] Speaker E: I'll turn back to the group and. [00:34:14] Speaker F: Say, well, it sounds like there's maybe water dripping in this room. It'll point to the northeastern door, but straight ahead, I'll point to eastern door. [00:34:22] Speaker E: I don't hear anything. [00:34:24] Speaker F: Also, for our reference, east is toward me. [00:34:27] Speaker E: Okay. [00:34:28] Speaker F: North is toward Sean. So northeast is that one. [00:34:30] Speaker E: All right. [00:34:32] Speaker I: What exactly do you hear? [00:34:33] Speaker F: It just sounds like dripping water. Doesn't sound malicious as far as I can tell, but the other one is no sound. I don't have any preference as to which way to go. I mean, the dripping water means there's something happening, but if someone else has a specific idea what to do, I'm happy to do that. But I just didn't want to start opening doors before we were all ready to go. [00:34:52] Speaker I: It sounded like Ponwatcher had an idea. [00:34:53] Speaker H: I apologize. My idea was only to open the so. [00:34:57] Speaker G: Okay, but you don't have a preference. [00:35:00] Speaker H: I like I'm curious about dripping. [00:35:03] Speaker E: The dripping chamber of secrets. [00:35:09] Speaker H: Ronald Weasley and the dripping chamber of secrets. [00:35:15] Speaker F: That's definitely a movie. [00:35:19] Speaker G: That's a certain kind of parody. Sean is throwing up an X, so we're going to back out of that. [00:35:26] Speaker F: Just like Ronald weasley. [00:35:30] Speaker C: I'm only starting to. Get it now. [00:35:31] Speaker E: Okay. [00:35:35] Speaker A: So you guys open the door to the northeastern room. A steady dripping from the stone ceiling in the rune bedroom has created a deep bog like puddle in the middle of the broken floor. Ringing the puddle are splintered pieces of wood stuck into the Flagstone's rubble rising. [00:35:53] Speaker E: Up like bizarre foliage. [00:35:55] Speaker H: Okay, I investigate this bizarre foliage. [00:36:00] Speaker A: What is your perception bonus? [00:36:01] Speaker C: Plus six, I'd like to inspect it as well. [00:36:05] Speaker F: Plus seven, twin Town is going to remain by the door with his bow drawn, waiting for graveshells or mucklucks or whatever to shoot out of the puddle and attack everything. [00:36:16] Speaker A: Okay. Is anyone going into the bog like. [00:36:20] Speaker E: Area, like, into the water? [00:36:23] Speaker F: Yeah, we convinced Silver to do it since he wants to explore things and can't leave unturned stones. [00:36:30] Speaker C: Aaron is shaking his head no. [00:36:34] Speaker G: But no. Is there anything, like is there, like, pond scum or anything on it? [00:36:40] Speaker E: Nope. [00:36:41] Speaker G: Oh, darn. I was hoping to find some more alchemical ingredients. [00:36:44] Speaker C: Can we have our elfriend watch the pond? [00:36:47] Speaker D: Can I do a lore check while I'm here? [00:36:50] Speaker E: Has, come on. What? [00:36:53] Speaker D: The way this bizarre foliage is arranged, if it's some sort of, like, pattern of some kind, sure. [00:37:01] Speaker A: Give me knowledge. Sorry, lore recall knowledge. Nature. [00:37:07] Speaker D: Okay. Not my shining light nature, but that's a total of 17. [00:37:15] Speaker A: It looks like this is probably where the boggards were, because it is a little more humid in this area, a little more tropical. They probably took those splintered wood and. [00:37:27] Speaker E: Laid it out then took the splintered. [00:37:30] Speaker A: Wood and laid it out to be, like, trees and lily pads and things. [00:37:35] Speaker E: Like that for them to okay, so. [00:37:38] Speaker D: It looks like the boggarts made, like, natural habitat, so to speak, for exactly. Interesting. Do I know if bogarts and Caracas or whatever they're called? [00:37:51] Speaker A: Churacas. [00:37:52] Speaker D: Churacas moroccas. [00:37:54] Speaker F: Yes. [00:37:55] Speaker D: They're the capital of Venezuela. Do they hang out a lot? [00:37:58] Speaker E: Normally. [00:37:58] Speaker D: Is that a normal thing? [00:38:00] Speaker E: Not really. [00:38:01] Speaker D: Okay. Curious. [00:38:03] Speaker I: But they are from the same region. [00:38:05] Speaker E: Yes, they're both from the Milwaukee expanse. [00:38:07] Speaker F: Cults make strange bedfellows. [00:38:10] Speaker A: Pond watcher. [00:38:10] Speaker E: What are you doing? [00:38:12] Speaker H: Pond watcher is going to take a javelin out and kind of, like, toss it into the middle of the pond. [00:38:20] Speaker E: Cool. [00:38:21] Speaker A: So you do you throw your javelin into the middle of the pond, and you see that it's only about 5ft in the middle. [00:38:29] Speaker E: 5Ft deep in the middle. [00:38:31] Speaker H: 5Ft deep in this room. [00:38:33] Speaker E: That's interesting. [00:38:34] Speaker A: That's a very deep I'm sorry. No, the puddle is 5ft deep. [00:38:40] Speaker H: No, I'm not. [00:38:41] Speaker A: And treated as a shallow bog. [00:38:42] Speaker E: Yeah. [00:38:42] Speaker A: No, I got confused. [00:38:45] Speaker H: Yeah. How long did the goblins say that they've been gone? [00:38:49] Speaker F: Weeks. [00:38:50] Speaker H: They're transforming this whole place. [00:38:52] Speaker C: It may have been like this before they left. [00:38:55] Speaker E: Yeah. [00:38:55] Speaker A: So the water is coming through a hole in the ceiling. [00:38:57] Speaker H: Gross. And nothing jumps out and eats my javelin or anything. [00:39:02] Speaker F: I would like to do an architecture lore. [00:39:05] Speaker E: All right, go ahead. [00:39:05] Speaker F: To try to figure out where the water might be coming from. [00:39:09] Speaker A: What's your knowledge or what's the bonus? [00:39:11] Speaker F: Plus five. [00:39:12] Speaker E: Cool. [00:39:13] Speaker A: So you can tell that this is an area that is under the dirt, like, it's not actually under any of the built citadel above it, and that this is coming in from a hole or some sort of hole where the natural water and rain is coming through. [00:39:34] Speaker F: Okay, so it's probably just groundwater. [00:39:35] Speaker A: Yeah, and it's worn away at the ceiling enough that it started to come through, because, remember, this is an abandoned citadel. It's no longer being kept up, and the water that's running through it has eroded some of the ceiling, and that's coming down through here, which has probably eroded some of the floor, which is why there's a five foot deep bog. [00:39:54] Speaker E: In the middle of it. [00:39:56] Speaker H: Assuming my javelin is floating on the surface of the water, I will fish it out with my helper without getting into the water. [00:40:02] Speaker E: Okay. [00:40:02] Speaker H: Learning my lesson from last time. [00:40:05] Speaker A: So as you pull your javelin out, you see that there is a small vial attached to the end of it where you threw it in. It's, like, sunk into, like, a cork. The javelin is in a cork, which has pulled out the rest of the vial. [00:40:25] Speaker H: Oh, I've gone fishing. What do you have there? It looks like a bottle of some sort. [00:40:32] Speaker E: There is liquid in there. [00:40:34] Speaker A: That is a hazy blue green color. [00:40:39] Speaker H: Seraya, do you know what this is? It seems to be a javelin bottle of some sort. [00:40:45] Speaker G: Give me a couple of moments. I'm sure I can figure it out. [00:40:48] Speaker E: How about a few bars? [00:40:49] Speaker G: Right, so roll crafting on that for Alchemy 27. [00:40:57] Speaker A: Wow, it is an invisibility potion. [00:41:01] Speaker D: I feel like the rogue should have that at some point. [00:41:05] Speaker F: I'm okay with that. [00:41:07] Speaker H: Pounded immediately. [00:41:09] Speaker E: Where'd he go? [00:41:09] Speaker F: Up here, pounds it immediately, and then punches someone. So it's wasted. [00:41:14] Speaker E: Yeah, it's gone. [00:41:15] Speaker D: That was a funny joke, Keith. Well, okay. [00:41:19] Speaker G: Well, do you want it now, or do you want me to keep it so I can reverse engineer it and we can make as many as we want? [00:41:25] Speaker F: Why don't you hold onto it for now? If something comes up where we think it's an immediate need, we can do it, we can use it. And if not, then I'm happy to have infinite potions over the course of fairly infinite over the course of time. [00:41:39] Speaker D: So is there anything else in this room? [00:41:42] Speaker A: No, this room is pretty empty. It looks like whatever you guys had come attack you earlier probably lived in here, but is now either stuck to the wall, decapitated, disemboweled, or something in that other room. [00:42:02] Speaker E: Someone want to check the other check. [00:42:05] Speaker H: The other playing my base. [00:42:07] Speaker E: The other room. [00:42:08] Speaker A: All right, so you guys go back down, you open the door to the east, and then you open the door to the north to open looks like a little hallway. [00:42:16] Speaker E: Yeah. [00:42:18] Speaker A: The furniture in this former bedroom is all askew, revealing a mountainlike pile in the center made up largely of garbage such as filthy clothes, chunks of rubble, and bent nails, though there are a few shining glints in the mix. On their southern wall, scrawled in a chunky substance in a childlike hand, are several words written that might be gibberish. [00:42:45] Speaker D: What language are they written in? [00:42:48] Speaker A: Draconic. [00:42:50] Speaker D: What does it say? [00:42:53] Speaker A: Beware mighty dragons and B-E-W-A-R-E-M-I-T-E-Y. [00:43:02] Speaker E: Space. [00:43:03] Speaker A: D-R-A-G-O-N-S. Exclamation point. [00:43:06] Speaker E: All in capital letters. [00:43:10] Speaker D: I'll have to get that again. [00:43:12] Speaker C: Mitey. [00:43:13] Speaker F: Yeah, somehow they've misspelled mighty in a cute way, but then did it in a different language. [00:43:22] Speaker E: It I don't know what's going on. [00:43:26] Speaker G: Yeah, they cutely. Misspelled it in draconic. Right. [00:43:29] Speaker I: But because the players don't speak Draconic yeah, okay. [00:43:34] Speaker C: We have a couple of people that speak Draconic. [00:43:36] Speaker E: Right. [00:43:36] Speaker G: Players, characters. [00:43:39] Speaker E: I see. Okay. [00:43:40] Speaker D: Can we perceive if there's anything important in this room? [00:43:44] Speaker E: Yes. [00:43:44] Speaker A: So you guys take some time to. [00:43:46] Speaker E: Search this room, and in that pile. [00:43:51] Speaker A: That mess, you find 15 gold. [00:43:56] Speaker F: Wow. [00:43:57] Speaker C: Damn. [00:43:57] Speaker E: Yeah. [00:43:58] Speaker A: And you notice in the eastern wall that some of the stones there have been smashed and that a rudimentary tunnel stretches about 3ft into the Earth beyond. [00:44:12] Speaker F: I guess this is them tunneling under our houses. [00:44:15] Speaker D: Well, shall we try to explore this. [00:44:17] Speaker F: Tunnel or yes, I shove silver into the three foot long tunnel. [00:44:22] Speaker G: Well, in the ten minutes that we're going through the pile, can I check out the chunky substance on the wall? [00:44:30] Speaker E: Sure. [00:44:31] Speaker F: I don't want to know what this is. [00:44:33] Speaker G: Well, okay. Was it like reddish and gross? [00:44:38] Speaker A: Yes. [00:44:39] Speaker G: Maybe I don't do that. [00:44:40] Speaker E: Maybe. [00:44:40] Speaker G: It's fairly obvious. [00:44:42] Speaker A: There is a smell coming from it. [00:44:45] Speaker E: Like feces, I was figuring like entrails? [00:44:48] Speaker A: No, feces. [00:44:51] Speaker F: Is this tunnel just red and gross? And also feces is even worse. [00:44:55] Speaker D: Yeah. Is this tunnel like complete and going someplace? [00:44:59] Speaker E: No, it just stops. [00:45:00] Speaker F: It's 3ft long. [00:45:02] Speaker A: Yeah, it's 3ft. [00:45:03] Speaker D: I thought 3ft wide. [00:45:04] Speaker G: You find hayworth in the Shawshank attempt. [00:45:06] Speaker E: Yeah. [00:45:07] Speaker A: You find some bent pipes and whatnot that? You can guess they were trying to use to dig a hole. [00:45:14] Speaker D: Okay, well, I don't know if these things are that intelligent, but. [00:45:20] Speaker I: Did we glean of where they came from? They said something about a mighty hole. [00:45:25] Speaker G: Glorious. [00:45:26] Speaker E: Glorious hole, glorious portal. [00:45:28] Speaker C: I think your guess that they were the Ayudara was probably correct. [00:45:32] Speaker D: I would venture to guess that they may not be intelligent enough, or at least their lackeys aren't enough to open this portal. So we're probably dealing with some high level magus or mage rather than magus. [00:45:48] Speaker E: As they say, a thousand monkeys over a thousand years. [00:45:53] Speaker D: This is true. [00:45:54] Speaker E: Write any book on accident? [00:45:57] Speaker C: Well, you actually an infinite number of monkeys over an infinite number of years. [00:46:00] Speaker A: But yes, but you also just within. [00:46:02] Speaker C: An infinite number of typewriters. [00:46:03] Speaker A: Well, there's no typewriters in this world. [00:46:04] Speaker G: Typewriters, but eventually scribe. [00:46:07] Speaker F: My point is that even a blind squirrel can find a nut sometimes. There is a possibility that they accidentally opened the portal yes. And went through it, because why not? [00:46:18] Speaker C: But then would they have that whole message of taking over and with the deity and all that kind of stuff? [00:46:24] Speaker F: But I'm saying it could have been a cult of this evil dragon god. I think Sareia said that that symbol specifically was a destruction version of on destruction and evil. [00:46:36] Speaker G: More so than the dragon bit. [00:46:39] Speaker E: Right. [00:46:39] Speaker F: So they could have just been worshipping it, been a cult somewhere else, gone through a portal, found what's literally like a castle that's empty. There's some goblins in it, chased them out, and maybe did a little recon, found out there was a human settle nearby. It's probably a lot easier pickings than the deep, dark jungles of the Wangi Expanse. [00:46:58] Speaker A: Twin Talon, can you give me a lore architecture role? [00:47:04] Speaker E: Yes. [00:47:06] Speaker C: Would a lore cantargo work here? [00:47:09] Speaker E: Not yet. [00:47:09] Speaker I: How about Lord Breach Hill? [00:47:11] Speaker E: Yes. [00:47:13] Speaker F: 17. [00:47:14] Speaker A: All right, I'll let the Lord Breach Hill come up as well. [00:47:17] Speaker I: 22. [00:47:18] Speaker E: Okay. [00:47:19] Speaker A: You both know that that hole is. [00:47:21] Speaker E: In the direction of Breach Hill. The three foot hole. [00:47:26] Speaker A: The three foot hole. [00:47:26] Speaker E: All right. So they started, like, day one. Yeah. [00:47:31] Speaker F: So I guess Twin Talon and Brandon. [00:47:33] Speaker E: Will meet each other's eyes and look. [00:47:34] Speaker F: At the hole and be like, it looks like they knew where they were going. [00:47:38] Speaker I: At least that my concern, is, if they used a portal of some kind, they must have a basis here as well as wherever they came from. Correct. So I'd be interested in finding it on this side and either disrupting it or at least marking where it is. [00:47:58] Speaker E: Yeah. [00:47:59] Speaker F: I think if I understand the Ayodaras correctly from the brief information that I was given, there is a gate on two sides that link a space. [00:48:09] Speaker E: Okay. [00:48:09] Speaker F: So I would assume that if they came from the Mwangi Expanse, through a glorious portal, there's probably one here too. I don't know if it's still open. I don't really understand how the Iodora work. I just kind of have a vague idea of two points being connected over a long distance. [00:48:22] Speaker I: Point being it is a security concern. [00:48:25] Speaker F: Absolutely. [00:48:26] Speaker I: And we should at least keep an eye out for it. [00:48:29] Speaker C: And Kelmod also seemed to believe that there was some type of portal here as well. And that would match up well with the fact that there is a portal here that's linked to the Moangi expanse. And also the fact that they knew the direction that they're headed in, as you said, kind of leads us to believe more that it wasn't a happy accident, that they came here with a specific goal in mind, and that is. [00:48:55] Speaker E: To head towards Breach Hill. [00:48:56] Speaker F: I would disagree. I think that they could come here on accident survey the surrounding area. We're only a couple of hours away. They could see that there's a town, and they could figure, for whatever reason, that digging under the town up would be easier, or more surprising, at least, than attacking a town straight on. I don't know how many there are, but if there were, like, ten of them, for instance, the guards are eventually going to kill them all. So if they attack one at a time under houses, it would be way easier. [00:49:27] Speaker I: He said there were many. There were almost legion. [00:49:30] Speaker F: Yeah, but who knows what their concept of numbers is? Or most of them could be on. [00:49:37] Speaker E: The other side of the gate, and. [00:49:38] Speaker F: They could be trying to figure out. [00:49:39] Speaker E: How to open it back up. [00:49:40] Speaker I: Either way, I'd rather err on the side of caution than simply wave this. [00:49:44] Speaker F: Off as a no. I absolutely agree. We should do something about the gate. You're absolutely right. Kalmot wanted to sell the location of Estella's ring. [00:49:52] Speaker I: Yes. [00:49:53] Speaker F: Estella's ring is not here. We know where Estella's ring is from vaz's notes, and it's elsewhere. Or the place that she thought it was was elsewhere, which could mean that there's a gate here could take them. [00:50:05] Speaker G: He wanted to find the gate here that would take him to Estella's ring. [00:50:08] Speaker E: It could be, but I think that. [00:50:11] Speaker F: The gate here probably goes to Estella's ring, and then that goes to the Wangi Expanse, which means they could be. [00:50:15] Speaker G: In other locations by now, doing the same thing. [00:50:17] Speaker F: Right, which maybe then it's not an accident. Or maybe they accidentally figured it out. [00:50:21] Speaker G: And now they know, and now they're just taking advantage. [00:50:23] Speaker D: Yeah, well, what's for sure is that we still got more of this dungeon to explore. [00:50:28] Speaker E: I'm surprised you're still here. [00:50:32] Speaker D: I'm trying to keep a man in my word and keep an eye on the king who is promised over here. He asked me not to charge blindly in as much as I desire to. I'm waiting for my companions. [00:50:48] Speaker A: All right, so you guys have explored the entire section of the map that you have been given. [00:50:53] Speaker H: Mission accomplished. [00:50:56] Speaker F: Bench, put a bomber jacket on. We're done. [00:50:58] Speaker A: So you head back to the quote unquote main entranceway, and something occurs to you. The door that you guys came in through is a secret door. [00:51:08] Speaker E: Not everyone could find it. [00:51:12] Speaker A: You also know that the stairs you see the stairs have collapsed to get. [00:51:16] Speaker E: Up, and oh, do we know that? Yeah. [00:51:19] Speaker C: Wait, is that since we've come down here, they've collapsed? [00:51:22] Speaker A: No, you saw they were collapsed upstairs. With the knowledge of architecture that you have twin talon. You saw that the stairs up at. [00:51:31] Speaker E: The front here are also collapsed. [00:51:33] Speaker F: Oh, I just heard you say that there were rubble. I didn't catch there's a staircase. [00:51:37] Speaker A: Staircase that collapsed. [00:51:38] Speaker F: Okay, then that makes a lot more sense. [00:51:39] Speaker E: Yeah. [00:51:40] Speaker A: So they may have come in through. [00:51:41] Speaker E: The top stairs collapse because of the. [00:51:44] Speaker A: Dragon corgis and they were stuck and. [00:51:47] Speaker E: They couldn't find their way out. That's true. That makes a lot of sense too. [00:51:50] Speaker A: So now you have a decision to make. [00:51:52] Speaker E: Do you go south to the other. [00:51:59] Speaker A: Side and explore over there or do. [00:52:01] Speaker E: You go east beyond the three doors that you see? [00:52:04] Speaker D: I want to say east, I want to say east. [00:52:07] Speaker G: You will clear it out directionally. [00:52:08] Speaker E: That's fine. [00:52:09] Speaker F: Just be aware that that's where I believe was it Utemed that discovered that the jotnus cube went that way? [00:52:15] Speaker C: Yes, I did notice that it was heading in the eastern direction and there. [00:52:19] Speaker E: Was no sign of it that it. [00:52:20] Speaker F: Squeezed through any of the small portals on the sides. So if we're going to go take a left and go east, I would advise anyone in the front to be very cautious. [00:52:27] Speaker E: All right. [00:52:28] Speaker F: Because if I remember correctly, they're hard to see, especially in the dark. [00:52:33] Speaker E: Yes, what we were talking about I'm sorry, I'm kidding, just walk ahead with your Halberd. [00:52:40] Speaker D: Who wants to take point on this then? [00:52:42] Speaker E: Yeah, I can do that. [00:52:45] Speaker H: I don't want to get this in a cube, so I will flip it around and aim the heft. [00:52:50] Speaker G: Since we know it was a gelatinous cube, can we recall knowledge about it before we encounter it? [00:52:56] Speaker E: That's a great suggestion and that's what we'll do. Yeah, go ahead. [00:53:01] Speaker F: Which knowledge is it? [00:53:03] Speaker D: And in second edition Pathfinder, ten foot pole is no longer a thing. [00:53:08] Speaker A: No, it is not. [00:53:09] Speaker E: All poles are five foot or less. [00:53:12] Speaker D: That makes me sad. [00:53:13] Speaker F: It's regulations. [00:53:15] Speaker A: Occultism. [00:53:17] Speaker D: I have a cult. [00:53:18] Speaker F: Untrained or no? [00:53:18] Speaker A: Yeah, it's recall knowledge. [00:53:19] Speaker E: You can always do a recall knowledge untrained. [00:53:22] Speaker C: Whopping four. Try to beat that. [00:53:25] Speaker E: 1622, I got a six. Depending what soraya does maybe everybody beat that twelve. [00:53:34] Speaker A: So 22. You know that gelatinous cubes are transparent. [00:53:42] Speaker E: And you will need to make a. [00:53:43] Speaker A: Perception check to notice a stationary cube. You know that they are immune to almost everything acid, critical hits, mental precision, unconsciousness and visual effects. And you know that they are resistant to electricity but not cold or fire. [00:54:04] Speaker H: Oh yeah, that one. [00:54:05] Speaker E: Yeah. [00:54:06] Speaker G: Okay, I mean I can do both. [00:54:07] Speaker D: But all right, so pond washers in front. [00:54:10] Speaker I: Would you rather I in front since. [00:54:12] Speaker G: I have a shield? [00:54:13] Speaker H: Well, I was thinking I hold Halbert out in front of me and maybe it pokes the thing if we get too close. [00:54:18] Speaker E: So which door are you guys going through? [00:54:20] Speaker A: There's three doors. [00:54:21] Speaker H: Can it open doors? [00:54:22] Speaker E: Oh wow. [00:54:24] Speaker D: Okay, I feel like it's cubed. [00:54:26] Speaker H: How's it going to open a door? It must be before the doors. [00:54:29] Speaker D: Let's start left. Get this thing clockwise. [00:54:34] Speaker H: I don't know, I'm walking with my Halbert like this. It's 5ft long from the it's also. [00:54:41] Speaker C: Possible that it actually was east of where we started along that long hall. It may not. So we're a little bit to the north of that now. So it might actually be, like, maybe we're not in its path. Maybe it went up that big hallway and then passed into that area that we haven't seen yet. [00:54:58] Speaker F: Right, but to Richard's point, there are three doors that way, which is where we are now. The rooms we were in, we made a left going east down the hallway. We came to three doors. We didn't hit a cube. Which means that either it can open doors and then close them, or it somehow has bypassed the door. [00:55:20] Speaker E: Oh, so our pawns do not represent. [00:55:23] Speaker A: Where we're at right now? [00:55:24] Speaker E: No. [00:55:25] Speaker C: Okay, I see. [00:55:25] Speaker E: Okay. [00:55:26] Speaker A: So I ask again, which door are we opening? [00:55:30] Speaker D: I say the one on the farthest left, just so we can get things clockwise. [00:55:35] Speaker E: All right. [00:55:35] Speaker A: Is that good for everyone? [00:55:37] Speaker E: All right, fine by me. [00:55:40] Speaker A: This entry hall is still decorated with the remnants of homages to the Order of the Nail's most storied deeds. Tall paintings, many of which are damaged but still recognizable, depict Hell Knights gaining the upper hand in clashes with bandits, opposing armies, and terrible monsters. [00:56:02] Speaker E: Oh, my man Alec would have loved this. [00:56:06] Speaker C: Timid'S a little sad when he hears that. [00:56:08] Speaker E: SurreyA. [00:56:09] Speaker G: Yes. [00:56:09] Speaker A: Give me a crafting check, please. [00:56:12] Speaker E: Oh, dear. God damn it. [00:56:13] Speaker G: I just can't roll today, like, physically accomplish it. [00:56:16] Speaker E: 23. [00:56:17] Speaker A: You notice that there is still one painting in this room that is not terribly damaged. It's probably worth about 25 gold if you take it down. [00:56:27] Speaker E: Jeez. And you notice the signature on the painting is R stegrim. [00:56:35] Speaker I: Do you relay that? [00:56:36] Speaker A: R. Stegman? [00:56:39] Speaker E: R Stragman? Yes. Is the artist. [00:56:42] Speaker I: And what was the depiction of? [00:56:44] Speaker E: It depicts three Hell Knights battling a black dragon in an ominous swamp. [00:56:52] Speaker A: A fourth Hell Knight leaps from the. [00:56:53] Speaker E: Rise behind the dragon with her halberd. [00:56:56] Speaker A: Raised, ready to bear down on the dragon's back, while robed Hell Knights in. [00:57:00] Speaker E: The background attempt to attend to a wounded knight in the corner of the painting. The artist assigned their name r. Stegman. How big is this painting? That is a busy composition. Yeah. [00:57:14] Speaker A: It's going to take about 20 minutes. [00:57:15] Speaker E: To take this down. [00:57:16] Speaker F: It's an eight by eleven foot. Yeah, eight and a half by eleven inches. [00:57:21] Speaker G: Little coaster. [00:57:22] Speaker E: Yeah. [00:57:23] Speaker A: No, if you guys want to take it down without damaging it more so. [00:57:27] Speaker E: You could sell it for the gold. [00:57:29] Speaker A: It will take about 20 minutes. [00:57:31] Speaker E: Do we want it? [00:57:32] Speaker C: Do we want to sell it, or do we want to send it to. [00:57:36] Speaker E: Alex family's place. [00:57:42] Speaker G: As an apology for their sundae? [00:57:44] Speaker C: Well, isn't that what he came here for? [00:57:46] Speaker F: He came here for a ring and. [00:57:48] Speaker G: A ring and a weapon. [00:57:49] Speaker E: Oh, never mind, then. You're right. [00:57:51] Speaker F: He was going to loot the crypt with the weapon. [00:57:54] Speaker G: He was looking for heirlooms in general. [00:57:56] Speaker I: Well, this seems but this is this is an heirloom. I mean, it is completely it's not. [00:58:03] Speaker G: My aesthetic, to be honest. [00:58:06] Speaker I: Well, I think transporting something this large. [00:58:08] Speaker E: Might be a bit if we're going. [00:58:10] Speaker G: To defeat it, I think we should come back for it. [00:58:12] Speaker E: It's trash. [00:58:13] Speaker I: It's history. [00:58:14] Speaker E: Is it though? [00:58:15] Speaker C: But it's not architecture. [00:58:17] Speaker H: I think it's pretty cool. You got the dragon being hit with a halberd. I like it. I put above my bed if I had a bed, but I don't. [00:58:24] Speaker G: Do you not have a bed? [00:58:25] Speaker H: I'm homeless. Yes, but you know, I have provide. [00:58:28] Speaker E: You with a home. [00:58:29] Speaker G: Seray's eyes. Listen up over the bed sharing trope. [00:58:34] Speaker H: We don't have time to get into every little thing. But it's badass painting. [00:58:38] Speaker A: So there's a door to the east and to the southeast. [00:58:43] Speaker E: Okay, the east. Do we hear anything? [00:58:46] Speaker H: No, still quiet. [00:58:47] Speaker E: Still quiet. [00:58:48] Speaker H: I'm just going to open the next door. [00:58:50] Speaker A: Which one? There's two options. The east or the southeast? [00:58:52] Speaker H: East. [00:58:53] Speaker E: East. [00:58:53] Speaker F: The one at the very end of. [00:58:54] Speaker E: The room, I guess. Okay. [00:58:57] Speaker H: Nothing bad will happen. [00:58:58] Speaker A: Empty weapon racks line the walls of this room. Repair forges, long since abandoned and cold, sit in a lonely row toward the. [00:59:06] Speaker E: Back, along with a crude lean to seemingly made from bits of rope and ripped leather. [00:59:13] Speaker A: As you walk in there, you hear. [00:59:21] Speaker E: What was that? And from out from the lean to pop two cobalt's. [00:59:30] Speaker H: Tiny dragon people. [00:59:31] Speaker F: I'm excited to see what cobalt look. [00:59:33] Speaker E: Like in second edition. [00:59:34] Speaker A: Well, I have a picture. [00:59:35] Speaker E: Hold on. Yay. [00:59:37] Speaker I: And remember, any visuals that we may present here will be shown on the website. [00:59:43] Speaker C: And what's that website again? [00:59:44] Speaker E: It is and they are property of Piso Publishing. Yes. [00:59:49] Speaker F: As they cobalt's look way more adorable. Although this one has two eyes pointing in opposite directions. [00:59:57] Speaker E: Is it a chameleon? [00:59:58] Speaker F: Like he was kicked in the head? [00:59:59] Speaker C: No, it looks like lizard. [01:00:01] Speaker A: It looks like a as they pop out. [01:00:04] Speaker E: As they pop out. [01:00:06] Speaker A: One of them bears a dagger and the other holds a staff up. [01:00:09] Speaker E: And in loud booming voices they cry behold us mighty dragons. Oh, I look at pond watcher. We are dragons and want your meats. They're so cute. [01:00:24] Speaker H: Pond watcher seeds. He's not sure what to do after. [01:00:31] Speaker G: Actually looking at the picture. [01:00:33] Speaker E: Can I see? [01:00:35] Speaker F: Look at the eyes on the red one directions. [01:00:38] Speaker C: So these little lizard guys come out. [01:00:41] Speaker E: And they're up one's down, and they're. [01:00:43] Speaker C: Screaming at us to behold the mighty dragons. [01:00:47] Speaker F: And they want our meats. [01:00:48] Speaker H: Hail mighty dragons. [01:00:50] Speaker G: Okay, what's either like small creatures or. [01:00:52] Speaker E: They are cobals are generally small. [01:00:55] Speaker A: They tiny. Wait, no, sorry, wrong monsters. [01:01:00] Speaker E: Small. [01:01:00] Speaker A: They are small. [01:01:01] Speaker E: Tiny. Oh my god. They're small and they're looking at you. Hello. [01:01:07] Speaker G: You're so adorable. [01:01:08] Speaker E: How are you doing today? We are dragons. [01:01:12] Speaker G: She'll repeat the same thing in Draconic. Even though they're speaking common. [01:01:15] Speaker C: Are they speaking common? [01:01:16] Speaker A: Very broken common. [01:01:18] Speaker E: Okay. Twin talon would like to look at their feet. Good point. They have clawed feet. [01:01:23] Speaker F: Do they look like they could have. [01:01:25] Speaker E: Made the footprints out front. Yes, well done. [01:01:28] Speaker H: I'm not sure that you are a dragon, but if you are, today is a very bad day for you. [01:01:33] Speaker E: Pond Watcher. [01:01:35] Speaker C: Hold on there for a moment, please. [01:01:37] Speaker H: I would assume dragon is bigger, but perhaps this is baby. [01:01:41] Speaker D: They are not dragons. [01:01:42] Speaker E: There was no oh, we are very strong and mighty dragons as they are. [01:01:46] Speaker A: Hitting themselves to the chest. In their chest. Do you think that the room that had all of the bobbles and bits and that beware Mighty Dragons was probably their dragon horde? [01:02:00] Speaker I: Brianna is going to take one of the rations from her pack, be like, oh, mighty dragons, please accept my offering of meats. [01:02:09] Speaker G: Do they react if I repeat it in draconic? It's the same tone and everything. So excited, so happy, but just like I don't know, I don't speak Klingon and I highly doubt there's a word for adorable. [01:02:22] Speaker F: Twin Talon is definitely keeping an eye on Pond watcher. Just like watching the steam rise up off of him. [01:02:28] Speaker E: Yeah, no, he's going to take his. [01:02:29] Speaker F: Cue from what to do from whether. [01:02:31] Speaker E: Pond Watcher freaks out or not. [01:02:33] Speaker C: Well, no, I think Timid and Twin Talon kind of maybe meet eyes and we kind of nod each other and stand somewhat in between Pond Watcher and these guys because he might come attack these things, but I don't think that that's the prudent thing to do at the moment. [01:02:50] Speaker E: Yeah, twin Talon will kind of stand. [01:02:53] Speaker C: Temid's definitely going to do that. Temid's definitely going to stand. Try to interpose himself between Nonchalantly, of. [01:02:58] Speaker F: Course, and Twin Talon will stand kind of to the side and just slightly behind Pond Watcher. But he'll put his hand on his. [01:03:03] Speaker E: Shoulder, kind of reassuringly. [01:03:05] Speaker A: So as the rations are offered, they. [01:03:09] Speaker E: Come up and take it and say, we bestow upon you a blessing. [01:03:14] Speaker A: And they kind of like BOP you. Not hard, but like bonk. [01:03:21] Speaker E: Bonk. Yeah, they bonk you. [01:03:23] Speaker I: Thank you, Mighty Dragons. [01:03:26] Speaker G: And she'll slowly look over her shoulder at Pond Watcher and be like, they're. [01:03:31] Speaker E: Not dragons, it's okay. So what are two mighty dragons such as yourselves doing here? You see their brow furrow? Those evil creatures that worship the wrong dragons have kicked us out of our lair. Wait, was the tunnel yours? No. [01:03:56] Speaker G: Okay, that was definitely that. I just wanted to check. [01:03:58] Speaker F: So do you know the bramblebrasher goblins? [01:04:01] Speaker E: Yeah, they live next door. They're okay, they're kind of nice. They keep us not really a big. [01:04:08] Speaker A: Deal that we don't bother them, they. [01:04:10] Speaker E: Don'T bother us, we share food sometimes. It's a nice relationship. [01:04:14] Speaker F: Okay, so these are one of the original inhabitants before the cult. [01:04:17] Speaker E: But Mighty Dragon, can you believe that they would look upon us and they worship dragon, they worship dahawk. They do not worship us. They say, we are not dragons. Can you believe such a slight to two such as us? Yes. [01:04:36] Speaker C: Well, mighty dragons we have. [01:04:40] Speaker D: I can't believe it, considering how bad cults are. [01:04:45] Speaker G: Oh yes, cults. Cults believe very specifically in only one thing. [01:04:50] Speaker C: We have cleared your lair, almighty dragons. If you wish to return. [01:04:56] Speaker H: Yeah, Pond Watcher will drop the head that he cut off as a Boggard from before. [01:05:01] Speaker E: Excellent. We accept your offering, tall one. Addressing Pond watcher. [01:05:08] Speaker C: And then now Temid kind of looks at him and kind of like makes eye contact and shakes his head and mouths not dragons. [01:05:17] Speaker H: I find it offensive that you would venerate I find it offensive that they. [01:05:21] Speaker E: Would not worship us as well. [01:05:23] Speaker G: Right, thank you for very eloquent broken comment. [01:05:26] Speaker E: Thank you for slaying these non believers. We shall make you the highest rank non dragon we can. What would that be? We'll figure that out later. Seren is so smitten. [01:05:44] Speaker F: What are your names? [01:05:45] Speaker I: Just going to ask that. [01:05:47] Speaker F: How should we refer to you? [01:05:48] Speaker C: Mighty and dragon? [01:05:49] Speaker E: No, my name is the mighty PIB. And that PIB is a the green one. The green one. Did he make a soda? No. And I am the mighty Zarf. The red one. [01:06:10] Speaker F: Is he looking at me? [01:06:15] Speaker D: Remind me to tell you a story. [01:06:16] Speaker E: About the origins of these things, Pond Watcher. Now, since you have graced us with both two offerings, the head of our enemies and food. And you have cleared our horde of the creatures in there, we shall now retire back to our horde. But first we must give you a gift. Now, since you must be new here, into our lair of our dragon lair, you are currently in like a big circle area. Yes. If you go back out on the other side, there's more things. There's paintings and whatnot? Ghost side? Middle there's a big desk, really nice, highly recommend it. Now if you go further in, be very careful as they have been raising up in the crypts. Oh, what have these ghosts done? Almighty Zarf. Thank you. He's actually PIB. I don't care. [01:07:24] Speaker G: I'm addressing the two of them. [01:07:26] Speaker E: They have a lady came running through here, tall, pale ears like you, and she gestures to SurreyA. [01:07:39] Speaker I: An eleven woman. [01:07:41] Speaker E: Do we know that? [01:07:42] Speaker D: Oh, the yeah, the woman was an elf. [01:07:45] Speaker E: Okay. [01:07:47] Speaker C: And she ran in that direction, she. [01:07:48] Speaker E: Ran through there and I heard the rattling of bones after her. [01:07:53] Speaker F: Did you see the undead or just hear them? [01:07:56] Speaker E: We just heard them. No, we were not hiding. What's the word otherwise occupied. [01:08:03] Speaker A: Yes, observing. [01:08:05] Speaker E: Observing from a yes, observing from a distance. [01:08:10] Speaker C: To be clear, it sounded as though there were rattling bones chasing after this Elven woman. [01:08:15] Speaker E: Yes. [01:08:16] Speaker I: We must put these bones to rest then. [01:08:18] Speaker E: It could be someone with a Xylophone. [01:08:20] Speaker I: Either way, it is something impersonating the undead. [01:08:23] Speaker E: We need to put it down forever. All right. Well, Bib and Zarf stay safe, I guess. We are mighty dragons. Of course we will be safe. [01:08:38] Speaker G: Now, you said you owed us a gift. [01:08:40] Speaker E: Yes, I told you. [01:08:41] Speaker A: What the way around. [01:08:42] Speaker G: Oh, well, I was going to ask if there was something if I exchange with you something perhaps more glittery or shiny than something in your horde. [01:08:49] Speaker E: May have something from it. I will taking it. [01:08:51] Speaker G: At least not without replacing it. [01:08:52] Speaker E: I'm sorry, what? Sounds like making, like, a throat noise. You want to give us more things for our horde? Of course, if we can exchange them. Exchange for something in our horde? Yes. Sure. [01:09:05] Speaker G: I will give you shiny things okay. [01:09:08] Speaker E: In exchange for one of the paintings. Okay, that fair. That sounds fair. [01:09:16] Speaker G: Any of the small silver things that no one can use or like, the daggers? [01:09:20] Speaker C: The silver daggers still cost quite a. [01:09:23] Speaker D: Bit of yeah, they're worth a lot of money. [01:09:25] Speaker C: A shiny copper. [01:09:27] Speaker E: I don't know. [01:09:30] Speaker G: A handful of silver. [01:09:31] Speaker E: No, we take out a couple of copper. [01:09:35] Speaker C: A couple of us cast light on it. Now, they're super shiny. [01:09:38] Speaker G: That's mean because it'll wear off. [01:09:40] Speaker E: I took their horde already. [01:09:42] Speaker D: Yeah, we took it already. [01:09:43] Speaker E: All of it? Yeah. [01:09:45] Speaker F: I'm like don't mention the horde. It's not there anymore. [01:09:49] Speaker C: No. [01:09:50] Speaker H: 15 gold. [01:09:51] Speaker C: Let's roll back a little bit. [01:09:53] Speaker G: Well, why don't we just offer them, like, five gold? [01:09:56] Speaker C: No, be like, Yo, those guys stole. [01:09:59] Speaker A: So no, remember there was a mound. [01:10:02] Speaker E: Of stuff there in that mound. Gold was like after you searched through. [01:10:08] Speaker A: That mound, you found 15 gold. [01:10:10] Speaker C: It wasn't, like, the valuable things. That doesn't mean that they find that value. [01:10:14] Speaker A: Correct. [01:10:15] Speaker E: Okay, so you know what? [01:10:16] Speaker C: I think it's fair payment for giving them their home back. [01:10:21] Speaker H: There's a bunch of whips in there. [01:10:23] Speaker C: What about some nay? [01:10:24] Speaker E: Nays? [01:10:27] Speaker G: Whips and sickles. [01:10:28] Speaker E: Yes. [01:10:28] Speaker D: All right. [01:10:29] Speaker E: Whipsicles. Yeah, you could take a whip and. [01:10:32] Speaker F: Tie a sickle to the end of it. [01:10:34] Speaker E: That is a brilliant idea. [01:10:36] Speaker F: And you should practice when we are not here and also far away from each other. [01:10:41] Speaker E: Yes, of course. I mean, we already know how to do such things. We have great ancient dragon knowledge. [01:10:47] Speaker G: Oh, yes, I'm sure. Very powerful dragons of yourselves. [01:10:49] Speaker E: Thank you for your time. I appreciate everything you have done for us, and we you should appreciate everything we have done for you. [01:10:58] Speaker C: We certainly do. [01:10:58] Speaker E: We will see you later. And they kind of waddle out. [01:11:08] Speaker C: Somebody just hold, like, grabs her by the scruff of her. [01:11:13] Speaker A: Jasper. Flies and grabs your no jasper absolutely. [01:11:18] Speaker G: Flies over and studies them. [01:11:20] Speaker E: Well pawn watcher. [01:11:23] Speaker D: Those were called cobalt's, and they were commonly believed to be created after a dragon had a drunken weekend and let off some steam in a moment of epic. [01:11:33] Speaker E: Hmm. [01:11:34] Speaker H: I don't really like them. Also, they're colored like the bad evil dragons, not like the good ones. So whatever. They seem like stupid children or something. So, yes, let this one slide. [01:11:48] Speaker G: That's a common for orphan bastard idiots. [01:11:50] Speaker F: They're like scaly goblins more than anything else. [01:11:54] Speaker E: And, Pawnwatcher, I'm very proud of your. [01:11:56] Speaker C: Ability to hold back your emotion there. [01:11:58] Speaker E: I'm quite pleased with how well you did. [01:12:01] Speaker D: Just be grateful they didn't insult him or let the challenge go untested there. [01:12:06] Speaker H: Yeah, they were just so small, it threw me off. I thought I was suddenly very large or something, and they had little hands and daggers and stuff and whatever. I don't know. [01:12:19] Speaker A: So there's a door to the southwest. [01:12:23] Speaker F: I would just like to verify that there's nothing you said there's, like, forges and things like that. [01:12:26] Speaker E: Yes. [01:12:27] Speaker A: These are long, cold forges. [01:12:28] Speaker F: I just want to just scour it. [01:12:30] Speaker E: Very quickly for any weapons that might be left. Over there was that room that had. [01:12:34] Speaker F: A sword behind a table that Sareia found. [01:12:40] Speaker A: After about 15 minutes of searching, you find three jars of alchemist fire. [01:12:46] Speaker C: Oh, crap. Nice work. [01:12:47] Speaker A: I will handle lesser alchemist fire, just so you know. [01:12:50] Speaker E: Thank you. Because out of character bombs are like. [01:12:53] Speaker F: Their own weapon, or, like, throw weapons with their own weapon, and nobody's proficient with them except for alchemists. [01:12:59] Speaker E: Unless you take yeah, like take that split that thing. [01:13:03] Speaker G: I think there were a couple of other random alchemical bombs that we discovered. [01:13:07] Speaker A: There's a tangle foot bag, for sure. [01:13:08] Speaker G: Tangle foot bag. I think there was, like, a thunderstone or something. [01:13:11] Speaker F: Yeah, it was bottled lighting. I kept that one just in case. [01:13:14] Speaker E: I needed something else, but okay. Yeah. All right. I'll give you the ammunition because you'll. [01:13:20] Speaker F: Use it way better than anybody else will. [01:13:21] Speaker C: So are we moving which direction now? [01:13:24] Speaker A: So there's the door you guys came. [01:13:25] Speaker E: Through, or there's a door to the southwest. [01:13:28] Speaker H: We should have asked them about the. [01:13:30] Speaker E: Creepy cube, but they're not dead, so. [01:13:33] Speaker F: I don't think they know where it is. They did say there's a desk in here that they would recommend five stars. [01:13:37] Speaker E: On Yelp, so I think hey, Silver. [01:13:40] Speaker H: There'S a good desk in this room right here. [01:13:42] Speaker D: Well, I'm going to have to look at that desk. [01:13:45] Speaker H: Let him open the door. He loves it. [01:13:47] Speaker D: I have to examine the wood quality of this desk. [01:13:51] Speaker E: All right. Oh, man. [01:13:52] Speaker C: What's Aaron's second character going to be? [01:13:53] Speaker A: All right, so you open the door. [01:13:55] Speaker F: To the skeleton inside of a July's. [01:13:57] Speaker E: Cube to the southwest, and you see. [01:14:02] Speaker A: A shattered table stretches across the center. [01:14:04] Speaker E: Of the room, while broken chairs, moldy. [01:14:07] Speaker A: Books, and general detritus litter the floor. Two bodies appear to be froglike humanoids, lie sprawled on the floor near the. [01:14:16] Speaker E: Center of the room. [01:14:18] Speaker A: Of the several doors that provide exits. [01:14:22] Speaker E: From this room, the one to the. [01:14:24] Speaker A: West and southwest hang wide open. [01:14:26] Speaker F: So the one from the west is. [01:14:28] Speaker E: The one that faces toward the exit? Yes, the middle one. Sorry. [01:14:34] Speaker F: So that was open when we came. [01:14:35] Speaker A: It was a jar. [01:14:36] Speaker E: Yes. Okay. [01:14:37] Speaker A: Sorry. [01:14:38] Speaker E: That would be possibly indicative of something else being in here. Yeah. Can I toss southwest is that way. [01:14:47] Speaker D: Toss a rock at where the bodies are sure. [01:14:50] Speaker E: Does anything happen? [01:14:51] Speaker A: You toss the rock and it hits the wall and slides down like normal. [01:14:56] Speaker D: Okay, well, gelatinous cubes are often visible. [01:14:59] Speaker E: Maybe it was there. I don't know. Just then oh, you hear a tiny voice coming from the corner as if a child were speaking. [01:15:12] Speaker D: Oh, creepy child. [01:15:13] Speaker E: I don't even know what it says yet. Take me with you, creepy child. Take me with you. No. Creepy. And then you hear it echoed from another corner. Oh, shit. Take me with you. And you see two tiny dolls stagger. [01:15:30] Speaker A: Out, even creepier coming towards you. [01:15:33] Speaker E: Oh, no. Super creepy. Yes. [01:15:35] Speaker A: And we'll deal with the creepy children later. [01:15:39] Speaker B: What will happen next? Will our heroes find and defeat the mysterious laughing dolls? Will the mighty dragons have to come to their aid? Will Pond Watcher completely lose his head and go after the tiny cobalt? Find out the answers to this and more questions on the next episode of The Cracked Die Podcast. And now a word from our sponsors. [01:16:09] Speaker E: Is the cold month of Abedias getting you down? Do you feel like one more day of snow will just send you off to meet the lady of Graves? Is plowing so your cart can make it down the road just killing your back? [01:16:25] Speaker G: Well, come down to lovely, warm Catapesh. Catapesh, a city of mystery and enchantment. From exotic pizzas to exotic animals, you can find whatever you'd like here in Catapesh. We have lovely views of the Brazen Peak Mountains. We have arid deserts. Come take a dip in the Obari ocean. Whatever you're looking for, look no further than Cataphese. [01:16:57] Speaker A: Thank you for listening to the Crackdye Podcast. Background sound effects provided by Sirenscape. Because epic games deserve epic music, please visit [email protected]. Pathfinder second edition, Age of Ashes, Adventure, Path are all copyright of Piso Publishing. Please visit [email protected] for more information.

Other Episodes

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Episode 38

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The Cracked Die Podcast - Episode 110 - Let's Go Fly a Kite

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Episode 50

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The Cracked Die Podcast - Episode 120 - Stand By Me

Game and Adventure Path by Paizo Publishing- Background music provided by Tabletop Audio - Theme music by Angelo Di Loreto -
