Latest Episodes

The Cracked Die Podcast - Episode 196a - Explosions in the Sky
Please enjoy this minisode written, performed, and produced by Sean!Game and Adventure Path by Paizo Publishing- Background music provided by Syrinscape - ...

The Cracked Die Podcast - Episode 196 - Rock and a Hard Place
Welp, we're back with our nerds and it seems like they may just only squeak by AT BEST with these golems and scary undead...

The Cracked Die Podcast - Episode 195a - Party
Ohoho! It seems we have a fifth and final voice to the menagerie of...possibly new characters? This rabble-rousing Bramblebrasher (say that five times fast)...

Podcast Shutdown
In light of the atrocities happening in Gaza, we've joined Shut It Down For Palestine. The Cracked Die Network has always stood by...

The Cracked Die Podcast - Episode 195 - We Will Rock You
Welcome to a full combat episode where our fiercesome fivesome are still battling Golems and terrifyingly large skeleton creatures. This...isn't looking great for them! ...

The Cracked Die Podcast - Episode 194 - Guts Over Fear
Boy oh boy do our favourite five seem to get in trouble time and time again. This time they're up against the two golems...