Latest Episodes

The Cracked Die Podcast - Episode 214 - Fight Fire With Fire
Still in the belly of the beast, (so to speak) the party is pushed beyond their limits while experiencing excruciating burning. Will they pull...

The Cracked Die Podcast - Episode 213 - Tears Of The Dragon
Hoo boy it's hot in here, innit? We're also very good at stirring a hornet nest...a dragon nest? You get what I mean. Our...

The Cracked Die Podcast - Episode 212 - Heart of a Dragon
Who knew that Matt was right all along and Dahak wouldn't be the only dragon we'd have to face in this adventure!? We were...

The Cracked Die Podcast - Episode 211 - I Feel The Earth Move
Welp. It really does look like we're tunnelling to the center of the earth and have finally hit magma. And maybe, just maybe, Matt...

The Cracked Die Podcast - Episode 210 - Fireball
Hotter and hotter, further down we go! The gang has no time to think, just finding the next big bad, and the next!Game and...

The Cracked Die Podcast - Episode 209 - Can't Touch This
Hoo boy it really does feel like we're climbing deeper and deeper into the belly of the beast! A lava beast? Something hot for...