Latest Episodes

The Cracked Die Podcast - Ep 219 - Paint It Black
Happy Independence Day to our American community members! Looks like the gang can't seem to catch a break as it often happens right out...

The Cracked Die Podcast - Ep 218 - Just Dance
New book, who's this? We're so excited to be stepping into the fifth book in this AP and, as it usually is the case...

The Cracked Die Podcast - Episode 217 - On The Road Again
Wahoo! Happy start of Season 6, friends! Thank you so much for sticking with us for so long!The gang spends another 4-6 months in...

The Cracked Die Podcast - Ep 216 - I Know There's An Answer
Holy crapoli friends, we're officially at the Q&A portion of our show and the end of Season 5! If you haven't gotten a chance...

The Cracked Die Podcast - Episode 215a - Ain't No Rest For The Wicked
While our heroes may be healing their wounds and resting after such a dark, cavernous, and dangerous adventure, it seems evil never rests.Please enjoy...

The Cracked Die Podcast - Episode 215 - End of the Season
The title DOES give it away, but does it give away whether or not Kradolai the Dalos joins the team back in the citadel?...